Thursday, July 19, 2012

Deep Throat

"Romney was shoved down the throats of conservatives much like the national rationed-death plan was shoved down the throats of the country."

Tiger Lily

This blog was so very pleased in Mano Romney from Mexico border busting traditions, in being a cross border dresser, going off and visiting the plantation of the NAACP in offering them a better slave ship than the Chinoid freighter, PLA Kuntakintae, for the American Negroid, than Barry Chin AKA Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran was offering up.

This pitch is important, but I really need to assist Mormon Romney as I know of a way to help the income structure of the Afroid and the Negroid of Africa and Romney can do just that in making them all wealthy.

Here is the deal in this Obama designer negro stuff. See when racists do not like blacks they get a Mongoloid Negroid fellow named Barry Chin to pose as black guy Obama, and they all go wild for this Chinese guy who is not black, as they are comfortable with soiled genes and not genes of the racial black kind if full measure.
Is like only liking coffee with cream in it........they need to keep the Java not so scary as the dark nights.

So here is the plan in Romney has all these blacks grow out their hair, and go afro. Then some Amish are employed and the sheared black curly hair is combed out of burrs like sheep wool is, and is spun into yarn.
This Negroid Afroid hair wool is then knitted or woven into sweaters or rugs.

It is the Afro Throw......not a toupee, but a rug for you bed, floor or head, depending on what the rich would need it for.

See Obama is a NeoProg, a New Roman Empire stooge. He is Niggazi as in his Niggazi Hoodies like Hitler's SS. He is beyond this though even in Stalin Marxist Bolshevism. All of this adds up to Jews in cattle cars these National Socialists all employ, using people in gulags for slave labor, and it all fits into the Rovian Obama feudal state.
They have done all this before, are doing it with Mexicans now in slave labor, and stealing Muslim oil for Europe via Obama, so why not have blacks worldwide grow their locks out, and then shave them to clean head butter on the head homosexual status, and have it all woven into products not as dastardly as the fabricated Jew skin lamps.
Hair grows back, but skin does a big bush of Negroid hair would sell for like 10,000 dollars. That would help the welfare checks out immensely and as blacks produce numbers of baby bastards, it would be like 8 people in government housing, each earning combined 80,000 dollars a year....same in Africa where that kind of money could buy you a country.

Point is, liberals like Rachel Madow would just love this human hair chic stuff. They would invite people over and roll around on the Negroid hair rug.......they would in Cher start fashion trends in sweaters made from Negroid hair. Hell Oprah could grow her hair out and sell it to the highest bidder and make her Oprah company profitable.

Just think of the price an Oprah rug would bring in her hair woven into things the elite would love to show off in human hair art. Oprah could be the DaVinci of the 21st century.

So this is where Mitt Romney could really liberate the NAACP from their enslavement by Obama. The Negroid could advance himself by producing a product and selling it without doing a thing.

Think of the economic boon in this, in Africans would have all kinds of money to buy American products, and in America, the fashion industry would boom, stocks in pet shaving products would make profit, manufacturing would have looms and things......and the Amish would have a new homegrown industry in not just having sheep wool, but black hair they could sell on 5th Avenue to all the Letterman Cocktail Crowd folks who would just love showing off their own designer negro clothing.

This is big, and this is the message Mitt Romney still needs to send blacks to get their vote. Grow your hair, shave your head, and make a fortune the National Socialist way. Shear the sheep both 4 leg and 2 leg, it is the way to emancipate blacks from Obama, and get the economy out of this Super Depression.

"Are you unemployed? No sir, I'm employed as I'm growing my hair out and that makes me a fine productive worker".
Neo Afroid Negroid NCAAP Moto
