Monday, May 14, 2012

Obama Osseiran Merchants

This blog has been the only exclusive source in exposing the crimes against humanity in the Gulag Rapeapelago of Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran globally.

Barack Obama Osseiran was installed by the Berlin financiers of central Europe, funded by the Osseiran Mideast Muslim Mafia and the slave Afroid American voter is what drives this Niggazi National Socialist regime of Double O.

The reality it Barack Osseiran and his merchantmen are pure and simple but dope, guns, terrorism and oil mercantile pirates.

This all goes back to Barack Obama getting 300 million dollars illegally from the Muslim Mafia and Americans stuck for that money in TARP payments to credit card debt in how it was laundered.
Obama has been busy paying interest on that debt ever since and is what is behind the Obama Osseiran policy which the world has been stunned by in the carnage, murder and war.

Obama went into Sudan and carved off South Sudan for oil, and then set afire a new religicide war on Christians there as the Islamic northern terrorists slaughter the Africans there.

Obama went into Syria and carved off that nation for the contraband traffic there, which in turn terrified more Christians there in relgicide creating a new Exodus there.

Once again, two Barack Hussein Osseiran policies aimed at murdering Christians in Muslim lands for the cartel's hate of Christ and their lust for the black market trade which is the profit structure of the merchants who installed Obama at 1600 Penn Avenue.

None of this is secret as the stories do leak out, but you will notice how no one from Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Huckabee, FOX, CNN, MSNBC, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow or George Nouri give a damn about the fiendish rapine of the Christian world which Barack Osseiran and his mercantile class have been involved in.

This is religous and ethnic cleansing, Kosovo was used to maul Serbian Christians over the head to gain a Muslim state in Europe, when the facts prove the dead Muslims started appearing later in voter registrations, but one never hears about this.
That though was a crime under Bill Clinton and a major war, but Obama Osseiran has gone one worse in Obama starts wars in peaceful regimes, steals the economic and resource structure for his Marxists and then murders Christians as his coup de grace.

In reality, Barack Obama Osseiran is the Ashkenaz elite signing work to death camp contracts for ghetto Jews, only difference is the Jews got starved to death, while Obama's merchants of death waste no food rations and just terminate with bullets.
That of course in German Heckler and Koch 308 and Putin, 7.62 x 39 land a nice bonus in ammunition sales as one does have to keep the profit structure up until Obama deposits another trillion into the accounts or oil starts pumping or dope is delivered or a new load of white whores or get the idea, as Christians get in the way of this, and those Christians have nice homes and gardens to steal for Marxist cronies.

Anything else?

Hmmmm yeah that Salah Osseiran in his Obama connection in how does this guy have like 4 front companies, buying up American businesses, appears in Forbes, is around dangerous chemicals and has a skinhead kid in the Netherlands who doesn't like touching dirty women in America who are Christians......why is it that Eric Holder can't see anything alarming in that for Naps Napolitano to Patriot Act investigate.
Sort of like Nidal Hasan still not facing trial as it is a no terrorist name zone in Obamaland.

Dead Christians, that is the Obama Osseiran policy. You will recall that Double O got a taste of it in sodomite Donald Young from that black religion Obama was involved in, as this Muslim money started Obama's college career and government election theft.
Oh when you are a mahdi messiah, you need sacrifices and just like Nero, you just spill  Christian blood........sure no crimes here as this is Roman games in feed the Christians to the beasts.

Yes Blood on His Obama Osseiran, doing them all one better in sacrificing Christians to hisself and making a fortune out of looting the world to the sound of that cash ringing till.

Is anybody listening or are you all waiting for Elton Blonde to sh*t your thoughts for you as Obama wipes your head?

Lame Cherry (and you can quote me on that)
Yes that christian Mike Huckabee really features religious cleansing of Christians all the time on his platform now doesn't he? Seems he can only whine about that dead terror hoodie as that poor boy.

agtG 246 Y

I get the feeling you're tryin' to tell me  
Is there something that I should know?  
What excuse are you tryin' to sell me? 
Should I be readin' stop or go?, I don't know
Be with me, seems you're never here with me  

Ooh, I've been tryin' to get over there  
Ah, but it's out of my reach  
And there's no reply at all there's no reply at all