In guiding this anti Christian though in Mano Romney, it behooves this blog to set down a set of standards if Mitt Romney repents and fulfills the following, this blog will support his stealing the election from B. Hussein Obama, by voting for Mano Mitt.
*Note for the uninformed, Mano is short of Manopol, which is Mexican for Mittens, and as Romney is an illegal Mexican border buster with multiple snatches in Mexican wife polygamy, he deserves full credit like B. Hussein in having treated women like cum dumps.
The first thing Mano Romney can do is become a real Christian and renounce being a Masonic Obama Mormon in their cult rites. I don't care if he does it or his wife does it, but one of them will do this or I will not vote for them. I prefer the old lady as women lead men around and she can lead him to real Christian Church, Protestant, strict Bible, Holy Ghost Inspired.....that means no chicas in the pulpit, no promoting sodomy and no preachers putting their weenies into secretaries on the side.
Second thing, Mano can pick a real Conservative Lady who is actually American Natural Born. As I hear Mike Huckabee say he is Conservative, I wonder how bastardized that Title has now become, but that means drill baby drill, cut spending, deflation, American jobs and building America's national security in actually building something.
Third, Romney can stop being an arrogant Republican ass liberal, and take up my platform in one national project as high speed railroad which would be jobs in all states, using IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Ford, GM, Boeing, the Airlines, AT&T etc.... in all involved in this project, so all will be for it and profit from it.....meaning working Americans will have jobs and good paying jobs.
Fourth, as I stated, drill oil, uncap oil and pump oil to drive down prices, and use England and Japan as our economic and military base structures with the Philippines and Iceland as secondary jump offs into Spain and Taiwan for Asian and European trade.
Fifth close the borders by shooting illegals and putting their heads on pikes. Invade Mexico and set up the Amermex states managed by America for prosperity zones.
Annex Canada as a Confederation for their resources and expansion of American settlement.
Sixth, You will appoint cabinet members of the following personalities. John Lehman as Sec. of Defense. Milton Friedman as Sec. of the Treasury. John Olin as Sec. of Labor, Interior and running the EPA. Sec. of State, Michael Savage.
I realize that 2 out of the 4 are dead. That is what personality means Mano.
Seventh, a manned Lunar base by 2014 and a Mars manned mission in 2016.
Number 1, 2, 4 and 5 are not negotiable Senor Romney. Those are the American terms. I will not vote for a Jesus hater no more than I will vote for the supplanter Obama.
Either confess Jesus as thee only begotten Son of God and only Person Who is Savior, or have the skirt do it, or this blog will vote for some other worthless candidate, less worthless than you, and less worthless than Obama.
I have to answer to God for what takes place here and in my Life serving God. I will never stand before Christ and have to explain how I voted for a Mano who denied Jesus is Lord.
Granted my mail in vote will probably not be counted like millions of others as Obama and you voting machine flip things, but Mano, you will have this blog to contend with and by God's Grace it has more influence than you do.
nuff said.
agtG 241
*Better if you and the skirt are on the same Christian page starting out. Remember that Mano as that is Jesus Oval Office to Govern America.