Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bath Salts Obama

Bathing beauty of the night
Star light twinkle there in grace
Such a dity oh so pretty
Until the vixen eats off your face

Matt Drudge is an interesting intelligence asset, in he Mockingbird chirps in distinct melodies  for the division he receives enumeration by, and those bird songs are are of a narrow definition, but also hint at the stories he is begging the brainwashed population to focus upon and just figure out.

Problem is Mr. Drudge is dealing with a world void of any semblance of understanding, and interestingly it is the conspiracy wackos, the real ones who do wear tinfoil hats who actually are closer to reality than the Obama voter who is enslaved in unions or liberal debauchery.

None of you think any more, and are so cowed in your thoughts by Elton Blonde talking points that the same political drama has you quoting the same things you were quoting about Bill Clinton and it is the Age of Obama.

Why do you think there was the wave of mass shooting in schools by teenagers a decade ago? They came in a patterned spree, and just as suddenly stopped?

Should not something like that click in your brains to make you wonder the cause and effect, beyond the like it was some psychiatric drug melded with video games?

Same Prozac is consumed and same video games, and yet the kid shootings stopped at schools.

It is the same case when Matt Drudge focues on "face eating psychos" with the focus on "gee that black import was a Bible thumper" and no focus on the minor part he was most likely a weed smoker.

I will be blunt in this. Bath salts did not cause this ficking mass face eating, body chopping, body parts in the mail, growling at police saga. There must be a cause and effect.

Ask yourself if you have someone putting the screws to you. Say you are someone who lives outside normal law, but make a fortune out of "illegal things". The things made illegal so the cartel trillionaires have a monopoly on pedophilia, dope, gems, Slavic girls and bogus bills.

Say that the original someone is Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran, AKA Barry Chin, and his benefactors have been setting up a better deal dope syndicate to fund terrorism to install their globally feudal state, and some of the people who are being cut out of the pie, want back in and have some very interesting nuclear armed players backing them who want their cut increased too.

What kind of a message might a competitor send beyond Valentine's Day Massacres in Chicago?
Afterall, one might not want planes flying into trade centers as it is bad for business as Bush 43  educated the criminal syndicate on and he was educated in they did not like Saddam Hussein's goose plucked by W.

In any case, we have before us an odd series of dope heads, sometimes lurking about as Bible thumpers and sometimes as sodomites who are quite cannibal. They have no common geography, but do have enough of them cropping up, to hint that someone with connections has been introducing a substance in key market areas of the drug trade, in just enough proportions to cause the human mind to trigger identity, eating and demonic misbehavior.

Tearing or eating one's face off with teeth is quite a feat. It is quite hard to butcher a human body in dissecting it too, a blood is slippery, excrement stinks and people just do not fall apart like paper dolls.
That points to an Angel Dust hybrid of increased strength, spiked with a delusion of focusing on human identity in the face eating or sending messages in body parts, and the main trigger of hunger or a consuming of others to not be consumed.
It really is quite brilliant. Granted it is not as scary as flesh eating microbes, the then bacteria does not think. It simply kills you unseen on a different type of terror. The boogerman who eats your face off though is the mass gay population, sport jocks or BMW drivers who might just pounce on you after smiling and have a cheek and lip sandwich while you lay there screaming.

See the message gets sent to the Obama folks then in, this is bad for business and will get worse in round two as an entire domino effect starts taking place in, if dope heads get the idea their weed is going to turn them animal, they stop using it, get testy, and then start preying about the landscape looking for other sources as price goes up, and then one million dope heads start growing their own pot, and it really ruins the market or the money laundering aspect for the Rockefellers and other bankers.

These are all "tests" of the Obama regime, his backers, and the Uncle David types who where stuck with Obama to teach the Clinton's a lesson. Nothing is worse than having a foreign Obama screwing up your money laundering as the Rockefellers can't hammer the Rothschilds, but they certainly can figure out a way to teach George W. Bush a lesson in the way the world really operates.

No one in the Mockingbird media is going to explain this to you. This blog will be the only source in this informing you what has really been taking place. The way Obama is obliterating the Middle East dope trade, it is certain other instances are going to start showing up, as Putin and the Peking girls, have a stake in this too, and slipping some cranked up hallucinogens into the weed supply to make a point about the business trade is how one makes a point, as Colin Powell talks about Putin creating a civil war in Assad's Syria, when it is that Ambassador Ford for Obama who is supplying the communists there the weaponry and inteligence as Obama bites another to dust in these nationalist Muslims.

That should about explain things, and as I'm about to pull out my French sword for a trip to the stars in the Oasis Project, I think I will leave it there, as one can not divulge all the secrets in this, as Barry Chin juggles his feudal wars and accepts the collateral damage of a few zombies and the folks who got their faces eaten off.

People, are you that stupid, ignorant and moronic now that you believe it is bath salts causing cannibalism? If that was the case all those PMS Calgon women would have eaten the husband, the lesbian, the kids and the dog with a cat appetizer long ago.
Yes I know these "bath salts" are not ficking water softeners, but you do not get the clues children in this:


 It is reportedly manufactured in China and is chemically similar to the cathinone compounds found in the khat plant of eastern Africa. It comes in the form of tablets or a powder, which users can swallow, snort or inject, producing similar effects to MDMA, amphetamines, and cocaine.

Hmmm, now if one was sending a message about Barry Chin's secrets in his Horn of Africa sperm daddy cock worker and his Filipino mummy, Chinoid Obama, and this was about a New Asian Order....sounds sort of like a designer message for a designer drug for that Obama designer negro now does it not, if one has a functioning brain in comprehending going by the name, hear me roar.

Who spiked the weed and is blaming it on Calgon moments. but folks from the non Obama group being cut out of the traffik.

Aren't you glad I waited until the blood pooled in this face eating stuff, giving you to time to come down from your idiocy, so at least part of this would soak in?

Rhetorical as you would not know how to answer that question correctly.

Rub a dub dub
3 boyz in a tub
And who do you think they may be?
The Barry, the Barack, and that rub a dub cock
Crowing come little ducky to me.


nuff said

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