"I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so."
Adolf Hitler
That revelation is quite shocking to thee uniformed, but that is the reality of Adolf Hitler whose reality has been one of being lied about for a generation, but was hidden away in several German, bastardized French and English transcripts of an almost 4 year conversation he had with German elite for 1 to 2 hours an evening which was entitled Table Talk.
The basis of Adolf Hitler, the Ashkenaz bastard of the Rothschild lines from Austria is quite simple in his belief.
Adolf Hitler hated Bolsheviks who were Marxist Communists, created by the Rothschilds to better manage for profit in cannibal capitalism the poor to death and nations for plunder.
Most of the Bolsheviks were Ashkenaz "Jews" of the elite who were Godless.
This then is dovetailed into the understanding Hitler had in Jesus the Galilean was persecuted by the Jewish capitalists to be murdered.
Heir Hitler believed Jesus was the Son of God, and therefore like much of the Catholic dogma in Europe of the past centuries, he had no compassion on "Jews" as they had murdered the Son of God.
In Hitler's mindset, his morals eschewed he was the avenging hand of God against this commerce Ashkenaz who murdered Christ, and this same Bolsehvik communists, who Hitler believed had started with St. Paul's teachings, were intent on exterminating Germany as the Bolshevik's had threatened often in the press.
Hitler could remove and slaughter "Jews" as long as he did it without malice, as it was Biblically legal as he was a sort of "goel".
Originally, Christianity was merely an incarnation of Bolshevism the destroyer. Nevertheless, the Galilean, who later was called Christ, intended something quite different. He must be regarded as a popular leader who too up His position against Jewry. Galilee was a colony where the Romans had probably installed Gallic legionaries, and it's certain that Jesus was not a Jew. The Jews, by the way, regarded Him as the son of a whore-- of a whore and a Roman soldier.
- The decisive falsification of Jesus's doctrine was the work of St. Paul. He gave himself to this work with subtlety and for purposes of personal exploitation. For the Galiean's object was to liberate His country from Jewish oppression. He set Himself against Jewish capitalism, and that's why the Jews liquidated Him.
- Christ was an Aryan, and St. Paul used his doctrine to mobilise the criminal underworld and thus organise a proto-Bolsevism
It is interesting to witness Adolf Hitler's focus and mindset in the threats of Marxism, and how it was his entire world view, incorporated with the common era Darwinism of some people were meant to rule and others be ruled.
Whether one agrees with Heir Hitler's doctrine on St. Paul, the reality is that Heir Hitler was correct in organize religion was many time the problem in hurting Faithful people.
Karl Marx would term for the Rothschilds that religion was the opiate of the masses. Marx would by doctrine murder more Eurasians by Stalin than Hitler ever did, and Marx through Obama would plunder America worse than Hitler ever did.
The reality is what the cartel has never wanted published in Hitler did have Christian morals, melded with the old pagan rites.
That was hidden and he was skewed as a madman by the Ashkenaz and the cartels, as examining Hitler's ideology opened the door to the entire power structure which the elite rule the world to this day or install foreigners like Obama into the White House.
Ich weiß, dass der Mensch in seiner Fehlerhaftigkeit tausend Dinge falsch machen wird. Aber entgegen dem eigenen Wissen etwas falsch tun, das kommt nicht in Frage! Man darf sich persönlich einer solchen Lüge niemals fügen. Nicht weil ich andere ärgern will, sondern weil ich darin eine Verhöhnung der ewigen Vorsehung erkenne. Ich bin froh, wenn ich mit denen keine innere Verbindung habe.
A most interesting thing in this was that Martin Bormann was the source of all the "Christian lies" about Hitler hating Christ, the Church and the Faithful.
"I know that humans in their defectiveness will do a thousand things wrong. But to do something wrong against one's own knowledge, that is out of the question! One should never personally accept such a lie. Not because I want to annoy others, but because I recognize therein a mockery of the Eternal Providence. I am glad if I have no internal connection with them."
Adolf Hitler
One can find in Hitler's will, his last words in kicking out Himmler and Goerhing from the party for their betrayal of Germany.
Martin Bormann served as the instigator, fuel, and reason for the perception of many Christians that Nazism was against Christianity. Many times, quotes attributed to Hitler are actually Bormann's. It is well known that Bormann secretly worked against the Catholic religion behind Hitler's back and without his permission. It has been pointed out that "the fight against the church organizations" were Bormann's pet project. In spite of Bormann's repeated attempts to persuade Hitler to act against the Churches, Hitler insisted that "There has been no official Party announcement, nor will there be one."The fact is Adolf Hitler desired a United Christian Church in Germany. He was never denounced as an apostate and spoke of his belief in God.
His ideals were pointing to a Holy German Church of Faithful. The very thing which the Ashkenaz fully destroyed as intended by World War II in Christian Germany and Germans.
All of this gives a real view of Hitler which explains his mindset and his reasoning for his entire policy structure which was simply German nationalism for Germans which was exactly what has ruled Europe, what rules China or India to this day.
Luther had the merit of rising against the Pope and the organisation of the Church. It was the first of the great revolutions. And thanks to his translation of the Bible, Luther replaced our dialects by the great German language!
It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself.We don't want to educate anyone in atheism.
Albert Speer was quoted with this reality of what the 1000 Year Reich was going to be founded upon.
Even after 1942 Hitler went on maintaining that he regarded the church as indispensable in political life. He would be happy, he said in one of those teatime talks at Obersalzberg, if someday a prominent churchman turned up who was suited to lead one of the churches- or if possible both the Catholic and Protestant churches reunited. He still regretted that Reich Bishop Muller was not the right man to carry out his far-reaching plans. But he sharply condemned the campaign against the church, calling it a crime against the future of the nation. For it was impossible, he said, to replace the church by any party ideologyAdolf Hitler was looking for a strong Christian leader to unite Catholics and Protestants in Germany. He was like Henry VIII in advocating a Church of England.
Heir Hitler understood the glue of the Church in holding peoples together. Unlike B. Hussein Obama Osseiran who is trying to destroy the Jesuits in America by making the Commucatholics, Adolf Hitler was promoting Christianity and not putting halos on his head and trying to be a messiah.
The following quotes sum up a Hitler which has been blotted out from history.
Here we have a Christian minister to his fellow Christians:
If anyone can lay claim to God's help, then it is Hitler, for without God's benevolent fatherly hand, without his blessing, the nation would not be where it stands today. It is an unbelievable miracle that God has bestowed on our people.The established Methodist church paper, the Friedensglocke, vouched for the authenticity of a story about Hitler where he invited a group of deaconesses from the Bethel Institutions into his home at Obersalzberg:
-Minister Rust, in a speech to a mass meeting of German Chrisitans on June 29, 1933 [Helmreich, p. 138]
The deaconesses entered the chamber and were astonished to see the pictures of Frederick the Great, Luther, and Bismarck on the wall. Then Hitler said:
Those are the three greatest men that God has given the German people. From Fredrick the Great I have learned bravery, and from Bismarck statecraft. The greatest of the three is Dr. Martin Luther, for he made it possible to bring unity among the German tribes by giving them a common language through his translation of the Bible into German...
[Note that Hitler's own words about his admiration for Martin Luther are expressed in Mein Kampf.]
One sister could not refrain from saying: Herr Reichkanzler, from where do you get the courage to undertake the great changes in the whole Reich?
Thereupon Hitler took out of his pocket the New Testament of Dr. Martin Luther, which one could see had been used very much, and said earnestly: "From God's word."
Adolf Hitler carrying a well worn Luther's New Testament Bible, he was professing to the Faithful Sisters.
If you can handle the reality, in reading Adolf Hitler's actual conversations and quotes, Herr Hitler is more fluent in Christianity than any leader and compares to the American President Ronald Reagan, with no disparaging against Mr. Reagan intended.
We are the first to exhume these teachings! Through us alone, and not until now, do these teachings celebrate their resurrection! Mary and Magdalene stood at the empty tomb. For they were seeking the dead man! But we intend to raise the treasures of the living Christ!Herein lies the essential element of our mission: we must bring back to the German Volk the recognition of those teachings!
One can examine the communal nature of the common good of the Apostles to the work of Levites in Moses and Joshua in wiping out peoples who God Judged to be exterminated.
One can look to the Judahite in King David in his subjection of peoples from the Red Sea to the Euphrates River.
All are heralded as Christians of the Aryan lines, while while Adolf Hitler was not Aryan, he is Semite, and one can examine Truthfully why is it that Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran can invade and exterminate rival Muslims who are Nationalists like Khadaffi or Sheik bin Laden, and install communist Muslims without any scholar or historian questioning along with the courts Mr. Obama Osseiran's heinous crimes.
There is a reason the elite censored the complete Hitler, as if Christian America had heard the things Hitler was speaking about, they would have never gotten involved in World War II as American aviation Hero in Charles Lindbergh and the majority never desired.
Adolf Hitler was at absolute war with communist Godless "Jewry". His concentration camps did exterminate numbers of adversaries to Germany, while the majority were worked to death or died of disease.
Disease and starvation brought about by allied bombing of medicine factors and food transport in something called war.
The number of dead "Jews" though is not 6 million, but in the 1.4 million range, which included dead Bolshevik Jews fighting in the war. That number though is "small" compared to the totals of most European nations.
Soviet Joe Stalin advocated exterminating 10 million German males and FDR laughed at that statement much to Winston Churchills horror.
Stalin would have his ghastly Bolshevik horde gang rape and impregnate millions of German women.
Adolf Hitler, a moral man...........
agtG 252
Table Talk
Jim Walkers commentary on Table Talk