If you children would like to know the name of Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran's birth mother, She is called Jugun Ianfu.
This exclusive as only exposed by this blog again in matter and anti matter universal exclusives, is the disgusting history of B. Hussein Obama, and why the rape of Sarah Palin meant absolutely nothing to Barack Obama Osseiran as that is how his 3rd world family interacts for centuries.
Jan Ruff-O'Herne testified to a U.S. House of Representatives committee: "Many stories have been told about the horrors, brutalities, suffering and starvation of Dutch women in Japanese prison camps. But one story was never told, the most shameful story of the worst human rights abuse committed by the Japanese during World War II: The story of the “Comfort Women”, the jugun ianfu, and how these women were forcibly seized against their will, to provide sexual services for the Japanese Imperial Army. In the so-called “Comfort Station” I was systematically beaten and raped day and night. Even the Japanese doctor raped me each time he visited the brothel to examine us for venereal disease."
The enslavement, rape and work to death murder of the Asian woman is nothing new. For the "never again" chants now "Obama again" in his, Osseiran Shia Muslim merchants and Jewish Ashkenaz collaborators which includes Robert Morton of World Tribune who banned this blog, there was an is a worst holocaust that never ended against Asian women, in Asia and in America.
The filthy and disgusting secret is there are thousands of children in prostitution in Indonesia, who are bought by western perverts to destroy daily. Those same western slag prey upon the Asian women community across America, in a perverse Yellow Fever epidemic of sexual depravity.
Hey, when you are sadistic, perverted little male or lesbian, who needs to beat up on a woman, just go abuse an Asian as that is what these serial crackers, niggers and beaners are all about. This depravity in thinking by these "missionaries" to the Chris Matthews rapist who thinks he can verbal rape Michelle Malkin, just because she is Asian is the criminal disease which venereally bred Barack Hussein Obama Jugun.
The tale is old in Indonesia and is lowlighted by the Japanese use of "comfort women" at "comfort stations" in their occupied territories. This is nothing new as all invaders and conquerors have raped the Asians in mass.
There Imperial Japan, kidnapped, gang raped, infected and murdered tens of thousands of Asian women all across Asia. It was the code of conduct which was societal and it is present today, as it is still one of the greatest crimes against humanity in what is carried out against these innocent women.
Hank Nelson, emeritus professor at the Australian National University's Asia Pacific Research Division, has written about the brothels run by the Japanese military in Rabaul, Papua New Guinea during WWII. He quotes from the diary of Gordon Thomas, a POW in Rabaul. Thomas writes that the women working at the brothels “most likely served 25 to 35 men a day” and that they were “victims of the yellow slave trade".
When this blog was exclusively informing you why all those media perverts were stationed in south Asia, it was because they are pedophiles and when Bill Maher is busy politically raping women, it is because that is what his employers get off on.
The reason Bill Clinton raping women did not matter to liberals, is because rape is how they interact sexually in both the male and the female. Barbara Walters spreading her legs for an interview, is what this ilk is about, so when Barack Obama is a product of Asian slave traders, they all know some little bastard fathered like this, as daddy had whores on the side, just like mummy was raping the brown skinned maid.
You do remember the report featured here, how out of the blue it was leaked that the Soetoro's Indonesian maid was lesbian? That is in the nation where that is all taboo.
It was because Stan Ann was hosing down the yellow skinned maid in raping her and that is no doubt why Lolo Soetoro was beating the hell out of his wife to punish her for Muslim sexual sins.
Barack Obama's mother, Jugun Ianfu, like all these slave Asians, was promised a great life and as one can see by her picture, she was dressed well enough, but the woman is crying in tears of misery, as she is about to raped by Barack Hussein Obama sr.
In the photo above, Obama Osseiran's birth mother is the sad woman on Obama sr's leacherous arm and the eventual father is that grinning duck walking Nauru shirt wearing Niggazi squatting in front in white shoes.
Two servant whores from Lederer's Bar international communist slave traffik and spy ring of Hawaii.
All of this is tied in, in each mafia of this world has it's own narcotic, weapons, sex slaves, money laundering and counterfeiting rackets. Selling people and the bastards produced for this class is what is expected as Obama's Secret Service to the media, all expect someone to rape to take the kinks out while on vacation.
Revealed: Barack Obama's gay transgender prostitute ... - Daily Mail
www.dailymail.co.uk/.../Revealed-Barack-Obamas-gay-transgender-p...Mar 6, 2012 – Indonesia's attitude toward transgenders is complex. ... They have taken a much lower profile in recent years, following a series of attacks by Muslim hard-liners. .... in Hawaii Incredibly toned
Yeah now you know the rest of the story in Stan Ann swung both ways, and so did her maid, the male lesbian Evie, who Stan Ann Soetoro sampled his steak and rice, and taught him prostitution.
IR/ steak rice, penis and ejaculation.

Former life: Barack Obama's former nanny Evie, who was born a man but believes she is a woman, on the left of this picture
B. Hussien's real mum was the same type of sex slave, who is pedaled all through the world where women are bought and sold by cultures, and raped, producing bastard offspring.
Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery in Saudi Arabia
gvnet.com/humantrafficking/SaudiArabia.htmChild Prostitution in [Saudi Arabia] [other countries] ... others were reportedly kidnapped and forced into prostitution after running away from abusive employers. ... A 25 year-old Indonesian guest worker will have several of her fingers, toes and part ... "Slavery is a part of Islam," says Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, according to the
This is the fancy woman, the mother of Barack Jugun Ianfu.
When Lara Logan is raped in Egypt, that is just B. Hussein having a little familiar sex time, all recorded so it can be laughed at and played with by the Obama benefactors and Obama Osseiran hisself.
These are the folks who used to hire Egyptians to perform live sex acts on stage in the 1930's as the crowed watched. Reality shows are what these perverts crave and nothing is more real than raping a celebrity and having it done by the brown skinned Muslim help to really make it dirty.
Jugun Ianfu was lied to in selling a black bastard she never wanted. Barry would have been something to be bartered if she was a smart woman. Barry probably paid for her clothing bill as Stanley Armour shelled out 30 pieces of silver for the little bastard that Stan Ann was going to raise for that dust pumper Barack sr. as she became the white whore in Kenya as Mrs. Obama Emperor.
That didn't pan out, so it was tagging relative Lolo Soetoro, to be Muslim step father to Barry his kindred, to save the boy and give him an Indonesian upbringing, so that Barry would be President of Indonesia.....that is why Barry was chanting "president of some country" as Stan Ann was mantra chanting that constantly and changing nations like cocks, so the little bastard Obama could not keep it straight.
Jugun Ianfu. is though the name of the nameless prostitution mother of Barack Obama Osseiran who died of Yellow Fever, as
Child Prostitution In Asia
www.freeessays.cc/db/43/sxg181.shtmlIn Asia more than half of the working prostitutes are under the age of 16, many of those are under the age of ten. Most people who hear the staggering statistics,
One would think a humanitarian like Obama would as Mrs. Clinton care about these Asians being whored to death as children, and yet not one issue is ever raised of this, because Obama was a son of a whore, whored hisself and the last thing Obama ever desires is to have any focus on his Indonesian roots.
Obama never did go to Kenya as occupier of the White House, but the rest of Africa. He went to Indonesia though to mark his birthplace there.

Obama is a registered Kenyan, an illegal papered America, but his majority bloodlines are Indonesian. He is Barack Hussein Dunham, Obama, Soebarkah Osseiran Jugun Ianfu.
Obama looks Asian, because he is Asian.
Obama bowed to the Japanese Emperor, because Japan were his former whore masters in his family. Yeah another Lame Cherry exclusive!!!
The dirty little son of a whore bastard. Barack Hussein Osseiran, the Islamocommunist bred to serve the cartel in raping America, murdering all competition and making a slave racket out of the world.
That sound just like Obama global policy.
That sounds like the jigsaw puzzle story to be the 2012 buzz of understanding to bring down this criminal regime now does it not?
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