Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lame Cherry to Resurrect America

I realize the drooling on the wall here in scribbles is over most people's intelligence so it is dismissed by the idiotry, but I post this here with all sincerity in raising America from the dead, as Obama has murdered these United States which the Bush family dug the grave for in their socialist Rovian polices.

I do not intend to labor on things before as I provide an honest solution for America which I will lay out here, but my children, you have to comprehend that Mitt Romney and the Rovians are Carnivore Capitalists who prey on others while Barack Obama is a Cannibal Capitalist who eats his own. Dead is dead in both cases and both these money whores want to keep the system in place enslaving all in this feudal state with the intent of killing you off in rationed death.

I have posted on the following in parts previously. I gave this economic plan to John McCain and his advisers and his being one of the elite had no interest in saving Americans.

The only way America can live again is by producing things, creating real jobs, ending the debt structure which enslaves and managing medical care.

This is not that hard to do and is quite simple, as long as one is not Warren Buffett or George Soros being economic rapists for the global order. America once was managed in the 1950's for the benefit of the working masses, because after World War II the government was terrified all those Soldiers would come home and start a revolution in taking things.
One might say and IN EXCLUSIVE HERE, that Truman's war in Korea was designed to kill off in Korea a large percentage of these armed Americans to keep the lid on things at home here. Yes you never heard that fact before.

I can only post things here as I'm not a dictator nor do I have millions in Mockingbird funds. I'm really one of you Americans who is distraught over this, even if my connections are on a different scale than most of your liberals and Conservatives reading this.
I do want the best for you my children, and while I have been sworn to not interfere with God's plans, I have been told to warn you. The Prophets always had a message of Hope and Restoration, and placing this here is not going to interfere with God's plans. It might be a witness against you if you do not act, because evil only triumphs when good people do not do anything.

The anything in this is simple my wards and it will require each of you to take this blog and post it in the relevant parts, send it to all of your talking heads, make your parties discuss it and put it into the conversation as Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have not one proposal to save your lives. This is your salvation and it is up to you to Tea Party shake your stooge leaders into incorporating it into planks as your party's policy which must be implemented no matter who is at 1600 Penn Avenue.

If you desire, you can write Lame Cherry instead of Micky Mouse in as the presidential vote to get attention. The important thing is, that each of you have proven fire starters in enough of you do yell loud enough that the things here are stolen and key words do start showing up in the Mockingbird crowd.

The Lame Cherry Doctrine of American Salvation

It shall be the policy of these United States for the common good and welfare of the people, to once again create stores of food, metals, material and manufactured goods for a 7 year doomsday cycle of survival as Joseph accomplished for the Egyptians.

By enacting this, goods made in America will be purchased, which in turn will not be Wall Street or bank bailouts or dumps by Obama and Geithner, but like Ronald Reagan will be buying "things" which people make, which will start the economy moving again in mass.
Price bids will be sealed for this period to stop inflation. 1/7th of the stores will be replaced every 7 years to assist the poor in gaining access to appliances, food stuffs etc...

This reserve will include steel, copper, precious metals, to food grains, cheeses, dried vegetables, and durable clothing of the denim type.

This program will be for national security, along with the building by homeowners in grant, disaster shelters well stocked  for EMP, nuclear, meteoric or any other calamity for the survival of these United States.

Enacting it will make the economy boom, and replacing it in part in rotation will keep this bubble from bursting.

Oil and natural gas will be drilled and untapped for the American national market and for key trading partners, so the price will not be above 1.00 per gallon for fuel.
This price will cause an immense surge in American's buying power in having more money for real life necessities.

This structure will be maintained by the 50 states and not Washington DC.

America will as in the Reagan Administration begin a program of firearm distribution to militias to secure these 50 United States.

America will create a Walmart zone in Northern Mexico to Americanize it in education, medical and job structure, as a trading partner with America to secure the southern border.

America will in the east implement in Orange Free State South Africa, England and the Israeli state, super trade partners for US assets to the Europeans.
America will in the west implement in Japan, the Philippines and Taiwan, super trade partners for US assets to Asians.
These allies will have full benefit of the same US doomsday stockpiles in their own nativity, and in buffer trade zones expand economically to become superpowers in economics again benefiting America, and creating a non flash point between Eurasian powers and America.

America will build a super rail structure along the interstate highway system to expand technology, provide fast and cheap transportation which will be overseen by the airline industry, Boeing, Apple and Microsoft, GE, IBM and the American automakers with each creating a part of this line, and thereby employing several million people in this project.
These tube trains which I have written of before would also be linked to Europe and Asia for 200 mph transportation which will be fast, effective and safe.

Completing this project in a pneumatic system will be green and will make a more cost effective transportation apparatus to benefit America on national security.
This line will be placed on either side of the interstate highway structure for right of way.

On the medical front as has been espoused here, this doctrine will employ 250,000 nurse practioners via the United States military, under the Surgeon General, whereby Citizens who can not afford care will be cared for at 20 dollars per visit, which will come out of existing welfare payments.
This practical care will remove the majority of costs to the medical industry which passes these unpaid users onto insurance and other paying clients.

If more demanding medical treatment is necessary, then it will move up to the hospital structure, but this base out patient and in home care structure will be the remedy of ending the costs of medicare and medicade, by make treatment a set cost with nurse practioners duties expanded in minor surgeries etc.. at a base salary of 100,000 per year.

There literally is not any way to pay off the 15 trillion dollar Bush and Obama debt, even by inflation and it is why the fractal lenders of fiat currency engaged this usury structure on Americans and the west.

In that, this doctrine removes this structure by the US Government issuing Silver, Gold and Gemstone certificates whose value will be 1 US Dollar, but will purchase in the 1 to 1000 dollar range of the current fit dollar.
What this will do is deflate the price of the 16 cent Obama dollar in time, as it will not be in demand. Only US Citizens will be permitted to own the Certified Dollar and it will be in the control of the 50 states in their banking structure. It will not be traded nor bartered. It is a currency which will remain a base structure and unchanged guaranteed of value by the US Government. It will remain in full 100 cents on the Dollar perpetually.

The US will pay it's debts off in full, but that debt will be deflated from the inflation created by the Rothschild Rockefeller fractal lending of the 1970's tagging the dollar to the price of oil.

America will by national decree transfer the US debt to the fractal lending super bankers of Europe and America in the Federal Reserve who now hold 100 trillion in US assets they have plundered from the American people for the past generation.

By solving energy needs, employing people, making an investment in individual security in a national Joseph disaster reserve, as America was once legally required to hold in food stores, and by treating the poor cost effectively, this Lame Cherry Doctrine will fix the cost structure and the debt structure.

I do not claim to have the entire solution and all are welcome to build upon this, but this is the only platform in any party meant to resurrect America and stop this political rapine of the Citizens. It is sound. It is proven. It is a return to proven policies of history when America was an economic superpower.

This will work and it will be necessary for each of you Americans to repost this, drive your talking heads nuts until Mark Levin is screaming about how this Milton Friedman policy will not work and Ed Schultz will be ranting how Obama Super Depression is a great deal.
When you bother the minority elite enough, they will start responding and start talking. When you get them scared enough in Tea Party gatherings they will start implementing this doctrine in promises of things they will do.

It is up to you in the end or you will face your end. This is the simple solution and I honestly would run as a write in candidate to get this going with Sarah Palin as my Vice President whether she wants it or not. I would serve until January 21, 2013 and after signing this all into law, outlawing Obama's decrees, and impeaching Roberts, Kagan and Sotomeyer would turn it all over the the Alaskan as she can even follow the directions of this plan.

This is how to resurrect America and it will work. Biblically you know what is coming in the Great Tribulation. Preparing for it, or a known scientific calamity is how to keep you alive and get America secure again along with chosen allies to trade with and keep the wars there and not on American shores.

God bless.

nuff said.