Al Sharpton will eulogize...
This blog salutes that great American, Rodney Rodmad King, who should always be remembered the epitome of the Lincoln black slave society set free only to enslave themselves to welfare checks and dope lines by democratic enticement.
Now do not get me wrong in this eulogy, as Mr. King was quite a man. How many people do you know outside of professional wrestling could get thumped and electrocuted by a dozen of California's finest men in blue, and still come back for more.
It is a sure testament to the value of being so doped out of your mind that is not really there to begin with, just how tough Rodney King was.
Regrettably though like all of the great black men, from Martin Luther King, O. J. Simpson.......and I'm sure there are more, but American when it designs it's negroes, it simply gets tired of them and moves on to a new treat like Bill Cosby who has finally outlived his liberal time, and that epitome of blackness in Chris Rock, now that America prefers not the Sidney Portier, Denzel Washington or Wesley Snipes raw sexuality, and just prefers the fool without face paint now.
Blacks just have an expiration date and just live out their time and poor Rodney King just lived out his time, as it is certain that most black folks now when awaking from naps at work or swindling unemployment payments in being fired, have no idea who Rodney King was.
Rodney King was the man of his era. All people think now of blackness is Trayvon Martin, a Niggazi Obama hoodie who attacks people with Skittles who armed with guns and get themselves shot.
Mr. King was never so foolish to be armed with Skittles. No Mr. King was a real man in only taking on armed police officers and being an energizer bunny in keeping on getting up for more.
Rev. Al Sharpton should eulogize Mr. King, for Mr. King deserves it. He made his mark on his own. He did not carry no water for a white man like Eric Holder. No Rodney King took his beating, his electrocution and he got paid for it like a man.
We hope that Rev. Jesse Jackson sheds a tear for Rodney they way he did for Obama being elected, even if we now know Jesse was crying because he knew what Chinoid Barry Chin was going to do to America, in there would be no more money to pay off black folks with after white man Obama got done looting things.
All of this must be remembered as it was just a few years ago that Colin Powell could not kick Martin King deep enough into a hole to get at Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin in order to celebrate a foreign agent who has nothing in common with American blackness.
Yes all the great black men of note have just been relegated to the back room, and that is a shame, as Obama has stolen all of these real black folks thunder by his white lightning at 1600 Penn Avenue.
This blog sincerely hopes that Rodney King repented fully and acknowledged Jesus as His Lord and only Savior, so he is in a better place, as Donald Young, another black man of note is still waiting for justice in his Chicago murder and Barack Obama Osseiran was Mr. Young's best friend and sex partner.
Rodney King needs to be remembered as too many blacks now want to forget blackness in his Age of Obama. They look at Mr. Obama in being white, which he is really, and liberals are trying to forget their racism now too in their designer negro Obama hangover.
America can not forget it's blacks of note, because the din of Obama is drowning out fine black leaders like Maxine Waters and even Charles Rangel is repenting and rehabilitated.
Rodney King must be celebrated, as he truly was the last great black man in America who accomplished something in Carl Weathers toughness without acting. Yes Rodney King is the black man without affirmative action, without pimp sports star status in being allowed to excell at games to bring in revenue, and he was a real black man before the Age of Obama relegated blacks all to the senility dimension where everyone now pretends they do not remembering for Obama........in the ghetto.
Rodney King must be remembered for all of his accomplishments without embarrassment and without any humiliation among blacks. Rodney King made his mark in this world and he survived the sugar fix.
He did not end up married to Muchelle Obama and did not end up being like Barack Obama. That is a tremendous accomplishment really, as he could have spiraled down and out of control after his beating and electrocution, but he rose above in trying to be a messiah or marrying some ugly chic with connections and then putting stories in the press about how pretty she was.
No Rodney King did it Rodney King's way and Rodney King never murdered Muslims in mass or bankrupted the United States.....and Rodney King never apologized to the world for America or bowed to foreign dictators.
Rodney King should be remembered for being a real American black man in all he represents.
Rodney King RIP