Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dope Lord Obama


Is it not an amazing thing for Bong Head Obama, that no one seems to give a blame about his tenure as global Dope Lord in production going through the roof?

You know why this is children, it was all laid out after Obama's benefactors smashed the world economy to plunge it into the Obama Super Depression, so a New Asian Order and a Neo Roman Empire would rise to feudal control over 5 billion livestock on two legs for their exploitation before they were murdered.

This is the face of B. Hussein Obama Osseiran aka Barry Chin, the Chinoid fraud occupying 1600 Penn Avenue as has only been catalogued here.

U.N. urges Kabul to combat opium production
4 days ago – The U.N. has said poppy-crop cultivation covered more than 131000 hectares (323000 acres) in 2011, up seven per cent from the previous ...

Do You realize for a moment how much land a third of a million acres is in Obama's Afnamistan?

A US Township which America is gridded out in, is 36 sections, each section is 640 acres. That means in that third of a million acres in Afghanistan under opium production, that over 500 sections of land have poppies growing on them.
That translates to 14 townships in Afghanistan blooming with opium. One should invest in Benadryl stock and have them market  the allergy medication, there as that much flower power must have those Muslims suffering from poppy pollen headaches daily.

Afgahnistan literally must look like a blood bath in all those red flowers in bloom from Predator aircraft taking pictures, not of course to be confused with all the red blood flowing from the dead US Soldiers there dying for Obama.

Afghan opium production 'rises by 61%' compared with 2010 - BBC
Oct 11, 2011 – Opium production in Afghanistan rises by an estimated 61% this year ... in Afghanistan affected by poppy cultivation, up from 14 one year ago.

Afghanistan only has 2729000 hectares in cereal grain production to feed itself. It has 131000 in opium production. Literally fractionalized that means that 20% of Afghanistan is covered with poppies!!!!

The only thing which kept the Eurasian banking crooks afloat in the Obama Super Depression was the dope trade as was reported in the European press in 2008. Obama has overseen thee greatest expansion of the global drug trade in world history.

Tony Blair, over a decade ago pointed to liberating Afghanistan as a means to destroy poppy production, and it indeed diminish but now with dope Lord Obama in control, Afghanistan dope production is up 61%.

14% in one year according to the BBC.

Afghan opium production 'rises by 61%' compared with 2010 - BBC
Oct 11, 2011 – Opium production in Afghanistan rises by an estimated 61% this year ... in Afghanistan affected by poppy cultivation, up from 14 one year ago.

It is not just there in dope production is blossoming again.

Opium cultivation up significantly in Myanmar and Lao PDR ...
Dec 15, 2011 – Bangkok (Thailand), 15 December 2011 - Opium poppy cultivation has doubled in South-East Asia since 2006 according to a report released ...
Southeast Asia is no longer a Golden Triangle, but a literal region of dope production and if one notes, it all started to manifest about the time a certain Chinoid named Obama appeared on David Letterman without serving one day in the US Senate in being asked, "When are you going to run for President?"

None of this is by accident. The US with C 130's could spray the region with Monsanto Round Up or Atrazine as this blog has promoted, as Atrazine will kill everything for two years, except corn, and that would solve the Obama dope production.

Yet B. Hussein Obama has negated drug intradiction on a global scale, in fact Obama's benefactors have been busy setting up coke pipelines from South America into Africa into Europe.
Obama's Justice has one target in domestic dope trade and that is California legal weed production, because that is getting in the way of Obama's marijuana production cut for his Rockefeller Wall Street bankers all taking cuts in this.

All of this dope production could be cut off, yet it is not, because in the Obama foreign policy ring, he rewards his good terrorists with dope contracts. Good terrorists are Marxists like Obama in Islam and whatever they do in South America and Africa.
That bribe in place, the dope then flows into Europe via Turkey, the Balkans or Spain in Europe or Mexico or Latin America for America, and then the dope lords in America launder the money into US banks. All of course getting their intelligence cut from the CIA to Mosaad to run their off the book operations against those Muslim terrorists.......who would not be around if someone was not giving them dope production in the first place!!!!!!!!!!

So you get this about Obama policy, Obama policy is Farhenheit 451 in the firefighters start the fires for something to do, as the world was no longer combustible.
In the cartel order of  the Obama feudal state, Obama funds the terrorists, so he has an excuse to invade countries which were on the American leash and then installs these Islamocommunists to reward them with real estate.

Sure you get mention of this in the media, but no one explains it exclusively in how this is set up and operating in the modern Obama era as is featured here. The cartel made Obama the joke on America to rape the USA, but as Uncle David warned, Obama was going to track all this crime back to the cartels.
Barack Obama is becoming expensive, too expensive as the trillions looted are not a balance to the mob rising up and hanging the International Financiers.

That is why the cartel has on the operations plan a "fail safe" to wipe all this debt off the books in terror attacks and scarey WMD regional war, to make all suffer from amnesia as they are terrified and just happy a new Obama has arisen in Europe with all the answers.

As an exclusive, when the Age of Obama ends, it will be one of rotting corpses worldwide which was funded by this Obama narcotics trade which is conveniently being wondered over in the Obama press in all these faceless drug lords running this and one quarter of nations stained bright poppy red, and no one can see it.

The face of opium production is the Obama regime and his Obama Logo does not stand for Obama, but the O stands for OPIUM which is the currency of this Chinoid illegal squatter come to America.

Mark Levin, maybe you and your ethanol hating idiotry should GET THE POINT, that cereal grain prices rose not just on staged Obama grain cartel pricing, but because Obama has been producing dope on more and more of the world's land.
Is it not amazing that the data heads reading the evils of ethanol via OIL BARON PROPAGANDA, never factor in water needs, inefficient production of coke and opium, but they always Rush Limbaugh can second city find the problem with keeping fuel money in America by buying American ethanol and not terrorist crude oil!!!!!!
Dope production is what is starving the world and driving up food prices, and gee Mark Levin never factors any of that in.

You betcha, blame the American farmer producing FOOD and FUEL for Americans, but never put the blame on Barack Obama and the global dope trade. Makes perfect sense to the Mockingbird shills and the data brains feeding off of that trapped in minds too vacuous to bonehead to think.

Obama has been successful at destroying America. Successful at global wars. Successful at global feudalism. Successful at enslaving billions. Successful at dope production.

This blog warned you children first  in you just wait for Obama's success in global nuclear war which is coming from all of this.

Exclusive to only this Lame Cherry blog.

Nuff said


Obama dope production up

Obama dope production really up