The reality is Barack Hussein Obama's birth mother, actually was a product of the Comfort Woman, or the mistress prostitution of Asia.
She is nameless like thousands preyed upon, but became who she was for the simple reason, she became pregnant and upon having a little girl, in order to make a living, she was recruited into the Hawaiian communist prostitution ring of Sugarland in Lederer's Bar.
Her family though was of the Soetoro lineage, and is why her daughter would be adopted by her Uncle in Lolo Soetoro and why Barry Soebarkah would also be given the Soetoro name, as both children were of these lines.
The grand hope of this oil rich Muslim nation of Indonesia, was the Dunahm's would shepherd a next dictator to tap into all that Saddam Hussein type billions for plunder. This is why the adoptive mum, Stan Ann, chose to go into banking with the Ford Foundation to prey upon the Indonesian poor.
The prostitute mother was murdered sometime in the years between Barry's birth and his being foisted upon Indonesia as a next president.
The sad reality is, Stan Ann ate other women's children, in once a child was of use she would put her mum name on them, and when they were of no use, she would dump them back onto the third world or America.
The dock worker who fathered Barry and the prostitute mother were both murdered to silence what was taking place in the breeding at Sugarland in Hawaii.
Silence is always golden in the Obama web of death. Mum, Pop and Sis all murdered to hide the tale of his not being a natural born Citizen of these United States of America.
Hours prior to her unexpected demise, she was talking to several journalists about Barry’s anticipated arrival to Jakarta, Indonesia. She was sending messages to her husband’s cell phone about those conversations. Unfortunately for her, Lia didn’t live to see Barack Obama, her “adopted, foster” brother, again. Lia died on Friday, February 26, 2010.
Barack Hussein Obama never seemed to have any problems with naming his African mob of faux relations or this Dunham white folks, but when it came to the Shia Osseiran roots he gravitates to and that little matter of his Asian heritage, mum is the word on the Obama Dreams of his Mama.
Why is that?
Why is it that Obama could care less about bowing to Indonesia in the Soetoro's, but has a little Japper and Chicom boy for the Japanese and Chinese leaders?
You don't get it, so here is the exclusive in Obama bows in merchant Islam to Saudi royals for Mecca. Obama bows to Tokyo and China, from his merchant trading Japanese and Chinese ancestors who apparently are of these lines.
Barack Obama is a Chinoid as this blog exclusively has been revealing.
Obama Osserian does nothing without caste and reason.
This is Ho Chi Obama, the bastard whore's son.
This Indonesia sister was given the Andrew Breitbart treatment and she didn't get any Starbucks coffee to wash it all puffy pink away.
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