In life there is million dollar knowledge. Knowledge which is beyond masters degrees and knowledge which only God can Inspire.
For you, I bestow upon you a facet of million dollar knowledge which may bring you life, when all others are in death as the Obama abyss becomes a national grave.
Sweet potatoes are something like house plants in they require understanding to produce them, and once that is gained, they will bring food to nourish you instead of work which brings nothing but starvation.
The simple understanding begins with sweet potatoes are stored in a bucket in a warm location as temperatures under 75 degrees will make them them woody.
They will rest in heat after being cured and often in late winter will start producing sprouts which is how one produces the next years crop off the shoots.
I happened upon an ingenious way from God to make roots on shoots which came from necessity in having some sprouts left over and I simply left them in the bag they came.
See sweet potatoes if one picks the sprouts, folding the lower portion into a wet paper towel, and sealing them in a plastic bag, will in 4 days in an 80 degree room, give you more roots than you could ever hope for.
It is so much easier than relying on covering them with warm manure, burying them, digging around on them, and trying to get them to do what comes naturally.
If they do not sprout, put them half submerged into a jar of water, and in a few weeks you will have more sprouts than you will need.
That is million dollar knowledge and it is more labor saving than the methods which the experts rely on.
Planting is something which must be done when it is warm, as in humid hot warm in June in most locations. Sweet potatoes hate cold and detest cold wet and will rot. They enjoy greenhouse temperatures and when watered to get them started, they respond like weeds.
Up to not drowning them, watering them also is something which produces roots, as yes roots are mostly water and watering them is what makes tubers.
Black plastic is what is required in most locations as it is heat index which these plants love. As most people do not live in ghastly hot Missouri or Mississippi, it is best to reward sweet potatoes with the heat they are native to.
They will basically then grow and produce the treats which they are meant to in a quite easy manner.
There are short season varieties, middle and long season for most areas from Zone 3 south, meaning Canada for the Yanks. I had a purple one which did very well for me, but the thing always had a fish flavor to it. Odd thing, so I have ventured into trying other non fish tasting varieties.
The older heirlooms do have a much better flavor than the mass commercial varieties one endures in the grocery, so finding one you prefer and one which likes your conditions is a marriage which has to be worked out on personal choices in the sweet potatoes, as sweet potatoes if they do not love you, will not grow for you.
That is a synopsis of the million dollar knowledge which will turn a disaster of starvation into a harvest to make a human smile.
Sweet potatoes just need things done their way, and once a grower figures that way out, they show up in buckets and then are turned into things beyond piles of squishy things most people are tortured by.
I like them with apples and a brown sugar sauce baked. I like them French fried in strips and I even like them microwaved or pressure cooked with butter on them and a pile of sour cream.......even are delicious in pies.
Each of you should really learn about Irish potatoes and Sweet potatoes, as with some milk from a goat, you actually could get fat in a famine just dining on them. Both are quite a bit alike, as it is pure idiocy to plant Irish potatoes on Good Friday in most locations as the potatoes just lay there, and Irish potatoes do like heat and will burn in late frosts.
Enough of this though, as you can get purple sweet potatoes, orange, white and red. Same as the Irish in each one has better tendencies for certain things as blues make better hash browns, reds and fingerlings better potato salads in being waxy and you know the Russets make better baked potatoes.
The intelligent people have been preparing in all of this and have their experience to learn from.
Odd how in the age to come, no one is going to be eating gold or diplomas, no more than welfare checks.
nuff said