Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Armageddon Mechanics

The photo above goes by many names from the Tel Megiddo, Har Megiddo, Armageddon, to the Plains of Esdraelon to the Vale of Jezreel. It is though where the most telling of world  battles have ever taken place in power shifts.

I have mentioned previously that Mount Gilboa to the angular right is where King Saul and his sons were slaughtered which placed David on the path to being King of Israel.
General Allenby in World War I, ended the Ottoman Turk Muslim Empire here in a broad sweeping battle to beyond the Jordan.

It is the place though where in the Apocalypse of Jesus thee Son of God, also known as The Revelation of Jesus the Christ which put all the End Times prophecies into linear time sequence, on the synopsis of Jesus speaking in Matthew 24 which is the book of Revelation in time line, where this battle of 200 million soldiers are gathered by God for war against the King of kings and Lord of lords.

There is great fascination in me in this battle from military vantage point, as the kings of the east are mentioned, and it is the European armies occupying North Africa and the Holy  Land which starts the process of setting off this massive battle.

200 million soldiers would require 200 million gallons of water, at least 50 million pounds of bread and rice per day and in more amusing points that would render into 175 million gallons of urine to 40 million pounds of fecal matter.
The feast of the fowls takes place after the battle which if one figures on a 150 pound soldier, and leaving out bones, that with viscera would be after blood flow, about 80 pounds of protein to be consumed or 1.6 billion pounds of food.
That would feed allot of birds, cats, dogs and pigs........and we have not even discussed the horses mentioned as that is the only part of Armageddon I do not like in the ponies will no doubt be slaughtered in mass too, as that is what primitive warfare inflicts.

The mentioning of horses is fascinating, because if horses are there in mass, then that must mean even have taken place to disrupt the flow of oil, and them refinement of crude into diesel and gasoline for transportation.

Nice part of the swords, knives and spears is one never runs out and has an empty clip in them, as they are the weapon which keeps on giving, and that is mentioned by Christ too, in the wood  being picked up for a long time for kindling.

I bring up that the Persian army drank rivers dry in their million mass and churned the soil like a plow in that number of feet marching, so this must be a magnificient battle area, and God will see to it that it is dry so all arrive on time, as the rivers are dried up in the Tigris and Euphrates, which indeed can take place now as Turkey has built massive dams there to control those river waters in flow.

If one presumes that Russia would take the Damascus and Acre route, and the Asians would take the Jordanian route, with the Europeans coming out of Egypt with the Africans, this will be lovely four prong maneuver in the sides lining up literally at the Hill of Megiddo, which is the strategic choke point between the Plains of Sharon on the Mediterranean coast and the interior Plains of Esdraelon.

Did you know that you could put ever person in the world with one foot of space between them in one average American western county? Megiddo is going to be a fine close point on those beautiful wide plains to make war on.......
Something like 2 million Jews, mostly Ashkenaz reside there too, and as Jews are mentioned at war in this too against Christ, that is going to be a most brutal thing.

To me the battle is not the heinous part, as I know Eurasians too well in what beats in their hearts. In 1945, the Russians raped every female from infant to granny, and probably animals too as they tore through east Germany. They have a penchant for gutting pregnant women, raping anything that moves, bashing in babies brains, filleting people and just being quite savage when turned loose.
I think of the women, girls, boys and yes men there, who are alive now, who will experience in their last hours a mass rape, and  before expiring.

Americans, your Mr. Messiah Obama is trusting too much in trinket weapons, and what are you going to do with a few million latins, chinamen and russians doing a landing and raping their way up your coasts. No, the Israelites of America, Oz, western Europe are not mentioned in this Armageddon, but they are mentioned in Jacobs' Trouble often enough in the Old Testament and if one bothers to think of George Washington's Prophecy in America laid waste, perhaps the reason America is not involved is because she is already like western Europe been made captive to the Obama Neo Roman Empire he is forming.
Not like the old days baby children in your ocean fortress. Is impossible to defeat an enemy three times, perhaps this time the Assyrian Germans and Italian Babylonians with a little help from Asians and Russians soak your blood into your soils in defeat.

I digress.

All of those dead, and think of it, if an army loses on long march 1 percent of it's soldiers to sickness, mishap and death, that is 20 million corpses littering the countryside with all the other indigenous victims, both human and fodder from roast dog to fried beef.

The cough of such and army waking up in the morning from night air and dust. That is like 50 million gallons of phlegm upon the landscape.......and the reality is, it is probably in God's Mercy death comes to them, as they probably would starve as PLA Chicoms would marching out, as they would not have any sustanance in the countryside to consume as it would have all been destroyed on invasion, and all that dust is not exactly plentiful in food to begin with.

I wonder in panic how many will be crushed and suffocated in being routed as was always the case for mass assemblies of armies in the spearchuckers would march up and things would go bad for one side, panic would set in, and the back would still be advancing and the advancing enemy would be pressing forward, and it made a high number death count, especially if your archers and slingmen were lobbing volleys into the body mass.

I believe I would like to see this aftermath in the company of generals, Sherman and Patton, at night on a full moon, as Armageddon takes place on Yom Kippur or the Day of Attonement which is the new moon.. Some macabre things would best be viewed under the shroud of darkness in a gentle lunar glow.
The stench would be pronounced even upwind but upon the Judaean Hills the bird pecked skeletons would show up quite brightly, making an offering to the landscape in God's wrath appeased, like stars of the sky upon the ground.

One familiar with such things, knows of this in buffalo carcases upon the plains, sheep after snow melt or in battles where scalped Ohioans had heads glowing like pumpkins in a patch of late winter, when those noble savages of the Native Americans were beyond practicing genocide on Americans.

As far as the eye could see at night, that dull glow of bones, and that earthen sour scent of rotted flesh filling the nostrils.

There is always the fantasy in this, that one would be mounted upon some warhorse steed of fine character, but in reality the saved equine would probably be some Mongolian fuse of hair on short legs or some Russian clodhopper, that would best be viewed in the dark.

I wonder if there breathes a horse in Eurasia with an appointment in destiny for this ride.I hope some Russian brings a Russian Irish setter too for me to redeem, as would be fitting, although my setters might be raised from the dust to join me....and in that I might have my favorite horse raised to life again by then too the Lord willing.....although memory serves he would make it a most interesting ride among the dead as he had an interesting temperament at times.

I deduce that some of the people who treated me badly will have the job of burying the bones. That job would really be hell as it would stink and bones are hard and do not manage in skeletal form well. All that protein though would fatten foul, swine and pets, for an over production of babies in the coming year.
One would think the clouds of flies would prosper insect eating foul and spiders too Amazing things to project out.

It is the pretty place for battle though, and even heathen soldiers should die in a pretty place as the veil covers the vale, as God has His view from Heaven, and the hills would make a nice place to view all of this from depending on wind direction.

There is so much more than just a word of awe in Armageddon for the warrior class who knows of such things. So much energy involved in real combat done hand to hand. Where an energetic giant is victor at the start, but an enduring midget cuts him down due to stamina.
200 million cut down by Christ and His Holy Angels in Glorious Recompense.

Jesus has a white horse and a sword.......

Maybe He might like to go along for the ride, and He could explain things and the generals could add commentary from their battles, and I could sit silently in the saddle listening to General Custer whistle softly Gerry Owen.......

Through a Glass Darkly,

Perhaps I stabbed our Savior
In His sacred helpless side.
Yet I've called His name in blessing
When in after times I died.

Through the travail of the ages
Midst the pomp and toil of war
Have I fought and strove and perished
Countless times upon this star.

I have sinned and I have suffered
Played the hero and the knave
Fought for belly, shame or country
And for each have found a grave.

So as through a glass and darkly
The age long strife I see
Where I fought in many guises,
Many names - but always me.

So forever in the future
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter
But to die again once more.

General George S Patton

The Angelic Knight of Battle

Upon the fruited plain planting time
In the harvest of the years
The blood of final battle
The storm of sweat in torrent fears

The promised land of keeping
Which no human could ever hold
Even by their crimson offerings
The red badge of courage now clotted cold

Oh for the stars of heaven
Reflected in valleys on earth alone
For the land flowing with milk and honey
Now glittering as star field bone

There whistles there beside me
A horse soldier in warrior tune
The victors song in breathing
Atone each note now hewn

The Warrior King of battle
Now the Smyth of ploughshare 
The Angelic Knights of battle
I was the poet there.

Lame K. Cherry
