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Operation Eminent Doomsday
Several years ago in bankrupt America, a bizarre thing started taking place in rural Citizens started receiving threats from the Postal Service that their mail would not be delivered unless it had on a numbered code akin to 15234 280th Street, Bonehead Nebraska.
For the bonehead, this granted a great deal of frowning as when the rural mail carrier knew everyone by first name, it made no more sense than when the mandatory Box Numbers were issued.
What was taking place though was not Obama GPS gridding of Americans by their very houses to keep absolute tags on every address for spying or missiles flown through your front door, but a more interesting policy of national doomsday which has never been exposed until now.
Ask yourself in a land full of nothing, would ranch or farm houses be put on a street grid structure listing thousands of houses where in most of those big country counties, the odds of Capitol Montana becoming a metro area of 3 milliion people requiring that kind of city grid work were less than winning the lottery.
Why grid absolute undeveloped lands and mark them all as cties with avenues and streets when absolutely no one is ever going to live there.......
Unless of course someone is.
We know that the cartels want to depopulate the world, especially America of Americans, and they certainly are not going to be sowing billions of new people into their wildlife park USA.
That then means someone in Washington, DC was spending a fortune in new street signs for something which they were not informing rural states about, except to come up with some "emergency services" line, when every house already had a fire department number, and everyone already knew the Widow Jenkins lived by that big tree 15 miles out.
What the rural American states have had done to them, is they have been gridded for refugee populations.
Yes, there was a national defense protocol initiated where some bright wankers at FEMA decided that if Obama blew up the Israeli state, that they would just dump 6 million Jews into some state with only grass, call it eminent domain, cheat the farmers and ranchers out of their lands, and the next thing you know is the Widow Jenkins would be up to her corsette in refugee Jews.
This is not about Jews alone, as this goes to all Europeans if a WMD war caused a 100 million refugees to need new surroundings.
The same on the national level would be if New York City was nuclearized and the region polluted with plutonium, then 10 to 30 million of these refugees would be transported and dumped on seized lands in Nebraska where a bunch of peaceful people would be furious sitting sh*t deep in New Yorkers, with Nebraskans being the minority.
Infrastructures would be built for water supply, power and roads. It would boom and the skies would be smoggy all day.
This is one reason Obama signed that order to confiscate all the chickens and dogs across America in an emergency. They are going to rape these rural states who are going to be made criminals and shot by federal police when they try to save their lands from these new squatters the government dumps on them.
Of course, such a friendly grid structure looks quite nice to a billion Chicoms who Obama has been letting a look up his dress in promises of all sorts of things due to his plundering of the US Treasury.
What sounds like a good idea to a wanker, sounds like a chopstick idea to invading Asian communists, who even have every house GPS gridded so that it will save time to divest the Americans of their homes.
No need to bury anyone, as the Mao boys will eat the Americans and the dogs too.
Most Americans who live in rural areas in sucking oil chemicals or having nukes pointed at them reason they have done enough for Uncle Sam, and if you are New Yorker or California having pissed in your pot voting for Obama, and he blows up your state, well then you pretty well just better Snake Pliskin and turn out the lights in no escape from New York or LA.

Now you know what is behind the bullshit being fed the public. A federal plan of doomsday in stealing rural people's lands which the Chicoms under Obama are thinking are their rice paddy new digs.
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