Thursday, May 3, 2012

Christian Patriot Mel Gibson

I really do not appreciate the dark humor in what is being conducted in operation against Mel Gibson, the Latin Catholic.

It is no accident that the mix of satan, the cartel, Hollywood and the demon machine is what has been initiated against him to make Mad Max into Mad Mel.
Granted the cartel actually would be pleased as the Hollywood scribble whores in being exposed here for this terroristic torture of Catholic Gibson, as it is Merchant of Venice sadistic crossed with the torture of Job by satan, but as they have not allowed their Nancy or whatever to feature the operation for credit and only allowed Matt Drudge to dredge up the continuous rape of Mel Gibson, the silence is their inside joke of revelatory delight in watching this Catholic twist on the stake as they light one more straw to roast him insane.

Mr. Gibson, unlike Mr. Breitbart committed holiness in he actually succeeded in his Catholic dogma station movie, the Passion of Christ, and did not share the hundreds of millions with the cartel.
Breitbart got puffy pink dead. Bill Clinton got B. Hussein in the White House instead of Hillary for screwing the cartel over and Mel Gibson has been given the "leaden cure" in the mystic potions of the poisonous heavy metals like mercury slowly intoxicating his system to punish him like George W. Bush in taking Saddam Hussein away from the cartel in his bribes.

I do not know what the cartel has poisoned Gibson with. It of course would be not be a heavy metal to leave a trace, unless of course that is the part of the joke too. It was though agreed upon to turn Mel Gibson into Mad Max, to make this American Patriot a pariah of insanity in finding anti Ashkenaz rants cloaked in "Jewish" antisemitism and other such non sense to poison pen Gibson to death.
Gibson of course would not be making those mistakes in clouding the issue, unless of course the demon machine, the same electrical generated charge which had Peggy Noonan's pussy wet with Obama desire like millions of American women.............

Oh you didn't know that it was possible to set up a brain wave enhancer on a national scale to get women hyped up and hot for the Afroid to get them to vote for Obama?

That is what the demon machine which is hooked up to the Baby plasma mind was designed for, to mimick satan's evil impulse temptations and put them into people at large for political gain and cartel power.

AESA, the massive new radar is something which has been proven to reprogram computers and that means voting machines as Obama did in 2008. There really is no difference between the programming in a computer chip and that of the human brain. Electronic waves managed are what both are, and Mel Gibson is having his mismananged much to the circus delight of this Roman orgy.of offering up the Christians to the games.

In that Gibson is a Gladiator, whose vinegar has been spiked, as "Friends, Romans, countrymen, today we salute you, who are about to die".

This blog sincerely hopes that Mr.Gibson will not now go puffy pink in this torture of him is being exposed, and Mr. Gibson and others being aware of this torture will  start initiating measures to rectify this attack and protect him.

Mel Gibson is not the person portrayed in these rants. These rants are being initiated by simply trick of magik, in chemicals, eletronic radars and thoughts being placed into his mind by the demon machine, as much as satan.

Mel Gibson is not Mad Max, but these heinous Faustians are insane with revenge and satanic hatred for Gibon's success in portraying Christ and garnering success in being blessed in this venture.
The cartel requires Gibson to become dragged through debauchery and branded insane, so that the entire Christ venture will never be shown in the light of movies ever again.

Those are the facts in this and it is past time that Mel Gibson figure this out, and that his Latin Catholic dogma is not a shield against this, as the Church of Rome has satanists practicing there and Mr. Obama is currently destroying the Jesuits for Obama's communist catholics as were in eastern Europe.

The murder of the Pope is the sacrifice which the Obama Order is keying on, if the old guy doesn't got tits up before the big event for Peter of Rome.

So as this blog pointed out from Day One, that California Hiway Patrol Sugar Tits just didn't happen to arrest Mel Gibson, she and that crew were all waiting to implement the start of this on orders in this plot.
Dick Wolfe of NBC in his Law and Order with Sugar Tits Chevy Chase wrote that script as part of the vicious mauling of Mel Gibson.

Every detail in this attack on Mel Gibson is satanic and from the diablos minions, and it is being helped with the new tricks of the sorcery in incubus, hyped emotions and the meld of radar waves to put thought impulses in Mr. Gibson's mind to produce the movie product the world is viewing.

None of this is by accident. It is all scripted and it is utilizing the worst technology known to mankind in a most horrid assault upon Mr. Gibson. None of this is singular though as millions of Obamaniacs drank that kook aid willingly, and others have been terrorized in these radar sweeps for years as this manifests.

Feed little boys soymilk to shrink their nuts, hype them on brain wave sex, put them off into college and remove God, and the next thing you have is the Niggazi Nation of B. Hussein Obama queering it up.
A mob of homosexuals just did not happen by accident. They were created to bring about the pedophile step in where this is all generating.

As for now, Mel Gibson needs Christian prayer, Bible study, Jesus and Holy Angels and an awareness in this being exposed in what has been carried out against him.
When this comes to understaning.then the demoniacs as satan retreat as Understanding drives away the darkness.

If you would like relief and the way to rectify this Mr. Gibson, you are a bright person in being able to contact me.

nuff said

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