Friday, May 25, 2012


This will be short, because if B.Hussein Obama Osseiran had a brain in his head, he would sack Hillary Clinton for making a capitalist overture in  supporting the free economy in his Marxist regime, put her into some Monetary Fund Presidency in Europe, which is what she desires, and put Sarah Palin in as Secretary of State.

The FDR astuteness of this is, Sarah Palin needs to come to terms she is finished politically and no one cares what this female natters on about.
Mitt Romney will not choose her for  anything, as Palin would be the Dan Quayle target of all, and it would be non stop drama of "gotcha politics" to make her resign, and then with blood in the water, the puppy press would chisel at Romney.

Sarah Palin is finished. She ran from God's plan in fear for her instead of answering the call. Better to be dead in following God than to be alive in satan's prison.

For that reason, Obama should put in Palin for his 2012 campaign, and split the GOP vote and Tea Party support what is left. It is a simple political strategy as Bill Clinton putting in Bill Cohen at defense.
It is impossible for the GOP to target Obama when Palin is the one carrying out Obama policy.

Obama of course could wait a year for some problem, blame Palin and send her packing, or utilize her for his Iranian nuclear war legacy for his Peace Prize he is still trying to earn.

It all wins out then, as Dame Hamrod then can run in 2016 as she intends and the muddled field of the GOP in Jeb Bush and Sarah Palin duking it out, would leave the Rovians with something they do not  want and the GOP wondering about Sarah Palin having that Obama odor about her.

Barry Chin, really should take this blog's advice, and come through with the cash too, as this blog is saving his butt from being a scuff mark on history, as Biden and Clinton are warming up to advancement in 2013 as the cartel is planning for.
Look, Obama is a criminal operative. In 2013, the cartel is going to have this idiot in power and a conduit to leading back all his rapine, robbery and murder to them. They can not have that, so they will seek to remove Obama as has been trending by Baby.

Obama puts in Palin, saves hisself and the world lurches around as the  Rovians intend for Jebby Bush in 2016.

The last thing America needs in this abyss of Obama is a grave with an epitaph from the elite,

Here Lies Barry Chin
Dead Chinoids tell no Tales

nuff said 218
