Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Obama Bad Omen

This blog is the only source exposing the Spiritual upheaval due to Barack Hussein Obama Osserian AKA Barry Chin.

It is no accident thee American Spirits have gone in God's fury forth with a sing of wrath in the Rationed Death of America in the Cyclonic Events which smashed the east coast and will leave DC in the dark, as in a 3 Days of Darkness sign.

These signs have been perpetual and certain from storms hitting the White House to Presidental Seals ripped off to Divine Lightning almost hitting Obama to Storms smashing Lincoln Day Event in Illinois.

America has now been officially aborted as that is what John Roberts ruling on Obamacare is. It is the Post Birth Aborticde of America, and the protective Spirits, the protective Forefathers and Foremothers, along with God Almighty are unleashing these warnings to repent, as certain as the fiery heat of this predicted Orange Harvest Moon of December as was only featured here, is making America now pass under the rod.

You have been warned and the signs have been explained exclusively here. Mitt Romney had better stop being an apostate Mormon and Americans had better Make Peace with God. This is only the start in your grave in the Obama Abyss as worse will follow.

agtG 220

PS: A hurricane on land is CYCLONE. A cyclone is not a tornado, but a hurricane style front of immense damage.

'Land Hurricane' Leaves 13 Dead, Millions Without Power...
Cell Phone Service Crashes in DC Area...
Train Passengers Stranded 20 Hours...
Gas Stations Packed, Run Dry...