Vetting: The art of whoring a corpse for money while appearing morally superior to Americans by shielding a foreign asset destroying America, who murdered Andrew Breitbart.
I will preface this with Andrew Breitbart was a problem to Conservatives and America. He created more problems and did more damage to this American nation than Dan Rather. His pretencions ilk of the Rhinerds of the Patrician Republicans were the propagandists who took their 30 pieces of silver and crucified Ronald Reagan.
Andrew Breitbart thought he was more intelligent than everyone else. He was Solomon playing the Ecclesiastical fool. He betrayed Matt Drudge in the operations there, and whored hisself out to build Huffington Post the most Kremlin oriented group of American hating dolts on the planet, and took his lucre to build his media empire while Americans wallowed in being economically raped........all before Breitbart's big mouth got hisself murdered for alerting the regime he had the information on them to bring them down.
I really do not like Andrew Breitbart and he never lived long enough to recompense America for how he raped her. It is that reality along with from the grave now his Rhinerds are coming out with Obama propaganda on Kenya, and making excuses for it, while use that condescending tone of "We are not Birthers and do not stoop to Birtherisms" of trying to William Cohen rise above all the fray, as we have our standing to think of, and as long as our pot of gold is full, we could not care about the terrorism Birthers have suffered from the criminal Obama regime.
But then Breitbart when puffy pink in a strangulation poison and his own ilk could care less, it does not matter, as the Rhinerd is so much brighter than Americans in they are of the class who can weigh things and give meaning.
The senior management of Breitbart starting with Larry O'Connor decided to release information they were sitting on while Sheriff Joe Arpiao was conducting his investigation into Obama's background. They though are so smart that they do not comprehend they are fools in Mockingbird and can not even reason why a pamphlet of Obama manipulation saying he was born in Kenya was really dealing with.
When Obama was pretending to be born in Kenya.......yes that would be the time his handlers were stoking this intelligence asset's bonafides, by having him sh*t in a Kenya latrine, they salted in a forged birth certificate at a Mombasa hospital.
The same place Jerome Corsi almost went tits up in looking for that forged document, which was intended to provide the mystique of Obama was a native Kenyan, so he could be dictator there.
Only this blog has revealed that operation years ago in Obama had signs printed up then, and had paid shrieking women to beg for him to lead them. Obama's main goal in life was to be an African stooge and become some Nelson Mandela as Muchelle burned tires around opponent Christian necks.
That is what the Breitbart fools can not fathom as they do not want to be embarrassed about Birther things, and that of course is what the cartel is counting on in these fools, as the one thing they do not want to have revealed is what this blog has been revealing in the Osseiran connection of this designer negro and the reality of Barry Chin, who is the real Barack Obama and only being revealed here.
Today as I was typing this blog under much duress I had a window pop up here which stated, that I had logged out from the blog from another location, and I had to log in.
The notice came 3 times, and as I was in the same location and computer uplink, it meant someone had been inside this blog lurking out.
They hacked nothing as always. The stole nothing. They added nothing and they blew nothing up, but in stealth they made a huge mistake in Google outed them to me, and what they were doing was looking for how much information I had on Barry Chin which is coming soon to you.
See in looking, it proves this was non Homeland as they grab all this blog live. That means it was someone who is interested in Barry Chin for what is coming, so to prepare for it. That means it was the Obama campaign staff and they left tracks.
Yes there was an illegal break in to this blog like Watergate and the archives prove the trace exactly to who it was as the FBI pinged and traced the link, even though it was attempted to be hidden.
So why is all this Birther issue something worth breaking the law over when those so bright Breitbart hacks are too intelligent to know Mockingbird is playing them. Sure they know Obama lies about his past for political gain, but Breitbart's crew is not intelligent to know the Lansdale game being run out of the Kremlin in this in protecting an asset.
Breitbart actually thought they discovered this memo plant which was laid out for them, to screw with the Brither issue which they are phobic over, and because in second sweep, it would be an attempt again to discount the real information coming out from this blog in what has been hinted at here for years, waiting for you children to catch up to the things Sugarland which Jerome Corsi knows.
In being fair, I really loathe Breitbart's cheap shots at Brithers like they are the banana eating baboons, of the missing link, as no intelligent person would believe such a thing.........when it is the Birthers who could sense Obama was a fraud long before Jack Cashill data mined Obama's work in forensic language structure......but oh look Breitbart does not even give Cashill his due credit and like Elton Blonde Limbaugh mumble over the 'combined work' of Obama's work.
If you want to know the reality, Barry Chin would not be in office destroying America if it were not the Breitbart Rhinerds who are enabling the Obamaniacs.
Did Breitbart do one story on Yahoo or Microsoft censoring Obama emails in 2008 when the regime was activating Mockingbird to spin the elections and target those Americans trying to expose all of this?
Hell no, as Breitbart was too busy up Obama's ass with Ann Coulter and Peggy Noonan. This all stinks from the ass up and always has. The biggest traitors to America were the above and the biggest propagandists for Obama were Breitbart in the cover he gave Obama.
The exclusives are broken here, as this is a non Mockingbird nest. Breitbart's crew just proved what damn fools they are in chirping their propaganda and focusing on Brithers, instead of why would a supposed American be planting information to make hisself Kenyan, unless he was looking to be installed in Kenya by the elite.
In noting that, with Obama never having produced ANY American documentation, including when his adoptive mum, Stan Ann smuggled him back into Hawaii after being legally adopted to Muslim Uncle Lolo Soetoro, the reality is B. Hussein is not American either and has a forged Kenyan birth abstract too.
That dovetails back into Anna Chin, his Chinese Japanese mother from the Philippines who had a bastard girl by an Indonesian established family in the Marxist whore trade, and traded herself to Hawaii where she got the crapper job screwing blacks at Lederer's Bar, which is where B. Hussein's east coastal African roots came from in the Dock Worker did it as Barack sr. was pumping dust.
This is why this blog is a popular girl, as Lame Cherry knows all, and has provided the proof without smearing Birthers who got it right that Obama is no more American than Ahmadinejad.
Bararck Obama is not an American. He is an illegal who was birthed in a Honolulu whore house in July, bought for Kenyan Marxism and registered on August 4th, 1961, after a first trip to prove he was of the blood.
Yes Gram Obama got the story right about Stan Ann delivering in Kenya on that hot day, as that is what she was told took place by Stan Ann and B. Hussein on that day while the little Barry was sweating in a diaper in a hotel room waiting to become Kenyan a first time and a second time.
There were actually two registrations of B. Hussein in Kenya and the clean up crew got both before 2007.
Breitbart got his medicine and his folks are still sniffing the kook aid thinking they are brighter than the Birthers, a that cocktail crowd does humiliate them for daring to speak of such things.....that is what Mockingbird counts on in people thinking they are smarter than they are and with a little reproach, a little reward they will do the work for the masters.
I have more important things to do than this like activating God to terminate a few problems.
So you figure the rest out and let Breitbart's necrophiliacs rub on old Andy for a cash deposit as that bastard Obama just keeps on f*cking America over pissing on Andy's grave.
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