Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Osseiran Jack Stud


If one consideres why Shia secular Islamist, B. Hussein Obama Osseiran was so enthralled to give his first speech at Hitler's favorite monument, one must comprehend the German National Socialist was the mahdi liberator for Obama Osserian Muslims for Franco Anglo Russo domination in the past 100 years to 1941.

The Nazi promised to liberate Muslims from Russian, French and British Empire control. This was the genesis of the Banna Nazi in Egypt of the Muslim Brotherhood, which would evolve into Sheik bin Laden's al Qaeda fascist Wahabbi's and Dr. Zawahiri's Islamcommunists.

The Nazi's recruited armies of Muslims the Caucasus of Russia and used Islamic enticement to gain Turkish support in the Ottoman's control over Russian conquered lands.
Hitler meant to use Islam as a conduit in controlling the Middle East and Russian oil fields, and literally found the Muslims to be trustworthy fighters.
Although they were much more resolved in the east in fighting to the last man at Stalingrad and literally breaking through Soviet lines to rescue a loved German commander who had perished, than compared in the west where they were stationed.

In France, an example of Muslim warfare was recorded.

Impressed with theirs action, the Germans later transferred the battalion to northwestern France to fought the French maquis. Once again, their atrocious behaviors become well known so that feed fears to French civilians. An example of theirs cruelty occurred in Dortan in Ain on July 21, 1944 where the Tartars soldiers punished the village because its hospitality to the Maquis. According the reports of eyewitnesses, they raped women that fall into theirs hand collectively, burned the village, and laugh wild while playing in the front of the flames with children bicycles.

This is typical of the group in Stalin's troops mass gang raped German women, and raping French women as part of war psychology was the central Asian trade.
The Japanese would rape conquered women too as part of the prize of war. It is of this Obama Osserian class of brutality which had Col. Khadaffi being tortured and dragged through the street as an old man while over 50 of his supporters were mass murdered much to Obama's delight.

Azerbaidjan SS platoon in Warsaw during the Uprising.
In November 1943, a certain Heer major name Andreas Meyer-Mader meet Himmler to offering his service to help raise and command a Turkic SS unit. Himmler approved the major plan and then transfers him into the ranks of the Waffen SS and promoted him to the rank of SS-Obersturmbannführer. On 14 December, another meeting was held in Berlin in present of the Grand Mufti of the Jerusalem, Hajj Amin el-Husseini. The Grand Mufti approved the plan to raise a Turkic-Muslim SS division and give his "spiritual leadership" to influence the Muslim volunteers.

There has always been a strong bond between the Nazi and the Muslim hordes in both had a common enemy in Israelite westerners the Jews. Germans being Assyrian immigrants had complete commonality with Edomite Turks and the Arabic Semetic bloodlines as both were rejected by God for Abrahamic lines, and this then provided the demarcation line of World War II which Obama has redrawn today.

On July 1944, the unit transferred back to Poland. When the SS tried to quell the Warsaw Uprising, the unit attached to the notoriously SS Dirlewanger Brigade, where they were participated in brutal actions that killed 200,000 Polish civilians. 
 So perhaps re educate yourselves, when one believes the history that all this brutality of the Nazi's was German in origin. The Reich employed groups who were the most brutal of peoples on earth and still are.

Stalin would retaliate, with FDR and Truman in America not voicing one sound of oppostion to the exile of the Muslims in the Soviet orbit.

Even Stalin ordered deportations to the east some of Soviet Muslim nationalities whose representatives had fraternized with the Germans - like Chechens, Balkars, Ingushi, Karachais, and Crimean Tartars. The first four of these nationalities - or what was left of them - were allowed to return to their homes after Stalin's death, while the Crimea Tartars - the most notoriously collaborator - could return only after the fall of the Soviet Union.

In all of this one sees the roots of Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran in his natural affinity with the National Socialists and how it evolved like it did with Dr. Zawahiri int Islamcommunist dictatorial control of the lesser Muslim peoples not Shia communists.

Ask yourself why Dr. Zawahiri the communist is simply quiet now that Sheik bin Laden's corpse was murdered, and Obama could care less about this Islamocommunist facing the death penalty?

It is because of Obama Osseiran's genetics and his historical affinity with this central European order.

The Osseiran jack stud fathered a mule named Obama, and Obama is dividing up Eurasia exactly as FDR and Stalin did, and Hitler set about to do.

I may never know who my father is,  but I will always be my mother's son.

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