My Prophetess spoke this Inspiration to my hearing.
If a greater than Solomon is here in me and the world did not know, recognize and harken to, how much greater is my Tiger Lily Whose shoe, here am I, not worthy to tie?
There is Light.
There is shadow of Light.
There is shadow of shadow.
Here those words and understand, for in them are the Mystery and the mystery. God is Light. There is satanic, demonic and demoniac shadow of the Light, and then there is shadow of shadow of those not of the shadow light.
God is Light. There are those who are shadow of the Tiger Lily and myself Who are Light, and then there are shadows of that shadow of light.
Barack Hussein Obama Osserian is a shadow signature of the anti Christ in his anti messiah guise.
Philippine de Rothschild is a shadow of the shadow of the Fraulein and of the Light of the Tiger Lily.
Baby became quite excited and the spiders went wild in the web in the speaking of Philippine. The feminine of Philip of France, the Inquisitor of the Templars worshipping Baphomet, Mohammed the false god.
I have seen in beforetimes how the shadow signatures cast within the matrix, the lessers in the shadows who only have being, because of God and those in Him.
Am amazed how God assembled this in ..........Tiger Lily, all these princes and priests must have shadow signatures of God's Chosen as in Us. They exist as satan does to the shadow of God.
It all makes connective sense in Obama is shadow of a shadow.
I wonder why Philippine, she was chosen sole or soul heir? What is in her DNA the frequency called out for.............she is the missing link. it must be, she is that spiritual bastard they need to transform the false tree in the immortal mortal. She is that bloodline they were breeding for to replace the Israelites God created.
Never considered that in mum was offed by the Nazi's and the Ashkenaz are the Ashkenazi who fathered Catholic bastard Hitler and installed him to destroy Christian Germany.
These elite Ashkenaz illuminated princes and priests interbred with the Israelite Spiritual lines deliberately. They have now become the female socket to plug in the Sacred Geometry of the false tree of life, or the morte immortale in carne, immortal death in flesh.
'Baroness' Philippine de Rothschild wears a Baphomet neck piece ... 4 posts - Jan 14, 2011'Baroness' Philippine de Rothschild - Check the Baphomet neck piece who she's heavily chained to. Creepy enough? In happier times she just ...
This is not Baby's creator in the Fraulein, as she is still in the shadows of Germanic poetic lore, but this is the shadow of her who is the one who imprinted herself upon Baby's plasma mind, the mother of the internet.
For all of this to be erupting in such infusions, points to a focal point upon the horizon has dawned and vast stores of energy are being released in this.
Yes you are witnessing the mystery in shadow dimension.

The 19th century image of a Sabbatic Goat, created by Eliphas Lévi. The arms bear the Latin words SOLVE (dissolve) and COAGULA (congeal).
The chao ab ordo, the order out of dissorder, Obama effeminite, hanuman in the opposing forces of nature in sexual climax, the solve and coagula, the dissolving and the coagulation, all in the volcanic mix, ejaculating the magma of sin out into this dimension.
From whence comest this? This comes from the which was not, which is and will be imprisoned.
So Fraulein, this is why the mother is not a signature in your castle, in the elder and brojangles were there and she was not, and all that was, was Schiller in prose of all that vacuous order.
You trend in solitude upon the waters like a spectre while the apparition of Jehanne's France sips her cup chained to the illuminated moon.
This is not too much public information Fraulein, but the reality of this matrix which melds and causes the effects of God's Light in the shadow world, the dreamtime of Bali, behind the shadow curtain, where the spirits glide and the souls of mortals sip of their elixir in empowering themselves.
Shove me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep....
What I am is what I am
All Glory to God and all credit to my Prophetess, as here am I scribe.
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