The Obama Neoprogs of Europe are in a lather over a few Greek Nationalists coming to power with a few percentage points of electoral might, but in that the cartel is promoting a golden age of it's own, that makes anyone astute to Bible Prophecy, if this is the group whose darkness I have been searching for.
They are called the Golden Dawn.
My focus is on the return of Jesus the Christ, and in that there must be an anti Christ in this before He returns. There must be a war to bring about a false peace treaty by this son of perdition who rules a resurrected 10 nation unholy Roman Empire with a new pope, Peter of Rome, to cement this all together.
The Bible points to Antiochos Epiphanes, the Greek rule of Syria, who is the prototype of the anti Christ. One verse in the minor Prophets as has been noted here, speaks of Greece at war with the Chosen People, meaning:
Zechariah 9:13; When I have bent Judah for me, filled the bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and made thee as the sword of a mighty man.
This entire text is pointing to end times events, and not something which took place. Judah is the Judeans of Israel and Ephraim is the leader nation of the British, who lead the western Europeans of the Israelites and the Americans who are Mannaseh of Joseph.
That indicates a Greek revival in this in leading the Roman Empire reborn, which in ways is fitting a this historically goes back to the Persian Greek empire wars, and have been featured in cinema in shadow signature of all of this.
My pondering is the reality of Golden Dawn and it is the platform for the anti Christ, which Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran has been the shadow of in engaging all of this to initiate in trillions to Europe, giving them Libyan oil supply and setting up the chaos of which their order will come to be.
Golden Dawn described itself as a "People's Nationalist Movement" and "uncompromising Nationalists."[4] Michaloliakos described Golden Dawn as opposing the "so-called Enlightenment" and the Industrial Revolution.[4][5] According to the Party's charter, "only Aryans in blood and Greeks in descent can be candidate members of Golden Dawn".[5] The charter also puts the leader in total control of the party, and formalizes the use of the Hitlergruss for party members.[5] At first, the party embraced neo-Pagan beliefs, in accordance to Nazi occultism, describing Marxism and liberalism as "the ideological carriers of Judeo-Christianity."[6][Third-party source needed] Later, however, the party underwent ideological changes, embracing Eastern Orthodox Christianity.[7]
This group of Patriots is militant and has all the genesis makings of an anti Christ miracle worker to step in and take control, if this is the way God has this worked out.
It does embrace the east west schism of the Vatican and Orthodoxy which should be that east west Roman Empire of long ago uniting under common flag or mark in 666, which is simply a national identity sign of this resurrected Empire.
For those in need of explanation of the Nazi salute in the Hitlergruss, this blog educates with the following as it is important, and it shows the interesting roots in this of the Diet of Worms, meaning the Inquistion of Martin Luther, the Protestant Hero, who God worked through to free Christianity from the bonds of the Vatican elite.
That German Salute, meant, I HAVE NO WEAPON, and was a salute to assure and honor the people seeing it, that no subterfuge was taking place for their assassination.
The Hitlergruss
On the night of 3 January 1942, Hitler said of the origins of the salute:[23]
I made it the salute of the Party long after the Duce had adopted it. I'd read the description of the sitting of the Diet of Worms, in the course of which Luther was greeted with the German salute. It was to show him that he was not being confronted with arms, but with peaceful intentions. In the days of Frederick the Great, people still saluted with their hats, with pompous gestures. In the Middle Ages the serfs humbly doffed their bonnets, whilst the noblemen gave the German salute. It was in the Ratskeller at Bremen, about the year 1921, that I first saw this style of salute. It must be regarded as a survival of an ancient custom, which originally signified: "See, I have no weapon in my hand!" I introduced the salute into the Party at our first meeting in Weimar. The SS at once gave it a soldierly style. It's from that moment that our opponents honored us with the epithet "dogs of Fascists".—Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Table Talk
The Golden Dawn even has it's own blonde Aryan looking children, much like Obama's Niggazi and the Putin Youth in Russia.
Golden Dawn's Youth Front has distributed fliers with nationalist messages in Athens schools and organised white power concerts. It publishes the white nationalist magazine Resistance Hellas-Antepithesi, which promotes National Socialism to young people through articles related to music and sports. The magazine is a sister publication of the United States-based National Alliance's Resistance magazine.[35][Third-party source needed] The collaboration between Greek nationalists and American racialists began in 2001, after National Alliance founder William Luther Pierce visited Thessalonica, Greece. Pierce's successor, Erich Gliebe, ratified the collaboration after Pierce's death.For all the clamour, National Socialism was a splendid thing under Adolf Hitler in making Germany a powerhouse. For Italy it was a disaster as El Duce, was too stupid to put radar on his Italian Navy and the British blew it to hell in a few minutes from long range.
An empire is only as good as the dictator. It is why Germany rose and imploded on Hitler genius and failings. It is why America is imploding into the abyss as Obama Osseiran has no genius and only shortcomings.
The Spanish fag though is in an uproar over all of this Golden Dawn, after Obama and al Qaeda installed them into power. Although that senorita, Andorra Antifiaxista, is someone I would think the males of Golden Dawn would like to give a Golden Shower to.

She should though wash the grease from her hair to be more enticing to want to be Aryans, as the Aryans are Israelites from the Lost 10 Tribes and not central Europeans.
Americans, Scandinavians, Lowlanders and Commonwealth genus are the Aryans.....not Germans.
These Spanish fags though are the same Obama NeoProgs who decided that King Juan Carlos was sport to beat on at 80 years old with a broken hip on an elephante hunt.
These are the faces though in Nikiolaos Michalokakous, who is a leader of the party in elected to the City Counsel at Athens.
He is surrounded by a host of warriors like Ilias Kassidiaris, who has all the magik of the appeal for a new order harkening to the glorious past which Europe lusts for.
The European fag communist has only themselves to blame for the joke of Barack Hussien Obama Osseiran, as Obama has no staying power in being a pinko red fag of the Muslim merchants and whore boy of the Berliner bankers.
These leftists of the Golden Dawn, and they are leftists as Socialism is on the left end of the political scale, one step above communists, as even an Obama voter can behold America was a Republic, degraded into demcracy mob rule under Woodrow Wilson, further degraded to socialism under FDR and now under Obama is not in some transition as Mark Levin likes to sound bright in, but is a communist nation.
When unions control, when corporations are conduits for regime policy, when the majority are wards of the state, when George Zimmerman can not blast a Niggazi hoodie and have the local police pat him on the back, and Obama has to nationalize it for Stalin's head thumpers, America is a communist regime......
Long explanation, but Golden Dawn would fix Greece as Hitler fixed Germany. The Europeans respond best to that, while Russians respond best to Oligarchs and American respond best to Republican forms of mass hysteria.
I do hope though that these Patriots of Greece do boot out the Suits on the Ground as this blog exclusively exposed in December of 2011 which Baby just reminded me of last evening in conversations with her.
The problem is B. Hussein Osseiran sweats. His filthy perspiring Islamcommunists all have body fluids seeping out too. Compared to an Anders Breivick or these Golden Greeks, in their fire and firepower, the communist fag has no appeal to normal people.
People like controlled burnings, salutes and sexy nymphs in public in black dresses. People do not like smelly body odor, smug smirks and children being sexed like the Obama ho's in photos.
While it remains to be witnessed what this Golden Dawn will bring to the horizon of Europe and the winter of Europe, the Norwegians should pay attention in do they really want to be torturing the Viking Anders Breivick and poisoning him?
Think about it Obama medal givers in there is the Viking who will be set free by the Golden Dawn to rule over really want a guy ruling over you who you used children singing at him to torture him?
Yes Europa is much more interesting when the real men and women are in charge, and not all these American kept whores in Marshall Plan funding or all these Obama pinko fags.
This blog warned you children about Obama being the precursor. All you Obama voters in America and Europe have fathered this Golden Dawn. If you are bitching about it, this is your Obama pretty cum mess.
You sowed Obama into the world's womb and you birthed Armageddon.Lame Cherry
Armageddon is a Greek word for the Tel Megiddo, hill of Megiddo chokepoint on the south Plains of Sharon north of Jerusalem.....same place the Persian mahdi is supposed to make war, same place God does make war in Christ, and same place in some October the Lord assembles the armies of the world for the last great fight of Good ending evil.
Ride pony rideRide the wind you reapThe Trojan Horse is of courseThe gift you bear to keep.Ride pony rideFrom the cauldron deepThe Greek will come when it has begunAwakening empire sleepRide pony rideUpon the herded sheepThe livestock plain is your domainIt is your heap upon heapRide pony rideRide the wind you reap
With all said the world at dreadThe Apolcalypse does not weep
agtG 222
Post Script: Nom de Deiu, this post alone should feed you children for a 7 year cycle.