I will provide you some more matter and anti matter exclusives here, but you children are certainly pissing up the hydrant in running after Limbaugh and that Romney crowd of whores in the media by not focusing on the Osseiran information posted here and the Comfort Woman of Obama's past.
First let's sing a song:
I went to downtown a long time ago
There smack talkin' and a line of blow
The ho gave me hoochie before I came
Coke and VD fry my brain
Put that to some CIA funded Nigazzi huffin' and you got yourself a clue there child.
Meanwhile back at the Obama Osseiran brothel.
Do you really think LBJ Biden, that Aaron Burr Biden brain blown up biddy is really that stupid to utter about perverted sex as some campaign foundational event to help Obama out?
No children, even those who think that buffoon Biden did this on his own have not gotten this figured out. Biden is the blow hard, but then he tried to sink Obama long ago in the 3 AM call in Obama would be tested within months of occupying the White House.
Ironic eh is it not what? Obama occupies the White House and his occupiers he sent out do the same trash and burn of America. Some psychopathy there in Obama in eating sh*t at breakfast and crapping it out for the evening meal in leaving the same trail.
Meanwhile back at the OO brothel.
Biden has been trying to sink Obama for some time. Biden knows that he is in the danger zone to get booted off the ticket in facing either a cage trial like Mubarak or a dead in the streets execution like Khadaffi.
Oh you don't think Obama Osserian would stoop to this? Yes children that is in the black book of Obama political plans Obama has had charted out for him of necessities in the event of saving his white ass.

Make no mistake in this B. Hussein Obama is a white man. He puts on niggerness like a skin to fool the Negroid into thinking he is one of them, when in reality the American Negroid does not want some nigger leading them as they get up in the mirror seeing what disasters they are in welfare of all forms, and know they would not be where they are if it were not for the white race.
There is nothing racist in stating these facts and every black knows it. Thomas Sowell knows very well if he had not adopted white intelligence he would be an Obama and Juan Williams knows if he did not whore to the cartel that he would be gay tricking at some Rahm Emanuel brothel.
That is what black anger is always rooted in, in they deep down know they are inferior and they have not accomplished a thing anywhere in the world except for the Caucasoid and Mongoloid leadership of invention.
Every black has white power envy. Every black male wants to be owned by white male. A black male can be the boy toy of some Clean Head Wilson, shave his head hisself to be his pocket leash boy..........
(In homosexual dominance, the gay boy toy owned by the master hangs onto the pulled out front pocket on the right side of the master, and holds it with his weaker left hand to be led around.)
..........yet every Negroid boy toy, just wants a white man to own them, even if the white man is of lesser looks, education, social position and age.
That whiteness is what the black man lusts for and is why Chris Rock is mouthing off in begging some white dude to make him their bitch and why Obama surrounds hisself with white men to fix things for him.
Every black male Obama voter is a gay 50% white boy, who wants to be looking at a white gay master in the image mirror to be rid of that 50% black fag beating inside.
Black women have to put up with this, and is why the majority of black women are so hard ass male, as they have to be the man in every relationship, as these black Obama voters are all gay ass in the closet.
For the non Obama Osseiran voter, they are always in misery in knowing if they did not put on the white power mind of the Conservatives, they would be just another gay whore selling it on their knees the way Frank Marshall Davis did in Chicago.
This is the reality and Bill Clinton can call Obama that "bright boy" and mean he is a "dumb ass nigger" in his "Amateur" code words, but the reality of this all comes back to the exclusives in this, in LBJ Biden and Hillary Braun are involved in a soft coup on Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran and Biden's gay dick and Clinton's idiot Negroid comments are a first step in what Baby has been pointing to as has only been covered here.
Biden even in losing an election, can move onto 2016 and run. This is the same prize eyed by the Clintons.
For the reality, Biden and Clinton, do not really want to be part of the Obama disaster as they know what hell the next 4 years will be. It would take a dictator to run the nation for the disasters coming, and Biden and Clinton do not want to become the Johnson Humphrey ticket going down in political flames inheriting the disaster of war inflation in John Kennedy.
The same holds true for the Rovians, in Romney will not survive the massive Obama debt, and will be replaced in 2016 by Jeb Bush as intended.
You must understand children no one wants to be President in 2013, except Obama to save his criminal ass from Vaseline alley. Everyone wants to be President in 2016 after the upheaval distances things.
Look at Joe Biden in trying to pass the baton off to Mano Romney in this perverted marriage crap in realizing that if Biden gets stuck into this when the cartel removes B. Hussein Obama Osseiran as Baby was pointing to, but was exposed here exclusively, he is going to be stuck in an economic disaster, a GOP ill will in Congress, America in a revolutionary mood, people hating him, terror attacks and Obama wars, and getting blamed for it all and booted out like Carter in 2016.
Hillary doesn't want to be Vice President in that disaster either and have to wait until 2020 for her geezer chance at 1600 Penn Avenue.
This is the oddest of times that only the enigma in Inspiration can answer. No sane person wants to be President, but Obama does to save hisself. No one wants to be a black man, and even Obama is uncomfortable in his sh*t mucous stains of gaydom he wears in a saliva coat.
Joe Biden bent Barack Gayseiran Obama over the desk and gave it to him hard. Obama liked it as that is what Obama likes and why Obama chose Biden in the first place, as Biden is the one Obama sent out to handle Lawrence Sinclair and it was Rahm Emanuel who Obama sent out in Rod Blagojevich.
Obama always goes white, and gay white when he is in phobia over hisself. He is the Negroid Psychopathy which inhabits America.
It is why Mark Levin keeps focusing on BI SEXUALS and the Romney camp drumming this on Drudge as they all know Obama is a fag, and are simply like Joe Biden, pulling Barack and his Birdie out of the closet to show the sh*t stains licked pink by Andersen Cooper.
You should be listening children, as this blog gave you all of this weeks and years before all of this, and yet you are running around talking of the dumbest damn things.
This was a soft coup on Obama from within and it was based on what everyone knows in Obama is nothing but gay ass niggerness and wants to be owned by a white daddy spreading some sugar and cream on that Chinoid ass.
Now that is more information straight out than you will get anywhere for a month.
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