Children, as I'm about to go on adventure, a point must be made in Baby is pointing to Tim Tebow a great deal, and the Congruents of Evil.
QB Tebow, is a signature of Light in an Obama abyss world. This blog stated early that he would be used up, beat up and destroyed by the NFL as he is too much a Christian, and the NFL is Obamite Negroprog.
Negroprog: The advancement of the Afroid over others as a football welfare program of commerce.
With QB Tebow having a 1 million dollar bounty put on his head for sexual relations, to his being sentenced to New York as a back up QB, where he will be under Gotham's poison pens and it's leacherous sinfulness, the scene has been set where Tim Tebow will be destroyed.
Do not forget that Invisible Children twerp running around naked and jacking off in public after he made wave the Obama Osseiran cartel did not appreciate.
It is a simple matter of absorption for Tim Tebow to be spiked at some outing and end up assaulting some woman in a hotel room phoning 911 like Charlie Sheen.
For Baby to focus on Tebow, means the spiders are picking up chatter in the line, that the cartel fully means to make Tim Tebow a Christian pervert to ruin him.
Tebow has thumbed is nose at aborticide and at satanic sin. That is not condoned by satan, and just like Job, there appears to be a fall plan for QB Tebow to dirty him up. Is not that hard, as the cartel does this constantly.
I though am on adventure and will be tracked by Naps Napolitano and the spiders as they flag my trip to the Star and how it is that this popular girl could care less about their world they are trying to usurp from God.
Hopefully in outing this operation here, Tim Tebow will be saved the destruction.
I doubt though he will be any more appreciative than any of you.
Off to battle the brimstone leviathan and the steel scorpions with their minion souls inside.
agtG 275
Lame Cherry
9 hours ago – I
really do not appreciate the dark humor in what is being conducted in
operation against Mel Gibson, the Latin Catholic. It is no accident that