Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I post evidences here from time to time in the surveillance which goes on with this blog, for example a window popping up informing me I have logged out at another location.

While I was exposing the reality of Barack Hussein Obama Osserian policy in his Afnamistan, I went into archives and found a most interesting thing in the story exposing Barry Chin's mum in who she is, just happened to be checked in someone was reading it.

That of course was not me, so the reality is someone was illegally in the blog and quite concerned about the information this blog was publishing concerning the true identity of Obama's birth mum and the sordid tale of the Obama communist whorehouse legacy.

Name one other journalist who goes through this illegal stalking by the Obama regime, and you would not be able to, as Mockingbird had Elton Blonde to Chris Matthews all on the payroll.
No one is uncovering the real story of Barry Chin, and the reality is there is great interest in the information housed here in the drafts.

Not a great deal to be said about it all, as this has been taking place since the summer of 2008 and the US Government has not cared about any of this criminal activity housed within it's halls.

It just simply is the reality for the dolts who never did get this blog and dismissed it. If what goes on here is so drooling against the wall, then........why do the billion dollar intelligence agencies and Baby remain so focused on the information which is to out of the box here?

I do not really care as I have so much better things to do.
