I sometimes forget what I inform you children of as my massive hard drive I have been etched upon by Light speaks in so many languages and when I touch upon things, I satiate them and deal with them no more.
I will though here to explain in detail some things as questions have come up concerning December 2012 on the 21st, and the first statement is, the world does not end then, nor does any cataclysm take place. Those events come later.
Does December hold evil in her "death of the sun" series of days? Yes she does, if the shadows of these images doe not change. That though is human and demonic oriented by action of choice and not something of cosmic destruction.......even if events are written in the stars.
The subject is the beginning of cosmic human memorable history in titles of Marduk, Nibiru, Kronos, Zeus or as you will recognize them as Saturn and Jupiter.
Mary visits every morning and just sits period.
That I place there for the little children to know the order of the planets in the first letters of that sentence are the planets in order, minus that planet X or Nibiru.
I will jump into this in explaining that the mixing of Biblical realities in God writing events in the heavens, recorded ancient observations mingled with cults which became established out of fear due to major events and not having a relationship with God, is the basis of all of this Nibiru or cosmic destruction.
It is all quite easily explained if one was there then, but as all were not, the legend gets jumbled with the facts which while spectacular, is not as wild as the explanations which have made people some good livings.
Once upon a time, it was stated that Saturn was in the north sky, as a polar star which ruled, and Jupiter was a southern star. An event though or correctly series of events took place which changed all of that.
The reality is, Saturn which was always worshiped for the dramatic impact she had on the solar system and people of low nature in sex rites, found herself starring on the satanic stage of the Biblical "attempting" to become God.
What took place is quite simple really in a rogue dwarf star happened to come flying by the Sol system, or where you exist. Being a rather large object, it's gravity when it passed by Saturn in it's gaseous state, displaced it from it's orbital path.
If you would like to call this Nibiru, then please do as it provides as focal point.

The Sumerians recorded in a way the best understanding they could comprehend in Nibiru and the events of the sky which of course have eroded in telling in these thousands of years.
This Nibiru had trailers or objects in it's gravitational pull which it had picked up from outside the solar system proper, and this is what gave rise to the legend of Saturn eating the children after the event. The children being comets, planetoids and moons in the wake.
In this gaseous tearing of Saturn, she had ejections and things pulled off which were visible, as was the illusion that this was a "war with Jupiter" her or his son, which appeared in the wake as Nibiru vanished in the terrified memories of humans.
This was not the only event as the asteroid belt between the solid and gaseous planets was the result of the break up of a 10th planet which was quite large there, and in this chaos the asteroid belt was formed along with lesser bits from Nibiru's wake, and the children of Saturn formed the outer gaseous planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
There is that "cloud" where the comets come from, which was an eddy pool of the sun's gravity ripping off Nibiru or this dwarf star's bits which were being pulled along, and that is the cosmic picture which was recorded and is being found traces of by modern astronomers.
There is though more to this, as in this period of time, the Bible records after Noah that earth was divided. As I have exclusively written before in Inspiration, this was not just language at Babel, but a literal dividing of the one central continent which made the "earth.
Eden was planted in the east, which meant there was a west. There is no west proper in that Mideast today, so there was one, once upon a Genesis.
Antarctica has a fossil record of tropical vegetation, and that did not grow there, nor take millions of years to drift there. It simply was an event of the fractured main continent drifting in pieces on a fiery sea and being established where God intended them.
It accounts why the Applachians are old mountains and the Rockies new. Just as the hills around Jerusalem are small and old, while the Himalayas to the east are fresh and jagged. Some went through the Deluge and some are more recent having not been softened by water.
This movement of the land masses though did change points of visual observation as well as Saturn being pulled from it's original orbit.
Saturn was originally much larger and more visible as a "sun" in the night sky.
None of this is as spectacular as hidden planets of doom on December sun days, but then coronal ejections by the sun in expanding due to the Nibiru passing, the "fight of Saturn" and it being moved, and the children of the continent being created so star points changed as the earth started to move in seasonal wobbles, is quite spectacular too......but one brings life and the other is all death, and while people are terrified of living they are paranoid about dying.
Name | Nationality/Religion | God or Goddess or ? | Notes |
Amaterasu | Japan | Sun Goddess | |
Arinna (Hebat) | Hittite (Syrian) | Sun Goddess | The Iconography of Religion in the Hittite, Luwian, and Aramaean Kingdoms PDF |
Apollo | Greece and Rome | Sun God | |
Freyr | Norse | Sun God | Not the main Norse sun god, but a fertility god associated with the sun. |
Garuda | Hindu | Bird God | |
Helios (Helius) | Greece | Sun God | Before Apollo was the Greek sun god, Helios held that position. |
Hepa | Hittite | Sun Goddess | The consort of a weather god, she was assimilated with the sun goddess Arinna. |
Huitzilopochtli (Uitzilopochtli) | Aztec | Sun God | |
Inti | Inca | Sun God | |
Liza | West African | Sun God | |
Lugh | Celtic | Sun God | |
Mithras | Persia | Sun God | "Mit(h)ra(s) and the Myths of the Sun" David H. Sick. Numen (2004). |
Re (Ra) | Egypt | Mid-day Sun God | An Egyptian god shown with a solar disk. Center of worship was Heliopolis. Later associated with Horus as Re-Horakhty. Also combined with Amun as Amun-Ra, a solar creator god. |
Shemesh/Shepesh | Ugarit | Sun goddess | Female solar deities (Jürg Eggler) PDF |
Sol (Sunna) | Norse | Sun Goddess | She rides in a horse-drawn solar chariot. |
Sol Invictus | Roman | Sun God | The unconquered sun. A late Roman sun god. The title was also used of Mithras. |
Surya | Hindu | Sun God | Rides the sky in a horse-drawn chariot. |
Tonatiuh | Aztec | Sun God | |
Utu (Shamash) | Mesopotamia | Sun God |
It is though why the common knowledge of the sun god's at war, and the Living God over demons and natural objects in the sky, is part of the human history which has become legend, folklore or God's object lesson in ignorant works of clay being educated in how to be saved.

The Babylonian "marduk" in the above is shown destroying the evil of chaos. Chaos being what took place when this Nibiru event transpired and the Saturn of the sky went to war against the chaos in heaven and earth and survived, in the stories of people telling their children of what they had witnessed.
It is all the common thread. It though does not take a book to inform you, and as all are too cheap to pay this blog anything to give you the hidden and forbidden knowledge......up to a point, then it is good you have it for free until the debt comes due.
That is about enough time wasted on this as Jesus is coming back, and that is thee event to look for and prepare. Yes am aware of Wormwood, 1/3rd of the stars falling, water into blood, moon blood and sun as sackcloth for 3 days. That is a like event in sun scorching in being bright in a coronal ejection event.
It does not have to be on Nibiru in orbit. The universe is a big place with allot of things in chaos and God's gravity bringing order to it all eventually.
Probably not nuff said, but nuff said.
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