Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thee Obama Confessor

As another Lame K. Cherry exclusive.......matter anti matter blah blah blah......

There is a reason children that gas prices are going down by pennies. It is because the same oil barons who dropped fuel prices in 2008 to try and install John McCain, even though B. Hussein's ACORN cronies flipped 10 million GOP votes stole the election, as this is a multi level plan.

Dropping prices deludes Obama into thinking the barons are for him, like Wall Street. It also relieves the pressure a little bit on the consumers which is important for two reasons:

  1. Romney if he steals this back will need an encomic engine with some gas in it, and not have Reagan's 18 months to turn things around as things are that dire.
  2. The barons are concerned the mob will rise up for real and burn down the nation no matter who gets into the White House, as there is no money left in America.
What requires explaining here, is the same oil barons who were dangling Sarah Palin along so she could play coy for two years are the same barons who are backing Romney.

Now in cause and effect this means that Romney actually was behind the backing of Palin, stringing her along, and at the opportune moment, the barons pulled away all support just as Gabby Giffords was shot as an example of what was being prepared for Gov. Palin.
Palin disappeared as was catalogued here, Karl Rove hid under his bed as this was being directed to blame the Bush people, and then for several months, Palin started playing like she was running and had the nomination as that is what she was promised.

These barons made her look like a fool, but when one is informed that the Giffords treatment is going to take place with Libyan missiles, then one flees to the wilderness and protects your babies and your FOX bucks.

It was a coup de skirt really on Palin, and she was suckered, but the point in this is simple in Mitt Romney is acting thee exact same way Palin was, meaning that the same barons have promised him 1600 Penn Avenue, just like John McCain was promised, and none of these people are playing for Lee Atwater keeps in taking on Obama.

Romney has to give people a reason to vote for him in trusting him. Romney at one time ran a Senate campaign to the left of Teddy Kennedy. His last manifestation was being B. Hussein. Now he wants to be  Ronald Reagan, who is acting like George H. W. Bush in not taking off the gloves for Bill Clinton.

Short version there is only 2 scenarios in this:
  1. Romney has been promised the resources and assets to steal back the election from Obama.
  2. Romney is being set up to be defeated and the sucker bet is coming home.

This is why Romney is acting like Sarah Palin, in the oil barons and Wall Street insiders have promised him the White House. We have seen how that all works out against Obama vote engineering in flipping votes on McCain, and how good the word is of the oil barons in teasing Sarah Palin and then dropping her off outside a Mexican whorehouse.

Saint Romney is a demoniac of boring proportions in ruining Conservatives in sabotaging them. His hand could have been behind what was done to Sarah Palin, but he does not have the power to do what was done as he is not the oil and finance barons.
If one factors into this the Giffords assassination attempt, in the talking points released in a full Obama slam dunk on Palin and Bush, that means prior knowledge of that event in it was planned and ran by the shadow government like Breitbart's assassination.

That is where it gets interesting in the Howard Hughes types saw this Giffords operation and approached Palin promising her things in protection and then backed off, just as Hughes bought all 3 candidates in the 1968 election after RFK went tits up in California in a same sanctioned operation.

All of this points to prior knowledge by Obama, and the oil barons knowing very well as Rove did, that this came from Obama and BATF again, no doubt under the machinations of Eric Holder who is queen over this from the Reno days.

This is why Mitt Romney is acting coy and like Obama in not showing up to do his homework and acting like teacher gave him his diploma already. Romney and Obama are both being promised things. Obama knows the protocols which might be acted against him as he has that messiah complex.
Romney though is someone who knows something in voting machine theft operations to undo Obama's voter theft operations.
This is why Holder and Obama are threatening key states like Florida again, as the old radar flipping is being screened this time by Romney connected software and cage systems.

The 2012 American elections are thee most heinous in history, in there have been assassinations, threats of sanctions and voter ballot box tampering as both sides try to steal things in rigging content on numerous fronts.

Mano Romney has been given the Palin Promise in he will be installed into the White House, if he just follows the oil barons cues. It opens up other things if Romney led Palin on by the Barons, and then ruined her deliberately as she ran for her life.
Romney is much more devious and plotting than people suspect as he did this against Fred Thompson, and has been behind the Gingrich smears and has treated Rick Santorum worse than excrement.

Romney acts like he knows a secret. Obama acts like he knows a secret. They both can not occupy 1600 Penn Avenue.

Someone is being lied to again, and both are being lied to if one watches the trends Baby and the ape brothers are logging. Thee most important event on the spider structure being planned is not Syrian overthrow or the American elections. It is a dead Pope, as that is key to European union, or a new union welded together by the Catholic religion.

There are those in the order who invited Obama to Georgetown and Notre Dame and covered up the Name of Christ.
Do not forget that when John Paul I was about to give away all the Vatican finances controlled by the Rothschilds, that he was murdered after a month in office.

It is difficult to believe the death was natural considering all the creatures of the devil who inhabit the Vatican.

French Bishop Marcel Lefebvre

Everyone can not rule the world from one Oval Office. The American Virgin has been sacraficed. Sarah Palin has been gang raped. Offerings of Giffords brains have been given. This has been one large orgy of old order rites. Things have been  unleashed beyond the monkey in Obama's pants he rubs on on for luck.

So America and the world, you got a Mormon who denies Jesus is thee Son of God and instead is a confederate of satan and you got an Obama messiah with halo head beheading the Jesuits in America.

Bless me father for I have sinned..........

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