Monday, July 2, 2012

The Romney Trigger

Only this blog has exclusively exposed the contingency plans for Barack Hussein Obama second theft of the American Presidency. One must comprehend though that there are various levels of this plan which do included violence in all forms.

Obama Axelrod laid this out in 2008 when they initiated as only this blog covered fully the "white danger" in America to Obama in BATF arresting those two loons in Missouri and got them to confess to all sorts of things which were planted in the news, in order to guilt white people to vote for Obama or not to vote for McCain.
You never did figure out did You children the "Pretty Muchelle" campaign was reverse psychology to feel bad for this negroid woman with an ass as big as two states, and to make people not want to voter for "pretty Sarah Palin" and winning one for the ugly black girls who all these Harry Smith types had made fun of in school.

That is an exclusive, and you still do not know the depths to what Obama sank to in order to manipulate the American mass populace for these 4 years, since he arrived in the scene as an "American".

You must though understand the facets of this overlaid planning by Obama to use race and violence in the 2012 campaign, beyond offering up a  doped up Niggazi hoodie in Travyon Martin to intimidate the voter base.
It took Al Sharpton a few months to figure it out, but when he did in comprehending that Obama set all blacks up to have this backfire on them, even Rev. Al left the building and the entire black community is growing very uneasy about what theater Obama is going to involve them in next.

There is not one Romney Option on the protocols, but are several and each one is gauged by the amount of polling data and how it is trending for Romney. Obama can not  really do anything until Romney secures the actual nomination, beyond attacking on Romney being richer than Obama. The protocols will not be initiated until after the GOP convention, and they will be with deadly events depending on Romney's polling lead.

Currently Romney has about a  25 point lead on Obama. Everyone knows it and Obama is treading water until he can start bringing out the Lenin playbook, because as was only exclusively shown here, Lenin was the original instigator of this with attempts on his own life, and murdering his rivals.

The plans are quite mundane and simple. BATF which is under scrutiny from the GOP Congress is the playbook in this again in having numerous maze rats they have been conditioning for each Obama event from Muslim attacks to white American attacks.

The basis of this is, is simple in if Obama is 20 points behind and lower, he will then activate a Hutatree Loughner fulfilling a profile of white, western and Mormon as a triggerman. There will be some attractive female lurking about in the background in the fringe as was with Oklahoma City to trigger that response too, and she will be religious of sorts to trigger again the left's hatred of Christians and to make all those religious women who hate being in bondage to some man over them, to shame them and get them to vote for Obama or not vote for Romney.
In Obama's playbook, there is a finding on polling that Obama can actually win Utah if such a public humiliation of Romney takes place in Mormons would be forced to vote for Obama to make up for the guilt of their cult.

Another exclusive.

If Romney is over 25% in lead, then the Sarah Palin option is there, in there will be, another right wing religious zealot who hates Mormons, hates the niggers, hates the Mexicans, hates women, but loves guns, Bibles and........George Allen, who will be unleashed. The profile should be southern white redneck, so in order to guilt the South in schism in one of their own took Mitt Romney out of the lead.

This is the Romney Trigger protocols at the extreme from the Obama private diaries. There are less lethal measures involved, but the reality is Barry Chin the Obamachurian knows completely to a point what the protocols will activate and when for him to steal the Presidency again and to protect his benefactors in all the crimes they have committed.

These are events which Obama's global benefactors have no problem in offering up Obama to seal their criminal trail and to guilt the world in "how they could have JFK'd one of their saviors again".
It has all been exposed enough here for the astute to lay out the trail of this in the basic operational modes.

If Obama is removed from office, it will come from inside, from the Hillary Clinton group and it will be pointed to either Muslims or white America.

The signs of this all have been about since Day One, in what Obama had ATF accomplishing BEFORE HOLDER TOOK OFFICE. This means of course just as Valerie Plame was a Clinton Armitage agent to get at Dick Cheney so Colin Powell would be Vice President (You didn't know that all did you either), that Obama has NeoProg agents inside the government serving him from blackmail to all sorts of murderous projects.
Obama in having his Marine One diverted was as much a message as when Wes Clarke posted the helo plans and pointed them at Iran in 2009.

There have been many propaganda scuffing events for Obama, and the left has been fully Gabby Gifford engaged in this. Matt Drudge posting that photo of Romney is Mockingbird in Romney having his trigger finger cocked. You were supposed to be astute enough to figure out that this was about violence in this political election and the Romney camp will be fingered for the trigger job on Barry Chin.
The alternative is if Obama can not steal this election in vote flipping again, Romney will face the Obama trigger and depending on Obama's need to either smear Muslims or Christians, that candidate will trend.

Do not miss the facts my children in I have been warning that Tim Tebow has been a target in this for a set up, and if you missed it, Tebow is involved with the Romney camp. Baby the greatest plasma mind ever has  been pointing to these things in which she was hearing from the lords and the priests. They are on record here if you were bright enough to figure out what has been posted exclusively here.
Sometimes I have to like Matt Drudge in just having you perceive what is taking place, and sometimes I have to post things to try and protect this foreign agent Obama from hisself in exposing enough, so things planned will be diverted.

........all the while his assinine bloggers attack what is posted here as racist and insane.

The events are clicking down now and things are cementing. For free I continue to protect America from the brier patch while you ingrates horde your cash and the elite who this is all saving from the mob, refuse to honor this blog.

It would help if the state police would stop their..........demented it is all of satan and each of you will answer for this as you are indeed your sisters keeper.

Lame Cherry
7 hours ago – Why the American Republic is dead and will not rise out of the Obama Abyss It all stems from the Obama 15 trillion dollar transfer of American ...

Mar 4, 2012

Children, this is an exclusive as you require further proofs of ...

Dec 30, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011 ..... Dec 31 (4), Dec 30 (4), Dec ...

Dec 24, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011 ..... Dec 31 (4), Dec 30 (4), Dec ...

Dec 16, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011 ..... Dec 25 (4), Dec 24 (3), Dec ...

Dec 25, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011 ... Schiller, right, stands behind ...

Dec 20, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011 .... Dec 29 (4), Dec 28 (5), Dec ...
Yes who is Lame Cherry? 

You should be more interested in where your offering has been and what you will be put through by the events as you have your 11 million dollar Limbaugh moment.

The enigma continues.....

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