Thursday, June 28, 2012

The State of Being Annexed

This blog loves the Ishamelites. That would be Hagar's little children from Abram seamen.

The Saudi's are a handsome people who have assisted America numerous times, and it is time for America to set it's house in order in simply annexing Saudi Arabia.

This is sound foreign policy, as the Saudi' are about to be eaten by Islamocommunists in Persia which Obama is arming with more nukes.
The Saudi's are about to reach an Obama nuclear Jewish genocide from Persians. They must be protected and the Islamic faux haj sites too.

What America gets out of this and that is what matters is a oil at 30 bucks a barrel in exchange for Saudi Arabia not being vaporized. America trades high priced grain for low priced oil, and all is good in Hooterville.
The reality is without America in market and doing 30 bucks a barrel along with it's own supplies, collapse the market and thereby implodes the terror states.

China trying to be drunk on oil, raises her skirt and finds that without the American, Iraqi and Saudi reserves, it has nothing to make war against America with, and simply is held hostage to America then.
America sells oil to Japan and Europe, freeing up their economy and setting Europe free from Russia, and fast as one can say "Turban Head", you got yourself dominant America and slave nasty girl states.

I realize this is not a long post, but how long does it take to say, "Solve America's problems by annexing Saudi Arabia."

About that long really, and it has been more sense coming out of American foreign policy, since 2008.

nuff said
