I have found something strange about these United States, and that is in every region there is just one a** hole state filled with crapper folks who should just be attacked by neighboring states and they can divide up the spoil.
Like most people, I have always hated California, New York and Minnesota. I though have a new midwestern hatred in Iowa.
Iowa is pure propaganda in being that corn fed state. It is instead a state which is filthy, stinks like mouldy snail anus and has a thrown in odor of some packed away clothes in Gram's basement from 1950.
Iowa really stinks. It's skies are some kind of smog color due to oppressive humidity and God only knows what else is there.
Iowa really has a group of inbred people too which I found in the form of their "police". Police are a good lot supposedly, but Iowa's uniform wearers run speed traps to bilk poor travelers of money and then they let other government race cars fly by.
Furthermore, Iowa has detours manned by cops who have on sign diverting all traffic, and none to return the main road.
I really desire each of you to get the point of the scam which Iowa runs on the rest of Americans forced to traverse that state going to other localities in what a shakedown operation it is for profit where the state police are pimps and the courts are the damned brothel!
Just assume that on a given day, Iowa state pimps hand out 30 citations for "speeding" as they sure as hell speed and every other government employee gets a pass, but these pimps in speed traps on the interstate highways WHICH ARE YOUR HIGHWAYS lurk.
OK, 30 citations a day, and in insider information let us average 100 dollars a citation, which is the brother court get 60 dollars for just filing the case electronically. That is 3000 dollars a day.
Average that out, and that is almost one hundred thousands dollars a month robbed from out of state traveler for "speeding" when in reality the drivers are just trying to get out of traffic jammed up, as Iowa is tearing up roads for Obama bucks.
So a cool million comes into the Iowa courts, but get this scam as it is lucrative beyond belief.
The state pimps make sure to inform EVERY victim they can show up in court in a month, in being generous to them. GET THAT POINT, how would you on vacation be told, "Oh yeah you can fight this, but you will have to come back and waste a few thousand bucks to save a hundred.
The victims are also told they can us snail mail if they sign the DEFENDANT'S COPY in big bold intimidating letters which also in big letters says APPEARANCE PLEA OF GUILTY. and they are forced to sign again this document.
The alternative is paying this all online, and from what this blog has gleaned, it is a remarkable thing in the State of Iowa, simply has an online bank, banking system, and all one does is enter their name, citation or case number, and up pops this immense billboard with the victim's full name.
Of course, this is pay "fines" online which makes it all sound so not guilty........and the victim readily pays the fine using a credit card.
The most nuance part about this is EPAYMENT in checking a case which has been extorted by Iowa simply puts up THERE IS NOTHING OWED FOR THIS CASE.
Can you believe this scam? They take money from traffic victims in intimidation, use all electronic banking and payment, and in the end the judgment reads THERE IS NOTHING OWED FOR THIS CASE.
Sorry Charlie Manson you made a hit in the wrong state, as Iowa apparently does not hand out court findings, but bases everything on how much one owes the racket.
Of course, Iowa has threatening language on it's citations about sending these records to your state of residence in a strong arm of the law. You can bet Iowa rubs it in, in these extortion rackets, in putting it up boldly that these victims are GUILTY.
Where though is the real guilty? Thee Americans who paid for this highway they are driving on, or the Iowa state police extorting money by setting up Americans in entrapment?
The Iowa drivers are pure cowed idiots. I had thought Nebraska people were the brain dead of America, in they drive on Iowa roads not their own, but the surest sign of some idiot causing problems in front of you is the license plate reads IOWA.
Even their license plates are some kind of vomit pasty white pale color thing......they can't even get that thing right.
Even their EMT's trying to be helpful turn out to be idiots in giving the incorrect directions and using landmarks.........that the EMT's actually are not familiar with.
For that reason, in this Obama super bankruptcy, this blog advocates for those Dakota, which make no difference as who cares about them, Nebraska Missouri, Illinois and Minnesota should really just declare war on Iowa and wipe it off the map.
Surely there is not a need for 50 states, and 49 would allow Obama to catch up.
The neighboring states, could just march in like Hitler and Stalin into Poland divide things up.........scorched earth, as Iowans are really Canaanite in being an inbred fag lot.
I should have surmised this with those two Senators in Harkin and Grassley, but God in Heaven, who knew that the entire state was filled with a crooked queer lot of skin head cops and people who should never have driver's licenses?
Iowa is the home to the Iowa road signs too where one has to TURN OFF THE ROAD YOU ARE ON TO STAY ON THE ROAD YOU ARE ON.
Just read that over as it is incomprehensible how one can be driving on a US INTERSTATE and have to take an exit to stay on the very interstate one is on.
I swear in Iowa the time runs backwards, the corn grows upside down and the people are all the products of breach births.
Look America, you have Iowa as your first primary....these people can not even tie their own shoes!!!!!!!!
If you neighboring states refuse to declare on Iowa and end that retarded state, then how about having Obama's good terrorists do some WMD's on Iowa?
Get the point in they pour on millions of gallons of toxins in pesticides and herbicides.......so what diffrence is it going to make if an Obama terrorist just finishes the job?
I suggest they start with the coal fired pollution or natural gas burners they got blazing by Omaha or better yet, there is a ghastly cesspool called Sioux City..........think of the Warsaw ghetto before they flushed it.
No kidding the town is all dug up, it has concrete barriers all over, and it just stinks like mouldy urine with this brownish milky grey sky. Peking looks healthy compared to what is going on there.
Some Madison Avenue types pulled a fast one on the world, as Iowa is not some farmer's dream with grass chewing and healthy looking people. I tell you Iowa is pure Canaanite. It is Sodom and Gomorrah......with the crooks, but with the hint of fire from heaven looming over the sky.
It honestly is like being shoved under Muchelle Obama's arm pit on a hot day!!!!
Seriously same stink, same choking for air, same heat, same damn ugly color.
For that reason,. please America rectify this in Iowa. Take out California, New York, Utah........and just combine them pissy little states out east which are all so small that they have no purpose.
Get down to about 30 states and see how things go, because you really have to clean up your act America. Iowa thinks it is Chicago anal, but it smells like it has the cobb shoved up there and that is where it's brains are.
Sh*t for brains. Yes that is Iowa, and absolute Sodom state police who stink of excrement as they pay highway men.
Who know that little Pyongyang was in that state formerly known as Iowa. It would just be better if Iowa was annexed by some not stinky states with people whose relatives were not all related or had been drunk the first 12 months of their conception.
Iowa is a really a sh*t hole that needs to be cleaned up, and the only way of cleaning up that piss pot is to flush, not once, but twice.
It makes a great deal of sense how Obama got installed into office when one realizes America is led around by a state which is the unsophisticated Gomorrah of the heartland.
To save God from a repeat of fire and brimstone, America should hang the criminal state police of Iowa and follow it up with Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood sterilization of the Obama party.
This entire Iowa thing without sarcasm must be investigate by the Federal Justice Department, and thee entire Iowa court and state police extortion racket must be hauled into court.
Every American who has ever been fined should have these millions of dollar refunded to them by federal mandate and their records expunged from the system, as Iowa has no interest in Justice. It is in a state of injustice numerous times a day.
It is past time this has the light of day shown on it and the culprits behind it are arrested, as America croons over Iowa being the first primary state in some type of Rockwell painting, when in reality it is lewd whorehouse painting which is what that state is.
Iowa, America is now learning of you and Lord willing in time, there will be an investigation into all of this, and every American who has been swindled by that state will have Justice accomplished for them.
What crime did these Americans commit? Why they drove their vehicle into Iowa, on roads they paid for, and had out of state license plates.
Why is it, that if this takes place in Muslim lands it is called terrorism? Why is it if this takes place in any state looking at Mexicans it is called profiling, but when it is in Iowa and these thugs are terrorizing Americans, it is called .........THERE IS NOTHING OWED FOR IN THIS CASE.
Post Script: One more thing children, beyond the wormy state police, there is the reality of Iowa is a bug infested repository of glue like smashed bugs which are disgusting, but what would one expect from a state that reminds one of snail anus slime.
One can travel any surrounding state, and they will not find piles of insects as Iowa produces in disgusting quantities.
I once spoke to a man years ago who fled Iowa. His reason was that he stated the entire state was full of crooks. One could not leave machinery in the fields as the locals would steal anything they could.
I presume they get away with such things is because the state police in Iowa are too busy being highway men feeding the larcenous court system enabling the rest of the predator crooks in that Sodomite land to suck the living out of all who venture there.