If you jaded perverts in America can not fathom that the above Mockingbird photo generated exactly as Obama's Washington Post story on the gay hair trimmer Romney, has deliberate and complete manipulations involved, then of course you missed the proof of what this blog has been alerting you to for years, in the gay agenda is about pedophilia, the legalized rape of children, and the Time generated cover just in time for Obama sex campaign 2012 is intended to invoke the idea that children and not infants are sucking women's breasts........with a dose of Obama incest in the dirty hot blonde mum, not only getting her titties sucked, but the kid has his crotch on the mum's though ready for a dry hump and his hand is ready for netherland adventures.
It is no accident in a French evil smoking ad that boys and girls were poised for pedophilia too. This entire Obama Pedophile Doctrine from his sexying up his daughters, dating them and speaking of them in sexual situations is what this Letterman Cocktail Crowd has always been about in raping children, and now wanting it to be legal, after we get Mark Levin to chant that Mockingbird comment, :"I don't care what homosexuals do behind closed doors".
Too bad, God does and so does this blog.
Sex is for creating life. Marriage is where sex only takes place, as it requires two normal people in male and female to program correct treatment of the others sexes, so you do not end up with Bill Clinton, B. Hussein, Karl Rove or Bill Maher, and Hillary Clinton, Lee Woodruff, Barbara Walters or Rachel Maddow.
Those are the dark soul examples of what should never be around children.
Gays are joke. They wanted marriage and they all got divorced as one can not have marriage without God first and it based on LOVE and not sex.
What is taking place now is what this blog warned, and the ridiculous spin on that perverted Time child sex cover in trying to make this about motherhood and nursing.....I suppose that is why the woman is dressed like a Dom and not Roseanne Barr.
I posted on this in June 2009. Long before most of you were weaned from FOX and Limbaugh. The reality is Americans are so sick in the brain now that a cover like Time posted for Obama child rape is not even something the cartel fears a backlash over.
I might as well quote myself as this blog is the only thing worth quoting on any subject any more.
It was in Greece that the Spartans developed a pedophile standard of adults sexualizing children.
This spread to the other city states, with a sort of caveat in, "One could rape a child as long as the child got something out of it in position or advancement in society. One just could not molest a child and not be generous about it."
Young boys were in Spartan unculture taken from parents, put into boy's camps, involved in rigorous training, thievery and under the tutelage of old perverts would grow to be warriors, who would one day be raping children of their own.
It became so depraved that on wedding nights the Spartan would first have another male dressed up a woman for the deed to help the transition for the main event.