Sunday, June 17, 2012

Obama's Asian Lips

The following is I suppose in honor of Uncle David Rockefeller, as without his Ashkenaz research into the cranium shapes built on Jewish scribes studying such things, the world would not have bothered with forensic racial genetics or pulled out brains to figure out that Asians have large skull capacity compared to Negroids.

This blog has been exclusively following the Obama face paint in how his yellow skin changes color. Yes B. Hussein does have yellow skin at times, which of course points not to Stan Ann, his adopted mum, but his real Filipino mum in Anna Chin Soebarkah.

The forensicis of Obama are exclusive here in linguistics to his ethnicity in being the biggest changeling sham ever foisted upon 7 billion humans.

The above reveals Barry Chin's real ethnicity in he is a Chinoid. The term referring to a Chinese Negro mix. In the photos are my favorite tough guy Asian athlete in Heinz Ward of Korean lineage and Barack Obama's murdered half sister, Lia Soetoro Sobah, who was silenced as she started to expose the Obama New Asian Order Secrets as revealed here.

One can note that the Asian mouth is turned down and rounded. It is why weak Negroids and Caucasoids lust in yellow fever after Asian women, in the rounded and turned down mouths have that comforting appeal to sucking infants.

In comparison, one can compare a real African Arab in Barack Obama sr. and note that Obama has nothing in common with those butt lips, no more than Heinz Ward does.
Furthermore in Malcolm 10, one sees Obama has nothing in common with the Afroid American of European dominated looks with the Negroid influx from the maternal side in willing slaves copulating with white masters.

None of this is to say that Barry Chin aka Barack Hussein Obama, does not have white racial lines in him, because he does have Arab and quasi European lineage, Quasi being he is in being risen up from the Asian dope fields of Islam, a progeny of great interest to the Rothschilds who plucked him up and rose him to heights no dope headed mentally retarded runs like a duck illegal border buster should ever have showered upon them.

This then brings one to the Obama Filipino comfort woman and the Horn of Africa dock worker in Obama's real genetic lineage as photographed together in the welcoming party for B. Hussein sr. to Hawaii.


 As one can see, Obama's biological sperm donor father is an almost handsome man, in having that Somali thing going on from the Horn of Africa like Ethiopians exhibit also, as well as the Egyptian.
This points to the rectangular face of the Semitic Arab and due to Rothschild interest, their central Asian rectangular face structure also as one sees in George Soros, who is Ashkenaz also.

The dock worker is actually more attractive than Malcolm 10 and is why people gravitated toward Malcolm X as they could see something in this Obama facial profile which resembled Mr. Little.

Obama though does not have the Semite or European Asian facial structure though, and his dominant gene is Asian form his Chinese Japanese mixed mother of the Phillipines.
While this comfort woman is Chin, she is not dominant Filipino, and leads one to conclude that somewhere in her background, perhaps in transit a Japanese marauder introduced the Rising Sun to her line, and this then further explains why Obama was bowing to the Peking and Tokyo boys, and holding up the Koreans as nuclear fodder, as Obama is rather race oriented in his foreign policy in promoting Osseiran Shia merchants, Kenyan Muslims, while shooting Somali pirates in some retribution in his psyche for the Horn of Africa impregnating his prostitute mum.

Barack Obama in forensic racial profiling recognition, triggers Asian in his mouth structure, Asian in his yellow skin tone, Asian in his slanted eyes, and, Asian in his rounded cranial structure.

He is in absolutely not in any way European in the Dunham, in either English or Irish, in those groups of Israelite Europeans are thin lipped and straight mouthed with a more gaping structure as Malcolm 10 when crossed with the Negroid.

Barack Obama is in genetic order, 60% Asian in a 30% Chinese, 15% Filipino naive 15% Japanese structure.
Into the remaining 40% one has the structure of the Horn of Africa "black", which would entail a structure of 15% Arab from Iraq, 15% Asian Ashkenaz and a 10% Negroid, which is in effect close to the original Obama faux bloodlines from the Luo African Obama at 13% Negroid blood in Obama's veins.

 This is the genetic makeup of the Horn of Africa sperm donor father mingled with the Asian comfort woman which produced this Chinoid Barry Chin, foisted and fabricated upon the world, as Barack Hussein Obama jr.

It is obvious that Barack Obama is not a black African or American Afroid, as his skin is yellow, which all points to south Asia. 
The only mystery of Obama is where those Dumbo ears came from, as blacks do not have large ears nor do Asians, and that includes Ashkenaz like George Soros, Rob Reiner or Billy Crystal as examples as the Ashkenaz ear structure is unique.

One will note though in this mystery, as further exclusives when this blog noted that Lolo Soetoro was Barry Chin's biological relative in being Uncle Lolo in why Obama was named Son of Soebarkah, that Barack Obama and Lolo Soeotoro have the same Indonesian South Asian ears exactly,
While Mya has the same ear structure of her birth mother in Stan Ann Dunham.

Barack Obama though is an Asian by forensic bloodlines and profiling. Facial recognition does not lie. It is just one of the many scientific realities exclusively always found only here, as the world passes by being deluded to the realities plainly before them.

Barack Obama is not an American, and he is barely legally black. All of this has been postulated on for a few years, but no one took the time to take this apart scientifically to show in detail the documentation of this in proving what a fraud Barry Chin is, well Barry Chin is real, but Barack Obama is the fraud.

More to come as I would not want you children getting bored or led down the path of the abyss.

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