Did you ever notice something about genuine American Presidents in they like bush?
Seriously, just look at Barack Hussein Obama and after the evidence, ask yourself if this is a male who thinks sex is normal or if he thinks it is ishy?
What about mixing it up as a man, does Obama like the blood, sweat, snot and tears, or is Obama the kind of guy who likes the showers and open shirted interviews with Charlie Gibson afterwards?
I tell you Barack Obama is nuts. Yes I told you he is insane, but this guy is certifiably suffering from misophobia.
Obama is afraid of nature, and is that a surprise being not a Natural Born Citizen?
Let me take you back to George W. Bush? He liked being manly and chopping things up at his ranch right?
How about Bill Clinton? He couldn't get enough astro turf, sod or sex out of his underwear now could he? The man just loved to be soiled.
Then there was H. W. Bush who had his boat cruising around in Maine in the water in that filthy ocean.
Ronald Reagan had that ranch, jeep and horses.
Gerald Ford loved football at Michigan.
Richard Nixon had San Clemente and dirty trick politics.
LBJ had his ranch in Texas.
John Kennedy like old man Bush had the boat and all those ocean things sliming around.
Dwight Eisenhower had the black Angus beef ranch and he loved slaughtering fat cattle.
I will end there, but from George Washington chopping down cherry trees. Abe Lincoln riding around on horses to Teddy Roosevelt shooting all kinds of wildlife as a rancher, Americans just love getting into the bush and going at it.
Hell Hillary Clinton, you know she just loves the bush and can't dive in deep enough wiener or not.
So let's look at this Barack Obama Osseiran, that Arab guy of 38%, as you know them Arabs are always clean, hairless and phobic about dirt.
Obama doesn't go anyplace that is not manicured. Hawaiian beaches where he has his manboobs on display......there is non stop golf, and he used to play basketball which is all sterile until that Mexican punched him in the mouth for feeling his ass during a game of horsing around, Obama bled, and has not gone back to the hoops.
So you can see unlike Americans, that Obama just has a fear of America at it's unmanicured roots. If grass is over 2 inches high, Obama won't go near the place. If the beach is not washed down before Obama arrives, he is up by the pool.......you do remember when Kim Jong Un had his rocket pocketed by Obama that the reality is Obama was hanging out at Joe Biden's pool with a big water gun.......two old white guys shooting each other in watersports.......need I say more in Obama is the kind of guy who has pubic fears, and you know he shaves his head so tight, because he is afraid of bush.
Barack Obama is Misophobic. He has a fear of dirt.
This boy must have soiled his bermudas when Muchelle dug up that toxic garden and he saw all that dirt, and then felt the poo in his pants and passed out from that too.
Poor Reggie Love, no wonder he got the hell out of Dodge as his job was diapering Obama a dozen times a day, when Barack would scream, "My messiah, there is a microscopic piece of lint chasing me around the room!!!! Reggie save me before I poop my Fruit of the Looms!!!!"
Barack Obama has never done one manly thing in his life. Africa was the place he was to be dictator of, but you see after one visit there, he gave it up, as he had to hold his sh*t for a week and had a turd attack that case of exlax could only cure, and when he did let fly, he almost blew out the sewer system of the airliner he was dumping a load on, and poor Tony Blair thought it was Saddam Hussein attacking with a load of sh*t over London.
You see if Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran was American, that he would like manly things in nature being Natural Born, but he just is afraid of grass over 2 inches tall, trees not trimmed, exposed dirt and that really scary thing of potentilla bushes not having mulch with a layer of plastic underneath them to keep the weeds from growing.
Granted Sheik Osseiran hanging around with gay males and grooming closely does permit Mr. Osseiran the opportunity to function in a Rain Man fashion like at a Vegas gaming table, but this blog has one piece of advice for Mano Romney.
Mr. Mano, challenge Barack Obama to a series of debates at Yellowstone, on an Arkansas trailer park with cars up on blocks or a Mexican lawn so overgrown with weeds it looks like a marajuana plantation, and Mr. Osseiran will just faint.
America if you want Obama out of the White House in 2013?
Just stop paying the people who mow the lawn.
If you want to get him out of Air Force One?
Just stop emptying the crapper.
Yes Barack Obama is certifiable and he belongs in a nice cleaned 8 by 10 foot cell with a clean shaved head male to assist Mr. Obama in his love of Vaseline.
Trichopathophobia, the fear of hair, pubic hair. Hemahobia, the fear of blood. Ergasiophobia, the fear of work. Sociomelanophobia, the fear of black people.
Yes Barack Obama Osseiran's pubic fears.
Where the down boys go.