Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bugs Obama

I was wondering where Barack Obama pulled the rabbit teeth out or if it is just a fetish when he says two women who might start a butch sex act in the Mrs. Cameron and M.R. Obama.

Pictures tell a great deal about what is going on in people, like Muchelle has so much bling on to compensate for being a Nigress or it is her new bondage belt slap at the slave runner Brits........but then Mrs. C. is amusing in wearing this devil awful dress pattern which reminds one of the African upholstery the Oprah Winfrey types parade around in when they are feeling Negroid.

In this one, Bugs Obama has his gay pride lips on display, as both Putin and hisself look like the cats who swallowed the canary. Putin is not squared up to Obama meaning he is uncomfortable with him, and he is reaching out with his hand to keep Obama at distance.

A little bit different when Putin is with Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, in both of these men look like they are at a beauty pageant judging which chica has the best thighs. Both are leaning into each other and are discerning the world together.
A great deal different than Sarkozy and Obama hating on Netanyahu.
Yes America's once best ally in the Middle East in the Israeli state is now enjoying the company of the Russian Bolsheviks.

Yes trade Israel for Muslim Brotherhood terrorist Egypt, Libya and Syria. Makes sense, especially as Putin gets nuclear Iran and nuclear Israel. Gee wonder who wins with two nukes and one Bugs Brotherhood Obama in that policy.

Odd is it not how under George W. Bush, America had close cooperation with Russia. How Europe was free. The Middle East was actually less violent and there was less gay policy going on in the negotiations in Obama was not tucking in David Cameron or Obama was not being more flexible in positions with Medvedev.

Let us examine Obama policy. 15 trillion more in debt. Europe in meltdown. Russia and China in war games with Syria in being allied. North Korea firing off nukes. Iran building more nukes. Thee entire Middle East in communist upheaval.
Iraq is imploding. Turkey is at cold war with Israel and Syria. Aghanistan is in full retreat. Pakistan is the nuclear bastard no one wants and no one is dealing with. The international narcotic trade is booming, and only doing so as Obama's policy is to make terrorists rich with running drugs in bribing them with dead US Soldiers and dope money.
Israel is auditioning for a nuclear holocaust from Obama.

America is in the Obama Super Depression he deepened by his deliberate dithering and looting the Treasury by dumping money into Europe and the US Stock Market for his cronies. The Mexican frontier is the most dangerous place on earth.
South America is become an armed communist camp with nuclear overtones thanks to Iran.

Bugs Obama the criminal is blackmailing the puppy press, Congress and key industrial leaders to keep his regime from being indicted for crimes against humanity.

This is all some world freak show, something so bizarre in the Obama cartel manufactures ludicrous stories like his Nobel Prize for doing nothing, and we are all told the world is wonderful when it is turning into a feudal gulag with gangster Obama sodomizing his way as first pimp of the empire of Rome.

This is all insanity and madness. The kook aid has become drunk in such volumes that there is not shame any more in any of these Obamaniacs propping up this regime and they know what cowards and fools they are, and they just do not want to face what little whores they are.

There honestly is not any economy any more. It is all fraud money printing. There are no market  forces.

There are no politicians as elections are shams in which side can steal an election more adeptly. The people do not matter as they are all about being slaves to this feudal world as their votes do not count.

There are no wars as wars were fought for national reasons. Wars are now just fought for funneling money, power or stealing resources for the empire which is not an empire, but a Rothschild committee of dictators deciding which damnation fits the purpose of enslavement worst for humanity.

The world has ended my children and you must stop thinking it is the world you live in which makes sense. Barack Obama is a fraud. The entire world knows he is a fraud and that is why Putin and Netanyahu will have nothing to do with him.

The world is the Mockingbird conspiracy in the things the left accused the right of for a generation, are the things the Obama cartel running the left has actually completed.
The entire world structure has collapses and all the safeguards are off, so the world will have global war in time as the citizenry has nothing left at home to protect as it has all been stolen from them.

The world was once a place cultivated the masses could live in. Now the world under Obama is once a place where the masses will die in.

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