This blog's good friend, Hosni Mubarack is not going to be forgotten for all he did for the west and that includes real Jews who President Mubarack safeguarded in the Sadat Camp David Accords for Peace which Jimmy Carter got Begin to sign.
For that President Sadat was murdered by the Muslim Brohood, but Mubarak stood strong for world peace and has been thee best political persona in minor nations making major world policy.
The worst mistake Mubarack made like the world did, was in trusting that fraud B. Hussein Obama who hung Mubarack and his innocent family out to be humiliated and murdered.
One has to appreciate H. Mubarack as he is actually cooler dead than H. Obama is alive.
Think of it, in this is one of the numerous elderly who Obama has rationed death to. Obama stole Egypt from Mubarack and bestowed it on terror Islamist communists in Obama's Brohood.
Then Obama put this 80 plus year old geezer on trial, in a fricking cage and all the stress almost produced a light assassination.
Still Hosni held on in his stoic manner, and even after his heart went straight line and body functions stopped, there he was behind bars, arms folded in scorn, watch on and shades glowering at the ants of the world in the reality that Hosni Mubarack is a man's kind of man.
You know blessed well if Obama was put through 1/10th of this he would be blubbering like a Iowa state trooper, begging to get out of a speeding ticket, listing all the reasons he should not be arrested, as the ass was terrorizing other state's Citizens.
Just think of it, if Obama got the cuffs put on him. Pulled out of the White House. Stuck in a cage, Put on trial for his real crimes, how Obama would be bawling and wetting hisself, acting just like the little stooge he is and has always been, and not like Mubarack taking it like a man.
I really do not get why Obama hates old Muslim guys. Sure they are nationalists, but in the old days like Nassar, they just shot them civilized like.....but since Sadat it has all just gotten so sloppy.
Think of that poor Col. Khadaffi in Obama dragging the old stunned dude around the sand pile, and then his commies blasted the old guy with 50 plus of his innocent followers, in a most disgusting mass murder.
Think of Sheik bin Laden, or his corpse blasted in actor stand in part, and several other poor bastards just sleeping under the same roof, and then the dead were laid out, so the little bin Laden babies could crawl around in the blood and piss draining from the dead.
It is all just ghastly, and while Mark Levin was salivating over this, even by the time Khadaffi got the bullets, he shut up and started to figure out how abhorent this all was, and all that was left cheering this was Obama and some ginsu imports talking about natural know that code phrase as a Hitler term.
There though is old man Mubarack, looking Islamic Cool though in going through all of this Obama terrorism and being more man than Obama could ever be.
Some men shine in the hardships of life, and Hosni Mubarack is that kind of man. Some men though become small with power and that is what Barack Obama is in miniscule form.
The problem is not that Islam is a bondage religion. The problem is that pissants like Obama are secular Islamists hiding in Islam, while real men like Mubarack show that even Islam can not cut their balls off, and they become the strongest of leaders.
Think of it, if the Obama children had to be crawling around in blood and piss if the Obama SEALS had left that ordeal for that family.
Do you think that might be something the world would be furious about that kind of subhuman misbehavior?
How about a mass murder of democrats in the Khadaffi numbers, with some old democrat dragged around the asphalt and shot a few times.
Do you think that would infuriate civilized people in that inhumane mistreatment of humans?
Sure it would, but that is Obama in his Chinoid ginsu natural law. He pulls this non stop in trading away eastern European Slavic nations to Putin, and only this blog stands up for them.
How about the Polish Patriot Government mass murdered and Obama signed off on it.....yes only this blog was exposing it.
Barack Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin is thee most atrocious of humans ever to gain international power, and he make terrorists look like the good guys. It has to be when Obama is mandating things worse than anything George W. Bush ever triggered or anything terrorists ever got the blame for.......just to make the point on the left and right, that Obama is by definition worse than their boogermen, and there Obama sits at 1600 Penn Avenue, making Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton look like alter boys.
I still hold out hope as Americans install foreigners to rule them, that perhaps in the coming months, that American can make a capitalistic trade in Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, AKA Barry Chin, for Hosni Mubarack.
Think of it in a dead Mubarack is going to be a better leader than Obama ever was, and he certainly looks cool with his shades and he just knows how to be a man.
America can get the Mubarack kids, and install that boy of Hosni's as president in waiting to figure things out, and the guy is handsome and his wife is good looking, so there will be no ugly Muchelle about the place, and of course the children are not those little Obama priviledged twerps Muchelle keeps trying to trade off for cows in marriage before those girls turn into Muchelle.
Surely Congress could pass some law in this and call it Fast and Obama or Obama runner, and instead of impeaching Obama,.......gee what Mark Levin said he did not want, but now is what will happen as Obama subverts the laws, America could trade Obama back to the Muslims who funded him with bogus terrorist funds in 2008 at 300 million dollars.
It would all work out, and actually America would have a cool looking leader like Ronald Reagan or John Kennedy, and she is do for something manly in the White House other than Muchelle.
The fact of the matter is Hosni Mubarack was better for America, the west, Jews and Muslims than Obama ever was.
America should have installed Cool Hosni in 2008, rather than the heinous Obama.
Yes the H in Obama stands for Heinous. Who the hell locks up an 80 something geezer in a cage, tortures him, and then sentences him to life while on life support?
Barack Heinous Obama Osseiran, is who.......and the guy grins about it all.