This blog has decided upon slumbering conversations with the Tiger Lily, that putting humans on Mars is what the 2013 occupiers of the White House should embark upon, for a national projected identity of an American led mission of cowboys and if some Conservatives from Japan and western Europe are to tag along, then fine and dandy, but this is for working white folks and brown skinned folks, nothing more on the first trip, only American, Oz, Angles, Scandinavian, German, Swiss on the white bread side, and on the olive side, Spanish, Japanese, Filipino or Thai, as this requires a mix of peoples who amount to something on their own.
First step as I have laid out, is creating a Lunar Base for utilizing the assets and waters of the Moon, and as a manufacturing platform.
Funding for this project will be tourism on the Moon in a vacation structure for the rich.
Getting them up there would be a massive quad rocket bay for cargo and people, and getting them back of course would be pods dumping them into the ocean.
People could supersonic plane into space as an alternative too.
I base this Light Ship the Goodspeed class, in 3 ships will be sent, as there are no AAA stations in case something goes tits up on Mars.
The ships, the Goodspeed, Santa Maria and Enterprise, will each have a pod in tow for a manufacturing process to be set up on the Martian moons as bases.
Manufacturing is simple in a polymertal, a plastic metal, will be the shell for the ships, which actually will resemble a "spinning top". As this vessel is not ever designed for landings, but as a true space station ship on which to operate from.
Construction is a poly cast injection system of pieces being formed in liquid complex, injected in short moulds and extruded out in a series of saucer pods and cylinders all "welded" by the same polymertal construction.
As exclusive here in my decades old design, the ship's power plant is run in electronic coils using either battery or solar panels which transform as in auto engines, several hundred volts to several million volts of electricity.
Ships engines are positronic, meaning, they are polar warp drive engines, meaning my design is the creation of a postive electronic field off the stern of each engine, and each engine pod creates a like positive electronic magnetic field like a magnet.
The stern field is made to collapse in against the engine field which pushes away. This is how one creates thrust in a vacuum which no one has ever asked how rockets in a space vacuum ever moved objects about eh.
In any propulsion event, this ship then will move beyond the speed of light, making interstellar travel possible. Mars at lightspeed is approximately a 13 minute trip. One can breach the solar system then in a little under 6 hours.
It is deemed responsible to keep flights at sublight inside the Terran system.
No matter, this is my invention structure, and in equal form, deflection shields surround the forward of the ship.
There you go children in being in the presence of a Solomon, a DaVinci, a Franklin, an Edison all combined in me in this hard drive.
You may not though construct ugly starships like that queer Frenchie Enterprise, but I will allow Star Trek TOS Enterprise types, Klingon battleships and the original Romulan bird of prey design.
That should be enough as you mocking ants crawl about this electronic genre of Baby's plasma and are incapable of comprehending what my process is. I just progressed humanity 400 years as Star Trek in the 23rd century was still using silly anti matter and was looking for ion.
What was it you were working on today? Oh yes how is that faux tree of life treating you?
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