Friday, June 22, 2012

Eric beHolder

ლავრენტი პავლეს ძე ბერია

Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, yes the shadow of the Obama regime's deadly leader of the State Police, in Eric Holder, did have a faustian nightmare in Beria, as all foreign born despots like Joe Stalin require an enforcer to cement power, run terror operations and to keep the laws of the state protecting your Trayvon Martin crimes, while making criminals out of those George Zimmermans struggling to survive.

Just as America has a State Police structure, Russia has a State Police set up under foreigner Joe Stalin in the guise of comrade Beria, who actually rolled back the original directives of Stalin, as he was murdering so many people, the Soviet system was imploding.
That of course is not the course for the Obama regime, for if he had 4 more years, the real Eric Holder will unleash in his Fast and Furious depredation on incinerating Americans as in Waco Texas or blowing Mother's heads off as at Ruby Ridge.

Let it never be forgotten that Eric Holder was the key Justice Department official WHO THE 9 11 TERRORISTS LEARNED TERRORISM UNDER.

Holder or Beria though are keyholed by the Beria comment below, as Eric Holder crushes all who dare stand up against the Obama regime from Gulf GOP states, Missouri River GOP states, GOP states in voter identification or Law Enforcement as in Arizona investigating foreigner B. Hussein Obama.

"Let our enemies know that anyone who attempts to raise a hand against the will of our people, against the will of the party of Lenin and Stalin, will be mercilessly crushed and destroyed.
Lavrentiy  Beria
 What is the telling point in Eric Holder in the Obama regime which joins them at the hip to Laverntiy Beria and the Stalin regime, is a horrid event which makes the German Nazi's tame in comparison.

 On 5 March 1940, after the Gestapo–NKVD Third Conference was held in Zakopane, Beria sent a note (no. 794/B) to Stalin in which he stated that the Polish prisoners of war kept at camps and prisons in western Belarus and Ukraine were enemies of the Soviet Union, and recommended their execution. Most of them were military officers, but there were also intelligentsia, doctors, and priests for a total of over 22,000. With Stalin's approval, Beria's NKVD liquidated them in the Katyn massacre.
 Only this blog exposed exclusively the lies perpetrated by the Putin regime in Moscow when the entire Polish National Patriot Government was assassinated while visiting, the Katyn massacre cite when the government aircraft was brought down.

The modern assassination of the Polish Nationalist Government.

  1. A Polish Assassination in Theory
  2. Russia Engineers Polish Government's Assassination
  3. Retaliation
 The reality as only this blog pointed out, but was later joined by Polish Government officials and only one story posted on World Tribune finally covering this massacre, is that Barack Obama and Eric Holder did absolutely NOTHING in the the murder of the Polish Patriots.

America in previous disasters could not send in the NTSB, the FBI or enough support and assistance, but under Obama and Holder absolutely not assistance was offered to the Polish Government, and not one FBI investigator was dispatched to investigate this mass murder.
The entire cover up by the Obama regime in this while aiding Medvedev and Putin in the annexation of Poland, Ukraine and all of eastern Europe, was a betrayal of all Europeans, and the Obama manifesto of undoing the liberation of Ronald Reagan's legacy in freeing the Slavic peoples from Bolshevik slavery.

Beria and Holder also have a Marxist affection, in Beria would cruise the streets of Moscow to rape women or have his security pick up women to "scream or enjoy as it is going to happen", and Holder has overseen the mass political rape of the American Woman from Sarah Palin to Hillary Clinton by this regime.
Stalin knew very sick what Beria was doing, and Obama knew very well of the rapes in America, as he is the one who quoted "lipstick on a pig" concerning Sarah Palin.

Only by Beria could Stalin rule, as Beria was the sociopath propping up the regime. It would be Beria who when Stalin was in a coma having a stroke, left him for a day in his excrement and told others to not bother in alarming the situation.
Beria would kiss Stalin's hand and rush out to seize power, the minute it has been reported that Beria's poison murdered Stalin.

This Marxist murderer would be checked by terrified Politburo members in their not just arresting him, but exposing him as a traitor to the Soviet state. Beria made the mistake of trying to sell east Germany back to America for World War II like assistance in financial aid.

In the end, the murderer of millions, Beria would be crying and pleading for his life, as a cloth was shoved in his mouth to shut him up as a Russian general put a bullet into his brain.

One could ask considering the murderous history of Eric Holder being involved in every major domestic terror event in the past 30 years, if his plotting would bring him to the day of the one who administers the cartel's final solution on Barry Chin.
The cartel who Eric Holder works for, is the force behind all the trillions in looting and terrorism against Americans. They know the criminal rapine will come to light, and they know that an event will have to be engaged in to save themselves.

Eric Holder is the most powerful person in the US government. Examine his past crimes and no one in Congress dared touch him in confirmation. Tim Geithner had his tax cheating brought up, but was still put through in his Ford Foundation connections. Tom Daschle was crucified for past taxes, because he did not have the cartel's backing.

Never forget that Eric Holder was there when Ron Brown was assassinated. Sec. Brown was taken out over bribes from Vietnam in that diplomatic union of the Clinton administration.
Ron Brown would refuse to talk on the phone or have any electronic communications as in fear he told friends, he was being listened to constantly.
All of that and black man Ron Brown was murdered, and there was Eric Holder not investigating a thing, no more than the murder of Vince Foster or the murder of Sandra Levy.

Just remember James McDougal and the piles of dead bodies in America, with Eric Holder under Janet Reno, and the last thing Holder did was get a pardon for Marc Rich who was laundering the billions in bribes from Saddam Hussein.

What kind of fail safe does Eric Holder operate under, as he was supposed to be sacraficed according to Democratic insiders over Obama's crimes to Rep. Darrell Issa, and there is Holder still in office in contempt of Congress.

Why is the cartel keeping Eric Holder in place exactly as Stalin kept Beria in place? Will the day come when Eric Holder makes a push after Obama signs in martial law and tries to be the next dictator?

Eric Holder has a history which stretches back the murderous bloody fist of comarde Beria. Will this heinous evil of Eric Holder only be checked when some terrified democrats stand up and arrest this sociopath?

Attorney General Eric Holder is the one who keeps telling everyone to keep watching the girl as the crimes against humanity do not matter.

When will the dead children of Waco, the dead children of OKC, the dead of the World Trade Centers, the dead of Ruby Ridge, the dead of Fort Hood, the ruined lives of Hutatree, the dead American from Gun Runner find Justice in a Justice Department which is nothing but outlaw and led by an Obama Hoodie Gangster?

America has the decades of mass murder Kremlin operating in her in Eric Holder, for the ghost of Lavrentiy  Beria haunts the imprisoned nation with rape, terror and murder.

History does repeat itself. America has the Kremlin operating in it's District of Columbia.

In 1944, as the Germans were driven from Soviet soil, Beria was in charge of dealing with the various ethnic minorities accused of collaboration with the invaders, including the Chechens, the Ingush, the Crimean Tatars and the Volga Germans. All these groups were deported to Soviet Central Asia.

Those Volga Germans, were American Germans in the entire center of America was peopled by these victims of the Soviet State Police. Those same peoples were flooded out of existence in 2011 by the Obama regime backed by the Holder State Police.

agtG 267Y

Katyn Massacre

Eric beHolder