There was a time in America when being a smart ass foreigner got you hung.
Mouth off to Americans if you were an Irish immigrant coming over the divide to Ohio, and sure as rope is stiff, you would get yourself hung or shot.
Same way with niggers who got to thinking they were hot stuff with white women, they got the short rope on a long tree.
Mexicans and Indians got the same treatment in Texas for not understanding polite society.
What no one comprehends in this American sissy culture which portrays Trayvon Martin as an innocent, is the fact of something B. Hussein Obama Osserian knows. It is why Obama as threatening bankers early with the pitchfork mob.
Obama and his type know there is that lynch mob in America which has been getting the hell kicked out of it for a generation. They are coiled and furious most of the time, and that is why you get that road rage non stop, and the elites comprehend this.
The elites also know the resources to murder off this American mob would be too time consuming and even with biologicals, the disease rate would spread epidemics which would carry into the cities where the elites exist.
America is breaking down in moral structure. That means the same laws which protect a Trayvon Martin thinking he can beat someone to death, are going to be neutralized in the more aggressive peoples will simply start culling in a societal breakdown the peoples they conclude are in need of payback.
It is a reality of American life. Americans enjoy dispensing justice and carry grudges, and given the opportunity, they will find all sorts of ways to legally kill problems off. They always have and they always will.
B. Hussein is not going to save his Niggazi as he is the one murdering them like all the Muslims who are not like him in the world. That will equate in time a reality of mob justice seeping through in America.
Americans are very intelligent and if it is not rope for entertainment it will be poison cupcakes for the targets.
The uneducated do not realize that in many parts of America, they were lynching people in their parents time. There are also parts of America where federal agents went into areas and never came out again.
It is amazing how many things were settled by the mob deciding things were not proper and how many holes pulled in after people, and the locals never knew a thing about it.
South Dakota had an Indian communist rebellion on it hands which was covered here in the 1970's. All hell broke loose with murdered FBI agents and other accounts being settled. The reality is in America, there are a whole bunch of people with big grudges who are just looking for an excuse to unleash their demons on the problems of their community when the authorities will be hiding at home or too busy trying to keep the elite safe.
Americans can feign civilized behavior, but Obama knows who you are as he is a foreigner. Sure some George Will, will try to stand up and talk about unity and other fantasies like Bill Cosby, but about that time someone will bust his jaw, and a few more of the mob, will stomp his ribs, and it will be amazing how George Will, will go silent in appreciating eating food not through a straw or breathing without spitting up blood.
Mouth off to Americans if you were an Irish immigrant coming over the divide to Ohio, and sure as rope is stiff, you would get yourself hung or shot.
Same way with niggers who got to thinking they were hot stuff with white women, they got the short rope on a long tree.
Mexicans and Indians got the same treatment in Texas for not understanding polite society.
What no one comprehends in this American sissy culture which portrays Trayvon Martin as an innocent, is the fact of something B. Hussein Obama Osserian knows. It is why Obama as threatening bankers early with the pitchfork mob.
Obama and his type know there is that lynch mob in America which has been getting the hell kicked out of it for a generation. They are coiled and furious most of the time, and that is why you get that road rage non stop, and the elites comprehend this.
The elites also know the resources to murder off this American mob would be too time consuming and even with biologicals, the disease rate would spread epidemics which would carry into the cities where the elites exist.
America is breaking down in moral structure. That means the same laws which protect a Trayvon Martin thinking he can beat someone to death, are going to be neutralized in the more aggressive peoples will simply start culling in a societal breakdown the peoples they conclude are in need of payback.
It is a reality of American life. Americans enjoy dispensing justice and carry grudges, and given the opportunity, they will find all sorts of ways to legally kill problems off. They always have and they always will.
B. Hussein is not going to save his Niggazi as he is the one murdering them like all the Muslims who are not like him in the world. That will equate in time a reality of mob justice seeping through in America.
Americans are very intelligent and if it is not rope for entertainment it will be poison cupcakes for the targets.
The uneducated do not realize that in many parts of America, they were lynching people in their parents time. There are also parts of America where federal agents went into areas and never came out again.
It is amazing how many things were settled by the mob deciding things were not proper and how many holes pulled in after people, and the locals never knew a thing about it.
South Dakota had an Indian communist rebellion on it hands which was covered here in the 1970's. All hell broke loose with murdered FBI agents and other accounts being settled. The reality is in America, there are a whole bunch of people with big grudges who are just looking for an excuse to unleash their demons on the problems of their community when the authorities will be hiding at home or too busy trying to keep the elite safe.
Americans can feign civilized behavior, but Obama knows who you are as he is a foreigner. Sure some George Will, will try to stand up and talk about unity and other fantasies like Bill Cosby, but about that time someone will bust his jaw, and a few more of the mob, will stomp his ribs, and it will be amazing how George Will, will go silent in appreciating eating food not through a straw or breathing without spitting up blood.
All of these points come from a snotty black kid lecturing at Mark Levin, about how all things Obama can be checked and Obama was not a danger.
Amazing how fools can convince themselves that the thin blue police line and that words on paper will allow them to eye rape women and mouth off like Chris Rock.
I would love if America would retain her morality, but she has been raped is no longer a Republican form of Government which means majority rules with minority rights. The NeoProg has geared this for democracy mob rule. America has moved now to the community organized or communist rapine of the Obama regime. There is nothing left in America which is American, so when the mob is left, there is only 2 vanishing points which will ensue.
1. Americans will be faced with the French Revolution.
2. Americans will be faced with the German Revolution.
One bought about 10 million dead French as house was cleaned of a decade in civil war, and the other was 10 million Germans dead in World War under Adolf Hitler.
That is the reality as the simmering mob fantasizes about payback in women and men. The current rapist though lies smug in no security thinking this is all going to continue on, as a working society funds their perversions and filthy mouths.
This blog would enjoy this murderous revolution from observation and study of it. To compare party boy Obama getting drunk at the White House while babies are butchered in the womb, compared to a white mob sipping moonshine as some group is lynched, and watching it all like a football game, is going to be a most interesting time in world history.
Mobs though usually do not get hanging correctly as they always get too thin of rope which cuts a head off to spurting blood, to too long of drop that pulls the head off the body, to forgetting the hood, so you don't have to see tongues hanging out, to tying the hands and feet......feet always kicks and hands always grab the rope and then someone has to shoot the culprit or they have to rehang again, which ruins the drinking part.
Oh too short of rope, gets you a strangled criminal and while one can consume snacks and beverages in the extended time taken, no one quite knows how long to leave them hang to make sure they are dead. That is a problem only though when one is short on rope and long on criminals needing to be dispatched.
It takes some experience to be a lynch mob in hanging, to even figuring out the right tree to a stout beam......some I suppose could just hook a rope on the neck of some convicted miscreant to the back of a pick up truck and let fly, but moving executed objects tend to not pacify the crowd in knowing when dead is dead.
Judge Roy Bean the crooks hooked up to a horse and rope, and they didn't get the job done. He returned killed his executors and then set up a hanging court as Judge West of the Pecos.
Made a profit in Langtry too boot.
The Obama mob just has not had it dawn on them as Clarence Thomas has in he was educated in what Americana reality was and learning to keep your head down and mouth shut. It is all too late, as Obama has sown the seeds of their death.
Just to repeat this, when a nation dies, it decomposes as morals are gone, so it dies. That means a people is left who will settle accounts as Hitler did or the French did.
Historically no one much cares what Asians or Indians (from India) do, and except for some sport in raping the women or beating the men, they are pretty well left to sell snacks or trinkets commemorating the event.
That of course leaves the Afroid, Border Buster and white folks who do not want to sound white. Historically those types have not fared well in a sick societal time, as they apparently were not too bright in disappearing.
For the Mexican, the news is positive as they like animals sense something is not right in America, and are starting to flood back into white Spanish rule in Mexico. (That should tell you how bad it is in they would rather be shot and raped by Obama Gun Runner thugs than stay for the show.)
In that, the black has shown thee most stupid of reactions in Trayvon Martin, in actually screaming in the ears of the people already with a headache from liberalism. It is though why Obama chose blacks as he knows their herd mentality and not figuring things out when danger comes.
Blacks can not help this as in Africa, they will not build a pen to keep themselves safe from crocodiles in just figuring they are meant to die any way..
That is why Obama stokes up blacks in he knows as Eric Holder what the Afroid's mentality is.
All of that is quite cruel, but then this blog has been trying to save blacks from themselves, but they refused and the Niggazi has created the situation of Obama sacrificing them for a few more years as things continue to break down.
Enough of this, as most reading this will live or die seeing this drama played out.
Mohammed cleaned Muslim house in murdering piles of people. It is just the way when things degrade in Nero was slaughtering Christians too.
Americans are a vindictive and thorough bunch when they get into a mob. Blacks can thank Obama for creating the American mob, and for herding blacks even tighter into their bleating corral to try to make a hoodie army to scare the rest of America.
Of course Americans had ropes and knew of knots as they had livestock long ago, so perhaps when revolution comes they will just do something easy in throwing the guilty off of high buildings.......as Americans are an ingenious and lazy lot.
One would suppose that a few of the lynch mob would have a baseball bat to finish things off and to keep the folks in lawn chairs back, so they would not get hurt as the body fell.........
Oh this counsel provided here to those nabbed by the mob:
When one is about to be lynched in a group, do not hang back, but step up and be first, as nothing in this is worse than seeing what is really coming to you.Furthermore, if you wait, someone is going to cry, wet his pants, try to run, get beat up, and this of course will mean you will be mishandled too.Best to get things done and face hell without the abuse.
Perhaps skyscrapers will have a new calling. Muslims threw planes at them and now secular Islamist Obama is teaching a mob to throw their lynchees off of them.