The question in the Obama family tree of his Arabic Osseiran Shia Muslim family, the question is when it walks like couscous, talks like couscous and sounds like couscous, is it not couscous?
When Mr. Obama walks like a Marxist community organized, rules like a Marxist community organized and is a crook like a Marxist community organized, then rationally, Mr. Obama is a blood on his hands Marxist in his Islamocommunism bent on jihad as bin Laden's corpse and Khadaffi's dead body got that way not from Andrew Breitbart pink puffy natural causes.
So when the Yousser Company of Lebanon, which is a holding company in that terror state of nothing but bribes, gun running, narcotics and money laundering traffic is the focus of money laundering for Hezbollah, because of it's associations in Lebanon and strange accounting, there is a walks like, talks like and sounds like blueprint that makes one question the dealings of another money flow patron in Salah Osseiran in his Fairford, BPC, TCI etc... holding companies buying up things in Europe and America, with smiling white folk faces allowing the public to think that all is legitimate, when this blog has uncovered records of million dollar losses by TCI in 2007 and in that period Osseiran was off buying Jesco in Kansas and Mississippi for 10 million dollars and has been doing upgrades.
How does a company like TCI in Indiana, not make combined 1 million dollars the previous years, and then loses 1 million, afford in all of this 10 million dollar purchases?
Where is the money coming from really?
Osseiran uses British Virgin Islands and Beirut as his bases, which are money laundering centers. He has signatores in SEC filings located in Switzerland, which again is another safe haven for some money stashing if one is not American and has Eric Holder looking through your Swiss bank accounts.
What the book is in the Hezbollah operations in Lebanon, was money was used to buy used cars in Lebanon, ship them to West Africa, and then the money with drug traffic funds was laundered back into legitimate banks for terrorists.
If you recall it was Mr. Obama in west Africa, and this blogs exclusives in pointing to the narco communists of South America setting up coke pipelines into Africa and Europe when Mr. Obama took office, after his people were in South America in 2008 promising he would be in the White House.
Once again, one has al Qaeda and their fleet of Boeing 727's which are in Africa hauling terrorists, dope and money, and Mr. Obama sees no evil in them.
Once again, we observe that the Tajideen brothers of Lebanon were in Angola, Africa, laundering money for terrorists using front investment companies.
All of this is Lebanese based, and one recalls that Salah Osseiran moved from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia into terror infested Lebanon that the peak of chaos with his BPC and expanded non stop from there.
What is really taking place in all of this that no one is bothering to look at like finances in structures?
Is it that the Osseiran family of the Banu Assad families of southern Shia Iraq, which is the Obama Arabic bloodlines, are carte blanche in this while other Muslims using holding companies are on terror lists?
Why is it that some Muslims are wiped out in Egypt, Libya and Yemen, while others are not targeted having equal strong armed governments?
This blog has listed that Mr. Osseiran owns part of a car dealership in
RYMCO (Distributor of NISSAN cars in LEBANON).Were any Nissan cars part of the terror car network in Africa, and did any of this Nissan dealership trade ins happen to be of these used cars?
Mr. Osseiran also owns exclusively, UNO: FMCG distribution company and
MIDCO (Modern Import and Distribution Company).
Once again though, Mr. Osseiran's holding companies signed a distribution contract with a contractor in one of those other little Gulf State nations just a few years ago.
Why pay rent for the neighbor's cow when one already owns two?
See it is those things, if one is an investigator in law enforcement which just has one pursing their lips and concluding that either Salah Osseiran is up to something for the American CIA or is up to something for finding locations for money which seem to be by miracle appearing.
When two of Mr. Osseiran's companies in America are tied into the entire electronic billing structure and access to some very lethal toxins, when does it start to become a matter of the FBI and Treasury to start looking at things, and politically the questions require asking as to why Mr. Obama and Mr. Holder are seeing nothing puzzling about someone moving to terror Lebanon, prospering in that criminal environment, moving out in numerous shell companies and starting to buy up European and American assets......with no women or minority front office employees......and an heir being groomed in shipping in Muslim hotbed Netherlands, who comes to America and will not touch those dirty American women.......and happens as this blog found a post where Rayan Osseiran was complaining about a flight simulator for Lear Jet was not working.
Why is no one in the US Government, US media or US anything bothering to just ask some obvious questions about the couscous.......at least before someone steps in it, and it becomes a pile of 9 11 crap.
nuff said.
agtG 262
Hezbollah Lebanon money laundering
Yousser Company for Finance and Investment
Lebanese Canadian Bank
Islam in Lebanon
Salah Osseiran Lebanese assets
“Did Mustafa show you how the Master has us show ourselves?”
“Do you mean how to crawl to his bed and present yourself?”
.....and no I'm not putting no damn porn writing links here as you spend too much time degrading yourselves already. No plagiarism.....am just protecting you from yourselves.
Stop watching the girl!
*note: This was to be published on April 30th, but of course all things Obama Osseiran have to be manually clicked on in drafts top post.
The most troubling thing in this is that the people who can literally override Google and Blogspot comprehend this information brings down the regime and thwarts enough of the agenda to keep you children alive, but it seems only the Gateway Pundit had sense enough to at least post this information.
Your salvation and all you can do is natter on about Obama eating canine.