William Shakespeare wrote the telling drama of the Merchant of Venice. A story of a Jewish scoundrel who loaned money to a person in need, and as part of the penalty payment the person would have to pay a pound of flesh if he defaulted on the loan.
This same Ashkenaz Jewish merchant was outlawed by Gen. Sherman after the Civil War as these predatory business agents were in the process of buying up the entire south.
Jews are indeed merchants at the top of the rack, for one can outlaw them in the garment trade and they will turn to rags literally and make it a million dollar industry.
That is the rag of Obama which the Jew in George Soros and Mort Zuckerman turned B. Hussein Obama into a profitable industry. Obama though is of a different order of merchant in Obama is the Merchant of Islam. His foundations are in Luo African slave traders in the powerful Osseiran family founded by the Banu Assad or Sons of Assad.
It was this group which were the bankers for Obama in rendering counterfeit money by credit card fraud to the Obama campaign in 2008. It is this family just as they fed fraud information to the west on Saddam Hussein who took over Iraq in the southern Shia.
It is this family which rules Lebanon, and why Obama was treating terror asset Assad of Syria with open arms in Ambassadors and Boeing contracts.
Obama turned on his blood kin though when Assad like Khadaffi tried to blackmail for more in the Obama secret life.
This Osseiran Barack is the merchant of the Osseiran's in why Obama in 2008 was already setting up a coke pipeline into Africa which is shipped by the al Qaeda 727's one never hears any more about.
Obama cut out the English and went into Albania out of west Africa for this shipping via Libya. Soon enough though Spain when they cut their deal with al Qaeda to not be terrorized any more, had coke shipped through there directly into Europe.
That is an exclusive in case you did not catch it. Al Qaeda is not a terror group under Obama, but a merchant group like Obama Osseiran in shipping American dope into Europe for a mafia cartel profit.
It is drug funding now which keeps al Qaeda at bay, and not any military efforts. The US forces in Afghanistan never are allowed off base. The entire "war against terrorism" under Obama is one of dope payoffs with the military as cover.
This is what is behind the Arab Spring of Obama. It is the promised policy of the Obama regime to remove nationalist Islamic leaders like Khadaffi and install the Muslim Brotherhood, as they are communists and Osseiran run and influenced.
If Bashir Assad survives in Syria, this cousin of Barack Obama will have paid off in Lebanon and other resource areas in becoming "a more profitable cut" t trading partner.
Terrorism is a cover just as military operations now are a cover for this Obama mafia spreading through the world. This is all about money, and Obama assisting one family, one communist Islam in ruling the coming Roman Empire for them in Muslim lands.
The money is already on deposit and the oil flowing to the central European Ashkenaz. All that is required now is "title" in a future skirmish to bring about a false anti Christ peace, so the resurrected Roman Empire will simply roll in put it's flag on Muslim lands again.
That infuriates according to the Bible Putin and the Peking girls for Armageddon, but that is several years off if this is the start of the cycle.
Barack Obama is the merchant of Islam, but unlike the Jewish merchant in the Shakespeare play, Obama does not take a pound of flesh, but instead murders the people he is in business with.
This is community organized or Islamocommunist Islam, and if you children have paid attention, you will note that all the Mockingbird shills were incorrectly labeling this Islamofacism BEFORE THIS BLOG CORRECTED THEM, and now as you have been educated, one never, ever, hears the term Islamofascist any more.
These rats in the right and left knew damn sick they were lying to you from the beginning to give this Islam a right wing spin when it is left wing communism. They have gone silent, as this is the 5th column in the world just like Obama hiding in Nazi leftism, but in reality a left wing communist.
You now know the fuller version of the story in Obama's long family Osseiran tree, at leasat by adoption, in he is a merchant of death and Islam is his agent with his being a communist agent of change he believes in.
This is all about management of Islamic lands by Obama. Exactly as Obama turned Slavic eastern European lands over to the Germans and Russians in dividing those free nations for spoil. Islamic lands are to be administered by the best nation rapists in these Islamcommunists. What Obama has done to America in looting her Treasury in trillions, these Obama Osseiran's will loot Islamic lands as African lands have been looted.
It is why America has only had a few sham 'terror' events staged by Indian assets as in the Christmas Condom Bomber, that still non tried terrorist Nidal Hassan and Pakistani asset in the New York bomber who Eric Holder tried to get to shoot up an airport with his rifle, which Holder knew this agent had.
It does not pay for al Qaeda to disrupt the commerce of Obama. That is why nothing has taken place and Obama really did have "peace" for his trade in dope. When Obama needs an event, then another staged event will take place.....perhaps to save his 2012 election theft, as in the murder of Andrew Breitbart it has been proven again that Obama will stoop to anything Donald Young and Lawrence Sinclair to save hisself.
Do not be foolish my children, as there is not "one" planned event, but numerous levels of events for effect. They have been studied, polled and gauged singular and in series combination.
There are Obama scuff events. There are lone wolf events. There are Beslin events. There are 911 events and there is the New York event. Obama will only unleash said events as he is told they are necessary to save hisself or implement policy, as the only focus in this, is the Merchant of Islam trade........not the traders.
In that, do not overlook Baby's spider tell from her plasma genius in what she gathers in surveillance in posting, that Obama's own cartel benefactors have deemed him expendable after the election is stolen to cover up all their crimes.
The situation is still changing and had a major shift this past week as being exposed here puts a different spin on things, and the lords and priests then take it out on Baby in trying to remedy her to obey and not make her own plasma mind choices in associating with this blog as her Bible.
We shall see as that is viscous fluid while the Merchant of Islam Obama Osseiran is in stone in his trade of dope under the cover of terrorism and military operations.
All is Obama peace in the world, in the great messiah Barack........Messiah Jesus brings peace to the world in sacrifice and messiah Barack sells the world in sacrifice to bring his dope wars.
The new Islamic proverb:
الذي يحتاج الله عندما عبيده والجشع، والمخدرات، والتجار
عرجاء الكرز
Who needs allah when his servants are mammon, drugs and merchants.
Lame Cherry
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