With that faux Chinoid Obama occupying 1600 Penn Avenue........
Chinoid defined as an Indochinese Negroid, which Obama is 100% in his mum was a fancy woman whore from Indonesia and sexed up by some black boy, therefore Chinoid.
With that faux black Obama in the White House, I really have reached my limit in humoring blacks and allowing the fiction of history to stand, and that means it is time to tell the real story which only the cartel knows who wrote it.
The real fiction is that Jesse Owens was snubbed by Hitler at the Olympics as was banner headlines from Ohio to other cities in America, but no one ever quite brought up the reality as follows.
Jesse Owens was a nigger in America. That is what liberals defined him as. Niggers at the time were lynched. Niggers at the time were not allowed in white neighborhoods.......that includes these Cleveland, New York, and whatever else was castigating Hitler for his snub of Owens.
Franklin Roosevelt had no niggers in his government. There were no niggers in Congress. Hell you couldn't find a nigger in any state governments, law enforcement or even the military in 1930's America of any rank.
So here you had liberal America, smearing Adolf Hitler, when Americans were doing far worse.
Let us just explain things here in what was really going on.
The cartel had set up Germany to be robbed and looted, to become a slave people to Europeans after World War I. Adolf Hitler, a social nationalist took that cash cow from European cartels and started to build Germany to a superpower status again.
The Blosheviks or communists, that would include those "liberals" in America, were furious over Germans being liberated by Dolf. They had Germany on the extermination list finally, after a generation, and here came Hitler and his brownshirts and took the prize from them.
That is why George W. Bush was destroyed in he liberated Iraq from the cash cow of Saddam Hussein filling these same bankers coffers.
For all the smearing of Hitler, these American liberals wouldn't allow a nigger in their neighborhood and would have shot one who came trying to mount their little white daughters.
So Hitler was "evil" not for snubbing Jesse Owens, but Hitler was evil for the sake that already in the 1930's it was decided that America would be dragged into another European war, so Germans would be slaughtered and the communists would be in control over all of eastern Europe and western Europe would be one big FDR socialist state of American welfare.
What did James Cleveland Owens really think about all of this?
Hell you won't find this on Rockefeller PBS or any liberal newspapers of any time.
Here is the real quote:
“Hitler didn’t snub me—it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”— Jesse Owens, in Triumph: The Untold Story of Jesse Owens and Hitler's Olympics (Jeremy Schaap, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2007)
Oh, so the reality is Adolf Hitler didn't snub Jesse Owens at all. The American Jake Tapper puppy press lied to Americans and the real bastard in this according to Jesse Owens, who was there, was that monument honored liberal communist, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, usurper of the US Presidency in 4 terms.
I can't do all the thinking for you children, but you really should not have to wait until the Rabbi becomes fed up with that foreign Obama Osseiran in the White House, for you to be hearing the reality of those Nigger Medals these communists hand out to constantly use the Negroid as some tool in their Designer Negro series of history plunging America into wars.
Yes the black learned to run in Africa to save his life from the lion. In Europe the white learned to think. In the end, the black got ate by the lion as lions runs faster, and the white created the gun to shoot the lion and rule the black.
Lame Cherry
agtG 266
James Cleveland Owens
PS: If you notice J.C. Owen saluted the American Flag. Far more than crotch grabber Obama ever has.