Wednesday, July 11, 2012

BMW: by my wisdom

There are no parking spaces reserved for BMW owners in heaven, but hell has assigned places for them galore.

Lame Cherry

A woman almost 40 years old trying to look 20, is like a raisin trying to rehydrate to a grape.

If your dick is small, then get a big bank account and not a big gun or engine. If your tits are small like your bank account, but you have a big pussy,  get some big tits as that will help you catch a big bank account with a small dick.

Sinners hide in pews, cowards behind badges and tyrants behind elections.

The last thing you would change about you is most likely the first thing everyone would change about you.

Putting a kid who runs like a duck into the Oval Office just gets you a duck runner in the Oval Office.

You can always tell how low self esteem a woman is by the number of pictures she posts, the number of grinning women in the pictures and how much they lean into each other.

Given the choice between eating your pet dog or an Obama voter, I wonder how many people would choose to starve.

Being a little apostate is like being a little Romney.

One Way, One Truth, One Life. It is not multiple choice.

The love of money is the root of all evil while the root of all Goodness is Love.

A man who thinks he knows it all, has yet to meet a woman who knows him.

I think now if God had told humanity to worship themselves, beat up their parents, murder, rape, lie and steal, that humans might have rebelled to actually being moral.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him until the fish run out, as humans are either welfare lazy expecting fish or baron greedy in killing all the fish.

If you can't stop at one potato chip, you should probably not start killing people.

Distance always seems further when it is something you want.

A prayer is telling God the things He should do. Silence is God telling you that you should be asking.

Being rich only means dying better than the poor, at least until your caregiver suffocates you and takes all your money.

Next war humanity has, let us line up the Rothschilds in the front to lead the charge, and then we shall see if the war starts or peace breaks out.

A friendly dog always bites. A tame horse always kicks. A dull knife always cuts you and an empty gun always blows your head off.

Being bugged is the same as being peopled.

Silence is golden until one wants to hear a precious word.

A messiah for democrats and a messiah denier for the republicans. Hell of an election year.

Obama's blackness is best measured in thimbles and not oceans.

Being a minority is an excuse to making the majority your slaves.

The exciting people you date before marriage are called psychopaths after you say I do.

The older you get the easier it is to be young.

No free people have ever lasted over 200 years, including America.

The one mistake in life I have made is being perfect.

Lame Cherry
