This blog apologizes for always being right, as it realizes how inferior it makes weak livestock kept in the Obama pen.
Such as when this blog in forensic psychology pointed out that Barack Obama suffered from BIG WHITE PENIS ENVY, and that black women all wanted to be owned by white penis, that this was the psychological condition of most blacks and why the Afroid was forced into voting for a Chinoid in Obama.
This was all proven in the news that Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin, wears David Spiceboy Beckham's underwear.
Muchelle insists on it, and gets wet over white boy Beckham and the Obama nymphs of Sloven and Queenie have sweaty, muscular, manlusting photos of white man Beckham on their bedroom walls where such mum things go on in oversexualized girls of that age.
One pictures the Obamas on the second floor of the White House all sitting around in their underwear, after cherry pie, discussing all the things they would like to do, and white guy Beckham is what they all want to do family style.
I do not know if Beckham is into the kind of Obama perversion which permeates the Chin and Obama clans from prostitution, to having racial fevers, to pedophilia, to having sex with mum, pop and the kids, but apparently the Barack Hussein has a thing for such things as this blog noted time and again how Obama sexualized his daughters, Muchelle let the oldest one tramp around with bling naked black men in Rome and the infamous dating of the daughters by Barry.
This blog is proven right, as I know of nothing in Freud or Jung which matches this in an entire family lusting after a white man and the father wearing the underwear of David Beckham.
I do know Beckham has a thing for women with no talent, who look like they line out heroin by the gallon daily and are sickly blonde appearing in need of food, but if one likes having sex with people who look like they are dying, then necrophilia is legal I guess while still breathing and the corpse says yes, but this other stuff one must be in the third world or in the Obama shower after a game of golf.
In noting David Beckham in why Muchelle likes seeing Barack in these boxer briefs, Mr. Beckham is a bit on the non showy side, as in he builds muscle and plays soccer to overcome his shortcomings in other areas so women will not laugh at the limits below the belt........
That is understandable, as Muchelle does have a large show and would not want to be shown up in bed, and well one does have to work up from finger sized males to get into the BIG WHITE PENIS sized males that all are in envy of in the African, Afroid and Negroid classes.
None of this can be helped in David Beckham is the kind of soccer male which bisexuals, black women and young females hearing mummy and poppy in the bedroom calling out, "Oh David go in for the score", as the match has been over hours before, just affects children in pervert households at 1600 Penn Avenue.
One just has to deal with the English fag having appeal for the Obama fag class.
It is all sad as Pele started this whole thing with so much promise in a washed up soccer player who was black was bought by America to make money, and no one cared to watch soccer as it was only fun to play. So Pele was sent home, and in 20 years there came David Beckham bought for his pound of flesh, and all he did was stir up some Obama passions of wetness as he got hurt and started selling underwear.
In this, there was no black lust for Pele and the lust now is not for any blacks of commercial value, and the American Afroid and Chinoid in Obama only wants a white man again.
It does though prove that when it comes to white men that even a small penis takes on size to blacks and why they need to mystique in all claiming to have large appendages to make up for lack of success.
I do though have to cut this off, as in writing of the Obama's lust for white penis, a process alert started on my computer in warning me of security things, as someone is trying to tap my hard drive.
Perhaps is Barack, Muchelle and the girls trying to get Beckham's contact information as he an I of course are best of chums. Drinking ail , eating chips and waiting for the bangers to come off the fry.
I was thinking though in Beckham does look sooty like a chimney sweep and perhaps that is all the Obama's really want is a little soot rubbing off on them in dirtying up the white folks they are.
Is a pity in Muchelle though went for exotic Asian, and now in her wise old age of 50 she has come to terms that she really does want a white man in trading up. Today the boxers tomorrow the white man. Yes if only Barack Obama was really half Irish as he claims then Muchelle would have her white man and not this Chinese Obama, as the girls in Stevie Wonder and Donald Young, want all the white now too.
If only Muchelle had found some blind, large penis, white man in Chicago, who drank allot so she could take advantage of him, the of course little appendage David Beckham would not be having to give his underwear away to the Obama's.........
I wonder if that is like sexing the black wife by making her old man wear his underwear as sort of a "lord taking full liberties in the peasants of his manor".
Please all of the Jeff Rense and Obama voters who try to contact me in feeling inferior, but the FBI grabs your emails first, do not feel inferior, as you chose Mockingbird and Obama, and that being a wrong choice is like