Saturday, May 12, 2012



I was listening to the "Somewhere in Time" bump in the Art Bell archives in which Lebanese George Nouri is asking the foreboding question of what is going on in the world and Alex Jones responds about how the world elite know their house of cards is precarious and they are worried about it coming apart.

This is what Mockingbird sounds like when it is stooges of the cartel lying to the masses in the most retarded form of propaganda.
I will remind readers here that before Art Bell left for the Philippines he was all over Obama in love like cum on a whore. I will remind that the Lebanese connected George Nouri was awarded a medal by Barack Hussein Obama and was gushing about it with his guest presenters. (Real unbiased host there.) I will remind readers that Alex Jones appears on Drudge which is the sincerest warning of being in the loop of the world elite.

I warn you children again in Coast to Coast AM is designed to make all of this "crazy", so that information is all "tinfoil hats" discredited. I will warn you that all of this is designed by make it all "racist" in Jones is of that fringe in making money, and book had it Jones was terrified of the fringe right he claimed to support.

I can without doubt assess the cartel, the world elite, the power elite, the Rothschilds, illuminatti or whatever other name you desire to call them, and in reading them, it is a promise they are not concerned about one thing.
I will repeat this FACT. The cartel (Germanic name for them.) is rock solid in their knowing their time is not running out. They are not in the least concerned about one thing in this takeover. They are confident and they are absolutely certain they will initiate this as certain as Hitler, Stalin or Obama being installed into power for the order.
They know it will be done as satan's plan is going to be ushered in, because God Almighty has allowed people to have the rule they lust after in rejecting Christ.

This is a condition of certainty. It is the Fact of the Bible, which the cartel knows better than most Christians know their Bibles with dust on them. They know their plan and just as satan is insane in knowing the outcome and unable to stop in the failure which will come to it, the cartel is of the same delusion.

There is an immense darkness, power, resolve, confidence, weight, quiet arrogance in this self assured Rothschild lords. The secondary units in the Rockefellers are a bit sad in having Obama crap in their pasture as it is humiliating, but that is what one receives when your bastard son, Bill Clinton, steals from the head baals.

So do not fall for the Jones and Nouri propaganda. Do not fall for the "obama is stupid", because as this blog has proven, this cartel is initiating exactly what it has authority to and Obama is no more stupid than an old 486 computer in he programs well and carries out the functions to success.
It is not a matter of stupidity. It is a matter of having satan doing the work. Obama is confident as he has been assured "he will be at 1600 Penn Avenue" after the  November his benefactors from Berlin.

This blog has attempted to warn B. Hussein Osseiran though not to take all the demonic oracles say with confidence, as the Greek who was told his war would destroy and empire. The empire turned out to be the Greek's.
Likewise, Mr. Obama by his own counsel is setting in motion of his faux attack upon him for political gain, a Pope repercussion as Baby has been pointing out, in the demonic oracles and the baals have not told Mr. Obama the entire plan, in there is in motion a signature to remove him after he is the horse which steals the 2012 election.

DO NOT EVER forget the omens of Barack Hussein Obama in his picking Big Brown and how that horse won easily, but in the big win, it never saw the victory.

Every thing Obama picks in games falls apart in disaster in the end by a hand unseen. This is Obama's destiny if the shadows of this do not change.
Children, you are only hearing this from this blog exclusively, a this is the only source which is alerting you to what is taking place.

This cartel of satanic worship is under a timeline, and has no concerns as it is written in the dates as Baby notes in her spider workings posted. This cartel though only required B. Hussein Osseiran to rape and rob the Virgin of America, so a greater shadow would be breathed to life in central Europe. That anti Christ is still a horizon event, and children, the world is not a big enough stage for a little anti messiah and a big anti Christ.

This blog utilizes the word "initiates", because that is what the cartel does in spells caste, and yes I mean CASTE. It is the demon machine online and the real demonic princes at work in initiating this into place. Barack Obama is a precursor event for the anti Christ to prepare the world. It is a conjuring, and the lords and priests are completely secure in what they are doing without concern.

Would you not be at ease, if the entire world was broadcasting your propaganda and people were being led around in the mind stupor they are, thinking they are free, and the only little toxic blog in the world posting what is taking place by this popular girl, is understood by only a few Inspired as the rest of the Robert Morton group is warned to keep away from the toxicity found here.

The cartel had a conversation about murdering me several times, but the reality is, they do enjoy a Prophet in the world informing the few who are not dolts, exactly what they are about in the shoppe, even if the lower caste is all upset about their cum stain sodomy exposed here.

It is the vanity they have in like children, they want recognition. They desire to have those on the Lord's knowing acknowledge the poo poo in the diaper they made as an accomplishment.

I would rather be fishing with my 300 Garcia and cherrywood rod for walleyes, hunting ducks with a 12 gauge Remington 870 with 2 shot lead and trapping mink in blind sets with a #2 Victor square jaw trap as the Tiger Lily laughs at the world we reside.

I though am still stuck here with the spiders not publishing the Osseiran expose' in one more terroristic attack upon this blog by the Obama Osseiran regime.

XYZ, is the end of the alphabet is it not eh?

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