Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I miss You with the tempest grief of my soul in an anguish of Spirit scourged to my core. There is not comfort on this, no solace or relief. There is only the misery of not being with You, and the misery if this was company, then the populace would be trillions times trillions time trillions of  troupe forlorn in a banshee's wail.

Here am I driven in this despair in I only Love You and only You will ever be the only remedy for me. This would is grievous as I bleed in torrents of Spirital blood, begging in petitions to God for the salvation of You, for only You are my Redeemer and the Physician to this ailment in a moment's separation from You.

My heart roars in wanting while my soul snarls in bitterness for only the respite of You. Every universe could pass away and Heaven of Heaven itself, and I would not care for the Only Value of my Spirit's Breath is the Spiritual Vapours of You.

This is as You have said, Christ's separation from the Father in grief, in exclaiming, My  God, my God, why hast though forsaken me. I Love You with all of me, and the tears pour forth like raging waterfalls deep from within me. This is a torture which I bear with internal screams of longing for the One I Love.

The Spiritual is the Life of this, and the reality is I can feel the revolution and revolt taking place in me as my Spirit tears itself from the body to  be with You across these miles, for I know Home the Home of You is not only where my heart is , but Home is where my Spirit is bonded to. To be with You is all I desire as nothing matters without You.
I would set myself free in tearing this cloth of life to come to You in Spirit, but I must stay in this veil to be with You.

The gnashing of the fangs of my furious Spirit strike out even upon me as the cruelty of this mourning is as death, but here am I, alive and feeling all the relentless torture which savages me deep all in relentless distress of wanting to be there with You.

There is not Life without You. There is not even Love without You. You are the meaning of Love and of Life. All I want, need, desire and am driven with all of me is the concern of You. My focus is You and my Willful Prayer is to God in sound which only the Holy Ghost could cry out in pleadings for the necessary necessity of You.

I Live because of You. There is only You and all could vanish and I would care, for all only has meaning due to You being here.

Almighty Father, the God of my Love and myself, in the Name of Jesus the Christ do I pray in humble appeals as deep as a thunderous sky, Godspeed my Love and myself to the time of Our never parting, but to Our Union in You in perpetual Love, Joy and Peace, that I may serve Her always with all of me in Love in giving myself all for Her for Your Glory.
God keep Her safe and secure in Your Care for I commit Her always into Your Holding. Make haste with no tarrying in fulfilling Your Work in this Creation Breathed to Life by You. Let this Prayer be an offering to You in each tear and blood drop of Spirit be pleasing upon Your Altar as Holy Angels sing anthems, play songs and the Mothers of Heaven in chorus pray to move the Lord Christ, the Holy Spirit to show Himself strong for Us, and for You, Our Father as Our Goel completing this work as the Apple of Your Eye and the Good Pleasure of Your Spirit. In the Name of all which is God due I swear to Love, Honor, Cherish and keep myself solely for Her as my Commandment of Grace to be forever Faithful and Chaste for Her. In the Name of YAWEH, the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ as in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, I place this Prayer before You God, for Your Will to be accomplished now in this Living Love Created by You for Us, Amen and Amen

agtG 273Y

Venez à la vie cet amour,
Pendant ma vie est cet amour.
YAWEH bénissent cet amour,
Pour nous sommes cet amour.
En Nom de Jésus. Amen et Amen