I was I was
Furthermore Why is it when Col. Khadaffi had a better national socialist regime than Obama's communist regime in providing for his people's needs and low energy bills, does not anyone ever examine these nationalist Muslims which B. Hussein Osseiran is blowing up?
Take for example, this chic from Syria who is ambassador to Greece:
Ambassador of the Syrian
Arab Republic, Mrs. Houda Al- Houmsi

This is one American looking chic.
Could Dictator Assad be that bad of a murderer when he hires women in a Muslim nation to lead?
Look at Mrs. Al-Houmsi's accomplishments:
- The Enabling of woman in the Syrian Arab Republic " (puplished by UNDP -2002)
- Woman in Arab Parlimentary Institutions (puplished by Human Rights law Institute De Paul University - Chicago ,USA -2006)
- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentisry of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Hellenic Republic
- Chairman of the Woman Engineer Committee - Engineering Syndicate Damascus Branch (2000-2009)
This chic actually has done more than intellectualism stuff than Muchelle Obama or Sarah Plain. yeah I mean plain.
Oh by the way, I know I said I was on my adventure, but when one is between star voyages, one must wait for their intraplanetary craft, as it is all quite complicated as some can fly about in jets, but when one is of this popular girls's standings, one must travel on swordcraft as well as practice it.
Meanwhile this Syrian chic is who Bashir Assad chose, Bahsir also had good taste in wives compared to B. Hussein.
You know except for that white chic Susan Rice, the regent of Africa, Obama Osseiran has horrid taste in women. They all look like the chafe.
Meanwhile.....just a moment need to check a page to see if my star cruiser is clearing for take off.......
Am back, no was not yet as I have priority clearance and departure time is when I log in.
Meanwhile, I will not go into massive details in this gals past, but she is an engineer....IN SYRIA.
She is someone who works for the OIL INDUSTRY, in Syria.
She is a diplomat and other things that makes one think this union trade member would be a perfect President for America, as America installs foreigners all the time.
I was looking for a Lebanese Ambassador, but apparently they just have Obama murdering and looting the Middle East for the Osseiran Shia mafia.
I always though Lebanese women were hot, but then I never watch Miss Universe any more, as no one wears fur, and women just have to wear mink jackets to make television worth watching.
Say, I was getting my cruiser ready this week, and I popped on the television and was wondering about all these alien chicas I saw on the American news.
Nom de Deiu, what the heaven is up with that? Was like looking at Freakoid Planet. Those women all got ass fat or something injected into their faces.
....and I surfed programs for 20 minutes, and it was all commercials!!!!!!
Sure I got to see Ron Coburn of Savage Arms blast a target, but geez louise, like 69 channels and not a blessed thing to watch.
Meanwhile back at Syria.......
No let's talk about Lebanon, as Lebanon Shiaism is what is blowing up Syria.
Osseiran said his evaluation envisions continued hostile relations between
the US and the two regional powers over the difficult issues
of Iraq and nuclear weapons, and as long as that conflict
persists, Syria and Iran will keep as many proxies as
possible in the region, specifically in Iraq, Lebanon, and
the West Bank/Gaza. He suggested that perhaps a deal could
be made that would finish off the decaying Lahoud presidency,
but the primary objectives of the international community as
expressed in UNSCR 1559 were most likely not achievable in
the current political environment. Additionally, Osseiran
was not optimistic regarding the establishment of normal
diplomatic relations between Syria and Lebanon and plainly
expected the Syrian regime to delay, obfuscate, and deny
Well there you have it terrorists investors, the Obama Osseiran manifesto of Marxist secular Shia Islam. Syria is the problem so blowing her up is the answer so the Lebanese Shia can control the region.
Behead the Lebanese Presidency and it will be Obama jr. running that place.....but don't hold your breath nigger hoodies, as the Arab is not going to have some darkie ruling over them like the Designer Negro they installed in America.
So for protecting Christians, apparently appointing skilled women and shipping Saddam's oil that Marc Rich and Eric Holder were skimming for Bill Clinton, managing the Lebanese crime structure, and helping funnel money to Obama 2008, Bashir Assad is bad man......in Obama's eyes.
Get the point in one has crooked American NeoProgs doing far worse than Bashir Assad, and treating women worse.........hey no raped women in Syria by the President and no raping John Edwards to keep him out of power to get the nomination from Obama.
This blog actually feels a big sorry for John Edwards, as it was here that it was pointed out that he was the only man who could save the Democratic party by knocking off Hillary and Barack.
Edwards too is not a nice guy, but compared to Obama Osseiran, John Edwards is as better the devil you know like Bashir Assad.
Oh well, another nationalist Arabian Muslim leader is wiped out, and the Obama Osseiran's drag America to a new body count.......what is it like over 1200 Americans murdered in Afghanistan?
You children I told You that Obama was going to murder off a pile of Americans to kill morale and to give his Muslim Brohoodies payback in US blood. You just let the Soldiers die though didn't you in not making it an issue.
So except for that gatewaypundit gal, no one has bothered to make the Osseiran issue the buzz to bring down B. Hussein Obama.
Never mind, you have better things to do and I think I will hit the electro mag thrusters in a few, as I just love making those moonshots wait in those Obama voters eating my magnetic waves.
Oh when Obama Osseiran policy vaporizes Damascus as this bunch has been trying for years with Iran and Putin, is that going to make you any more warm and fuzzy with Barry than it did with dead bin Laden or dead Khadaffi?
How many people have to die, with pets, fruit trees and wonderful buildings destroyed before anyone in America stops being a Mockingbird parrot in not exposing any of this before it is too late.
Is not a Syria which promotes educated, independent, successful females as leaders what this entire Bush doctrine of kinder and gentler Islam is all about?
Syria required fixing, not extermination for more mad Marxist Muslims like Iran.