Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Doctor my Eyes


Oh tell me it is not so, in Jackson Browne has cooled to Obama tan? Is this racism or what can it be, that Browne is not all raising green for the ghetto green Obama, over the nuclear green issue in Browne discovered Obama has the same crooks the Bush family had in finance and Obama is taking money from nuclear power companies.

Apparently Browne needs a Doctor his ears, as in listening to B. Hussein, in the McCain debate, Obama promised to build MORE NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS IMMEDIATELY, and of course has not built nor started one.

I realize that Obama is running on empty with liberals like Browne and he keeps slip sliding away on Paul Simon support as much as old geezer John Fogerty in his Georgie Boy songs just has not turned out anything since his boy Obama, has slaughtered over 1500 American Soldiers, started more wars, polluted more shoreline with oil sabotage, flooded America and turned all of these liberals children into waifs, as all those millions will be worth pennies when Obama's debt comes due.

Yet it is the reality in these Jon Bon Jovi types in their brokeback cowboy of Obama is turning out to be a catasrophic fraud in being a Bush on steroids.

You know things are bad when Bill Clinton is pissing all over Obama. When Hillary is busy sounding like Mitt Romney in being pro business and government hands off as Sec. of State. The problem is the Tom Hanks crew is just still bending over and looking for Obama to give it to them good one more time, as the last time all it felt like was slight pile in the posterior.

The problem with these liberals and their designer negroes is they needed something black to start out with. I mean they should have measured Obama's head size to know he was oriental and not black.
You can't make a negro out of an Asian. Just will not work when he only has 10% Negroid in him.

You can't start a Niggazi Socialist movement with a 90% Asian running it. The natives just figure it out in the sniff test even if white liberals can't tell the difference.

You have to have some African, Afroid, Nigger or at least a 50 50 Al Sharpton to get that feel of blackness or else you end up with this Obama stuff that just follows around the Ashkenaz ghetto green folks trying to be white in the color of money.

If Jackson Browne would have just sought treatment for his "Niggerphobia" yes a new term created here for these liberals who just could not vote for a real black guy American and had to import this Berlin generated, Kremlin bred, Horn of Africa gored into Filipino comfort woman, Barry Chin, so the net result is Obama the waiter was not following their nuclear orders, but was instead hooked on the odors of the Obama musk in following the Cannibal Capitalists of Europe in doing exactly what George W. Bush only did in small scale.

Nothing in this planet is worse than being down on the boulevard and having it shook hard in some import trying to be an American while making up for his foreign status.

There is nothing wrong with being black, it is just Obama has a plunged all these black folks into the abyss as Obama tries to be white while pretending he is black and is triggering every stereotype in the historical prejudice of being stupid, lazy and gay over sexed.

Obama can't help it, as he watched all them black movies as a child and figured that is what black folks were. Jackson Browne is just lucky he didn't get Jimmy Walker as Kid Dynomite.....oh wait, that is exactly what Browne and liberals got is a grinning, mouthy idiot who got into trouble and had to have John Amos keep getting him out of trouble.
Only problem is there is not big curved Thelma to make anything pretty as Muchelle has that ugly thing all wrapped up.

Think of it, if Obama had just like Arnold and he had been asking, "What you  talking about Willis", and Vernon Jordan was Willis in how much better things would be, in the white folks would have watched over Obama in Conrad Baines, but then Dan Plato went tits up in that too as that would be a shame as Gabby Giffords apparently played her part.

Oh well it is the poor liberals coming to terms with the reality that their designer negro lied to them about what was on the menu, and now they are home just munching away on 1960's dogma of caviar and nice wine, as all their Kennedy hopes and dreams are dead, dead, dead.

Might as well turn out that eternal flame smoking away on the JFK grave, as Jackson Browne has woken up and all that is left hot for Obama is that old sod, Paul McCartney in Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band.

Yes nothing like being a liberal and designing a negro out of other races with just a splash of blackness, as we don't want too much black in them.

Niggerphobia: :Liberal paranoia over blacks being black and the need to create a negro which is not too black so as not to set off panic attacks.

Lame Cherry

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