Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mel Gibson's Holocaust

Let us just make this fact noted in starting this, in if Mel Gibson was alive in 30 AD, he would have been crucified like Christ, as that is exactly what the insane terrorism has been directed at him, by this cartel elite and their Ashkenaz Godless types who hide behind the ethnic charge of "Jews".

The reality is the same criminals who installed Barack Hussein Obama are the same criminals who are behind this terrorism of Mel Gibson.

A big headline promotes that Mel Gibson said the Holocaust was bullshit, and in that, this blog will compare another load of bullshit which Americans are told is messiah gospel.

The Jews were the group targeted by the Nazis.
False: The Nazis targeted COMMUNIST Godless Ashkenaz and executed them as much as they did anyone they were at war with.

Barack Obama is American.
False: B. Hussein is really Barry Chin, a product of Horn of Africa dock worker and a Filipino prostitute in Hawaii.

6 million Jews were slaughtered.
False: By  Red Cross estimates the total "Jewish" death toll was about 1.4 million, but this included communists in the Soviet army, tyrants who local slavs cheered the Germans for shooting the criminals, and a group of Jews who died from plague which was caused in the concentration camps due to allied bombing.
Jews were worked to death due to lack of food from supply lines cut off, and Jews were indeed murdered in mass in a small scale, but there were other groups who had much higher death rates, the Russians for one.

Barack Obama is black.
False: Barry Chin is in any assemblage either a white man or an Asian by 90% with only 10% black involved. As Barry Chin he is a combination of Asian heritage and as Barack Obama he is a combination of European and Arabic bloodlines.
If one purchases a car and it is 90% assembled in Mexico, that does not make it made in America. Obama is 90% not black, so that does not make him black.

The Nazis hated Jews.
False: The Nazis had Jews all over the Third Reich and Hitler himself made flower cards for a Jewish girl he befriended and along with supporting Jewish officers in the German army.

Barack Obama is a democrat.
False: Barack Obama is a Marxist foreign agent inside the democrat party in having hijacked it in a series of Black Liberation movements out of South America instigated by the Kremlin, and by outright 5th column operatives conditioning him from his Dunham adoptive parents to the list of Uncle Frank Davis to Bill Ayers who were all on FBI watch lists as subversives.

Germans hate Jews.
False: The individuals who sold the Jews into Nazi force labor were the Ashkenaz "Jewish" elite, who sat down over contracts with Nazi leadership toasting champagne with them.

Barack Obama loves America.
False: Barack Obama's entire hope and change is not Constitutional and from Obamacare to any of his executive orders he has shown nothing but hatred for America and her Citizens in targeting them from Lawrence Sinclair to George Zimmerman.
When one recreates history in winning the "war" or has the power of the press, one can print any fiction to profit from.

If Mel Gibson would simply praises Barack Obama, say Catholics are pedophiles and Christians are nuts, and donate several hundred million dollars to the Jewish something liberal holocaust cash cow, he would be redeemed, and if he had done this from the beginning in perhaps doing a movie on the Talmud which portrays Jesus like Obama, the son of a whore and a bastard, then of course, Mel Gibson would be the man of the year.

Is it not fascinating that Jews hate Jesus and smeared Christ in the Talmud as being a prostitutes son, and a bastard, and these same Jews are never called to task by Christians on this, and in a strange irony, these Ashkenaz actually chose for their leader, a Barry Chin, who is a son of a whore and a literal bastard.

The same Ashkenaz who produced Adolf Hitler in bloodlines and in manifesto are the same Ashkenaz who produced Barack Obama,  that is the literal fact, as they both were summoned to Germany to lead a world crusade against peace, so the central European financiers would profit and gain more control of the world.

Mel Gibson is a man. That does not make him bad or evil, because he like Bogart or Wayne had the reality to know the world for what it is.

Sure Mel does and says things to get at people. He once told Playboy that people injected feces into their skin for thrills and the idiots had no idea like most liberals that Gibson was jerking their chain.
Kurt Russell used to lie in interviews deliberately to jerk people around, and when they came back on things he said, he would just shrug and say, "I lied", which flabbergasted this detractors.

So did Jews die in World War II? Sure they did, but not how the propaganda tells it. It was rich Ashkenaz installing Hitler to destroy Christian Germany and get rid of those religious Jews, and they have been busy in an American holocaust ever since, but no one discusses the more than 6 million dead babies aborted in America from this holocaust inspired by the NeoProg Niggazi elite wiping out blacks and the middle class whites in the west.

I would not buy Joe Esterhas's book, but would instead purchase one of Gibson's movies like We were Soldier's Once, as anyone can find evil in a person who actually is informed as Mel Gibson is, as Christ says the children of this world are justified in their own "wisdom" where they are mass murdering people in the womb and around the world, and cheering their peacemaker B. Hussein Obama, who shoved the world into a Super Depression all to create the global feudal state for a nuclear holocaust of Jews.

I guess Esterhas's Nazi collaborating relatives run in his veins as he collaborates with the NeoProg Niggazi as Obama warms up the nuclear ovens for this remnant of Jews his ilk missed the first time through.


The not so objective Roger Friedman