Thursday, July 19, 2012

Internet Legend: Lame Cherry

I really would appreciate it if Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran AKA Barry Chin were the anti Christ, as then he would be interesting to me. I would even settle for anti Mahdi or anti Messiah, but this Chinoid Obama Chin is just so uninteresting as a pseudo negroid even.
He is lint, bed fuzz, dust.....if he even was dog poop he would at least have that mystery of "Oh if I step in it, will it stick", but this Obama is just such a little thing upon my epic journey through this time dimension, that I just can not find anything interesting about him.
Barry Chin, literally has to have thee most powerful of demoniacs propping him up, thee entire media in puppy leash wet humping the global leg, to just have him have a semblance of a presence.

Obama is like a mummy fart, in you just can not tell if it is the mummy or the fart you smell, as the sound even is in need of some thing of substance.

Lame Cherry
I realize I must quote myself often here, because no one in this age is stating anything worth quoting. It is becoming  burden being me now also as Kings of the light trail are now defining me as legendary.

Granted in Lame Cherry knows all, it would please my namesake grantor in Rudyard Kipling that his favorite parts of the world of Kim and paddy, has someone so legendary and all knowing like some Jesus plagiarizing and denying monks performing quite unique mysticisms, that if Obama would just float about the room in trance or even come out of his trance and act normal and not like glorfied turd, there would be something there to at least focus upon as worthy for my attention.

That is the problem in this, in I have to wait about in the brier patching waiting, as one waits when one is waiting for this son of perdition to gain some devil courage and pop  out of Milton's favorite ruling abode and actually come out and play.

I need someone worthy of my attention and Obama just does not do it. He is not even good warm up Spiritual exercise, even with his "behold our name is legion"  entities about the coop with the demon machine.

Let's sing as that might be an awakening 3 AM call to the dogs of the night.

How does your light shine, in the halls of Shambala
I can tell my sister by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala
I can tell my brother by the flowers in her eyes
On the road to Shambala

 Odd how even bad music of the past century was better than the best of the Age of Obama ah passing moment.

Don't sing me Johnny Cash songs. Who do you think I am, Michelle Malkin?

I digress, I apologize as I rarely do.

Sorry, am writing two blogs at once and my computer screen is spider jumping.

Where was I?

Oh yes, I was talking about legendary me, Lame Cherry, who knows all.

Do you realize how hard it is to know all? You have to be interphased with God or interphased with thee entire computer archive network in 8 continents.......oh so you say there are not 8, well Baby Sister even knows there are continents under the ocean, so there.

Did you know ceramic knives are extremely alluring? I'm in love with ceramic knives.

Meanwhile back to finding someone to play with.

It is really bothersome in Mitt Romney is not bright enough to just pay this blog off. But then, there is B. Hussein Chin who was not even intelligent enough in grey matter or brown matter in his sh*t for brains to just pay this blog off. I mean they print money like toilet paper and import tons of counterfeit cash, and they can't even say, "Hey there Lame Cherry, how about 11 million dollars as I hate Rush Limbaugh too".

I do not hate Rush Limbaugh. I do not even know his anal size, and I really have no feelings at all about some intellectual thief who will violate Biblical principles a few times over, as Biblical stuff goes into all kinds of connective tissues.

Did you know that some leader of some country might have approached me for ovary egg donations in order to create a race of me, crossed with sperm, so I could like with an egg flush be the mother an entire country like George Washington was in America?
Certainly would put an end run on evolution advancement in one generation entire nations could be advanced by my genes.

I will offer an egg price of 11 million dollars a laying eggs is hard!!!! Ever seen a happy chicken ? Ain't because Col. Sanders is licking their fingers now is it?
You learn all kinds of things here by just hanging around now don't you.

Yes Lame Cherry is important my children. I call you my children, because you are children compared to me. You just need tending, minding and being told things, because there you go again in your mind wandering off on things, instead of paying attention.

I wonder if it is a better deal to buy one ejaculation for 11 million dollars than one egg lay?

Can't be as no one orders up sunny side sperm. Eggs rule and have got to be the price value, as in sperm you get 11 million so is like a dollar a piece, compared to an 11 million dollar egg. Talk about the  goose who laid the golden egg in the fee fi fo fum there.
That Jack and his magic beanstalk has all kinds of double entendre in it for porn. Although if you ever saw a real beanstalk, you would know they grow like weeds to the clouds.

Where was I?

Yes I'm a legend, and not a myth. I don't have to say it myself, like Rush Limbaugh, but I'm like Chuck Norris, in people just know he is tough and say things about him, and he just can talk about things like biting beer bottle heads off and drinking glass as that is how tough Chuck Norris is. Same with me, I'm so legendary that Kings just say things about me....others have to respond for ginsu.........

Say I sure have had trouble with little ginus girls. Wonder why them Japper chics want to have me as the man in their lives? Hmmm, maybe I should feed them Japper men some steak and eggs....chicken eggs to make them more manly as I really am more than enough man for all these women in being a super chica, but you know, I'm completely fidelity faithful, so I just have to help these Japanese men out and get them from out behind the rice paper.
Who goes to America and stands timing in a chicken house afraid to ask the whore to play posse, but a Japper man.

Ok so this is the deal in I think out of the box, and most people do not get what the box even is, or where I'm thinking as they are all boxed in.I really do like Johnny Cash, but don't sing him to me as I'm not Michelle Malkin.


This really must be said in being an Internet Legend, the Engima, the Epitome of Blogdom......the ....well that is enough as I'm quite modest and one just must be Inspired, work as working for the Lord Jesus, and be a moral person, and you would be surprised how successful you can be in not having all that idiotry which votes for Obama weeded out.

Ronald McDonald, your sister is calling on line 144. She is down on lube......

Shhh use a silent ringer as the pig is taking a nap.

No don't use hog lard you silly sodomite. Use beef as you need the stearic to make clown hair turn orange.

You want to cuddle? What are you a fag?

I did not seek and yet I found.
I did not knock and it opened to me
I did not ask and it was given.
I do like seed of sesame.

I think I should annex Tibet as Richard Gere isn't doing a thing for them and that Dolly Llama isn't liberating anything. I would just tell them Chinese to go order take out and lock the door  behind them and not let them back in.
Turn them all into Christians to get it right, as Jesus is the only Path of Light.

11 million dollars for reproductive features, but lots of legal things in babies have to be raised Christian, as this is about eternal life.

Do you think Rush Limbaugh is getting Elton John to donate sperm to his blackberry which lays eggs for a little non viagra Rush?

See when Lame Cherry is happy, she is quiet or is that he, as I read I'm a male and female online. Great amount of discussion on this from people who are not even trying to buy my eggs.

Trouble is Obama is anti Christian and anti Jesus, quite blasphemous really, but he just is nothing compared to the anti Christ, and he doesn't even have a false prophet holding his end up.........and what kind of church of satan does Obama have for his body of Christ replication, as he can't even keep Chris Rock in the pews.

Obama is just Bruce Chilton vacuous. Obama is the antithesis of me, as he is not legendary and he does not know all.

I guess that is enough in my needs of someone of substance to really play with. I wonder though if the anti Christ pays his bills when he steals intellectual property or spies on girls in showers?

Wouldn't that be something about all these tight wads out there stealing my work and the anti Christ showed them up by paying for it.

The Legend continues.....all knowing......

Did you know that the electronic pulse the NSA uses to gather intelligence, actually mirror signatures in accoustical signature the originating residence and all that is taking place there.

You really would look better in peach colors my dear..........
