Friday, June 22, 2012

The Incarnate Evil of Eric Holder


In January of 1993 when William Jefferson Blythe Clinton took the oath of Office of the President of these United States in a perfect coup conducted by Lawrence Walsh, following up on the intricate media manipulation of Dan Rather of CBS news in the month of December of 1991 pounding fabricated stories on the US economy was sinking, followed by another month of "Bush's Poll Numbers are Dropping" (They would drop as they were at record levels of almost 80% in the first Gulf War), a nefarious cancer was installed by Bill and Hillary co President Clinton at Justice, with a mandate from the cartels to abort Ronald Reagan.
This abortion of Reagan's American Militia started in the Bush 41 Administration in a 1991 initiated operation called PATCON, which was instigated to collect intelligence on Citizens who were Christian and Armed, and move them to acts of violence. Yes Hutatree sounds familiar in this along with BATF bragging they had "hundreds" of people they were watching in 2009, for further operations which would expand this  to smearing the Tea Party, which was again another operation linked to the Rovian and Holder groups.

One must comprehend this as Barack Obama's international Red Fascist Mandate has been to both obliterate Ronald Reagan's global freedom for a feudal state and to replace Jesus the Christ as messiah, that Eric Holder showing up in the Obama regime, was by no accident as he was stationed as an intelligence agent to finish the heinous work he instigated in 1993.

Where this phase of Eric Holder all started was with General Louis O. Giuffrida, the person President  Reagan chose to transform Jimmy Carter's FEMA into a emergency government group to survive a nuclear war, and to round up and deport every illegal in these United States.

The General had a history in California in working for security for Governor Reagan in setting up the California Specialized Training Institute, which Ronald Reagan created to stop the Bill Ayers terrorists of California by training law enforcement collectively.
What General Giuffrida had accomplished against subversive 1960 radicals in the west , Ronald Reagan intended to unleash him on environmental terrorists across America, as the Administration secured America from illegals and from the Soviet Empire.

The General actually conducted training missions in Latin America called REX 84 to round up illegals. This was Ronald Reagan at his Patriotic finest in countering the 5th column which almost murdered him in California and literally almost assassinated him during his Presidency.

What Ronald Reagan undertook was a brilliant reshaping of America in arming the Militias and Patriot movements in the states. I will repeat that so that soaks in, as that entire later episode in smearing the Michigan Militia and others, was part of the Eric Holder operation to undo Ronald Reagan's arming of America.
The militias in this did have an intelligence conduit in this, in they were given guns and those guns in part were transferred to the Freedom Fighters in Latin America, who secured El Salvador and took Nicaragua from Daniel Ortega's communist.

This Reagan Administration was so successful in their work, that the cartel which was utilizing these traitorous revolutionaries move the 60's Clintons to install as Assistant to Attorney General Janet Reno, one Eric Holder.
Reno always had more attention span for child molestation, and the real machinations of the aborting of the Reagan security apparatus went to intelligence agent, Eric Holder.

These communist red fascists were furious over Reagan's undoing their treachery, so Eric Holder was installed to run operations much the way Dick Armitage was in the Bush43 Administration.
What Holder would be tied to is thee same exact fingerprints found on the most murderous of Barack Hussein Obama's domestic terrorism of Americans in Rod Blagojevich, Lawrence Sinclair, John Edwards, the New Black Panthers voter intimidation in Philadelphia, Hutatree and Fast and Furious, and, Trayvon Martin in the Nigger Hoodie Terrorists.

Eric Holder would run PATCON which started in 1991, and supposedly end in 1993. On the trail of this would be though the Clinton Justice Department setting up and selling Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols explosives and armaments for the Oklahoma City bombing by intelligence moles pressing for this attack.
Do not forget that after OKC that Bill Clinton in talking points deliberately linked this to Rush Limbaugh and right wing Americans. One will recall this same mirror operation was conducted in the staged shooting of Gabrielle Giffords in talking points sent out  to link Sarah Palin and the Tea Party.

All of these operations link and have like patterns, and the common denominator is Eric Holder.

Holder has a penchant for using the gestapo terrorist SS wing of the US government in the BATF. This was the group under Karl Rove who was sent to rid America of local gun dealers using cheap licenses from the Federal Government, and to harass others in storm trooper assaults on their homes.

BATF would be utilized by Eric Holder in Hutatree, in lying to them that Hutatree people were insane and should be shot on sight. Hutatree members were bewildered and immediately surrendered.

Linked into the Oklahoma City bombing, would be the incineration of men, women and children at the Branch Davidians where Holder would stoke the Christian Militia fires again in another mass murder of the innocent.
David Koresch would tell BATF minutes after the firefight started which BATF launched, "You should have just come in and talked to me".

Holder and BATF would not be done though, as he would send them into Idaho in another "White American Terrorist" threat at Ruby Ridge, where Holder would in BATF blow the head off a Mother, holding her baby, and pin the family down for days, as the infant crawled through brain matter and the child's mother's blood as she decomposed.

The Clinton's signed off on this to protect their regime, but even Holder showed his true treachery in waiting until the middle of the night on Bill Clinton's phobic last day in office, to convince the weary President, to sing a pardon for Marc Rich.
Marc Rich was wanted by Justice of all things, and Holder obtained for him a pardon of all crimes.

For the record, Marc Rich was the money launderer for the cartel which was taking billions in Saddam Hussein bribes and dropping them in the Oil for Food scam Clinton set up, in bribery accounts for most of the liberals in Governments in the western hemisphere.

This is the legacy of organize crime of Eric Holder as he was installed into Justice by Barack Hussein Obama to cover up the legion of Obama crimes from being a foreign asset by birth, to Obama's election fraud, election fundraising from terrorists for 300 million dollars to anything else which Obama has murdered his way to keeping his regime in office as he blackmails Congress and the Judiciary with the secret files Eric Holder has access to.

One might as well after Fast and Furious was set up to, make Mexican cartels the armed enforcers of the Obama dope  rings in managing Latin America, which have caused the murders of Americans, some in law enforcement along with hundreds of Mexicans, note that the only time Eric Holder ever enforces the law, is when one of his terrorists is not terrorizing who Obama wishes.

Only this blog pointed out that the California wildfires which were set by the Mexican mafia at the behest of al Qaeda funding, only came under investigation by Holder, after the terror events took place.
Holder investigates nothing in Gun Runner or Fast and Furious as it is Obama policy, but when it is not serving Obama policy, then California wildfires are dampened quietly, as Obama and Holder never once mentioned with their puppy press it was Obama's terrorists who made this attack.

Where is Nidal Hassan? No trials, no more than any other terrorist from the Bush era.

Where is Faisal Shahzad, the New York Bomber, who Eric Holder allowed to drive freely all along the east coast while tracking him, knowing he was armed with an assault rifle and allowed to enter an international airport, for another staged Obama event of violence.

The worst domestic terrorist in these United States is Eric Holder. He surpasses that snot on the sleeve wiper, Naps Napolitano who terrorized Americans with Obama Flu in 2009 and has been sexually assaulting them at TSA for years.

This is the reality of Eric Holder and the cartel he represents in international syndicates of crime in drug trade and assaults on Americans. Eric Holder keeps Justice at bay, so his stooge boss, B. Hussein Obama can conduct operations globally for a new world order in Asian and Europe in the murder and replacement of nationalist leaders.

Eric Holder does not belong in contempt of Congress by Rep. Darrell Issa, but Eric Holder belongs in front a "crimes against humanity" trials in Joplin Missouri, because the world has not seen such evil for decades. Eric Holder literally is entering his third decade in a jihad against Americans.

Do not overlook that the first World  Trade Center bombings were under Eric Holder's "security" in those terrorists were being tracked too. Do not forget that John Kennedy jr. had the tail of his airplane blown off with Eric Holder's watchful eye, but then the entire Polish Patriot Government was murdered in Russia, and Holder or Obama did nothing to investigate that either, as Obama was aborting Ronald Reagan's liberation of eastern Europe in turning it all over to Vladamir Putin again and Obama's Bolsheviks' who bred him at Sugarland in Hawaii.

This is Eric Holder, a sociopathic murderer as Attorney General of these United States. This is the incarnate evil of Eric Holder.

"The Justice department memos which name Fast and Furious, do not refer Fast and Furious.

Eric Holder

 Where are the Grand Jury indictments for Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama ?

Normal people would not be able to live with themselves considering the destruction of human life in what Eric Holder has been involved in, but Mr. Holder is not bothered in the least, and dances on the grave of Trayvon Martin for political gain.

Where is the Federal Grand Jury indicting Eric Holder, the Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria of this Obama Murder Incorporated mafia.

agtG 277Y


Holder Terrorism

Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria