Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why is Barack Obama protecting his anus scented Iowa?


My children, I have come to a startling conclusion and a conclusive revelation, based upon fact and not theory, in the state policia of Iowa are not thee only snail anus problem in Iowa along with the brown atmosphere, 3 people choosing B. Hussein Obama Osseiran in caucus and he becomes squatter in the White House and the stench of Iowa which is the odoriferous aroma of snail this is much worse in scope, as Iowa is an assault upon the environment in Iowa is such a repulsive nostralian pungency, that this blog calls upon thee entire environmental movement to protest the NOSTRIL HOLOCAUST  which Iowa is.

If you recall my children, I called upon those flyover neighboring states to attack Iowa and divide up the spoil, because Iowa is such a stench, it can only be rectified by it's division in other clean states as the beautiful Minnesota, home to 10,000 lakes encrusted with scum and they scummy Al Franken.........

I digress, but I did not realize that Iowa would declare war on it's neighboring states already in turning them into toxic sinus dumps.

I realized this discovery by accident really, as I was measuring Iowa for my NFZ, Non Federal Zone, where I would rule as First Citizen in a real free America.

You see one just does not take over some county without first seeing it's vistas from other states, and that includes the neighboring states, as I fully intend to have good relations with my neighboring states in assisting their Citizenry to be free also.

Well, it was a hot day I drove through snail anus scented Iowa, and one had to run the air conditioning unit, or one would boil or worse yet one might smell Iowa, as Iowa truly is the dead skunk in the middle of the road which permeates the interior of said automobiles with stench.

In any odor, in leaving Iowa's smelly confines, I was startled that there is this pig pen cloud which drifts from Iowa, and it permeates all other states.
This odor of snail anus is in the 75 mile range as it invades surrounding states. As I traveled I thought, wow these states all smell like stinky Iowa.......and yet I new in previous escapades, that they indeed did not and had pleasant enough nasal stimulus.......but in the heat of Iowa, there was now in terror invasion of other states of the nose kind.

Who would have ever thought that as first strike by Iowa would be their choice. How they would stink out their border neighbors, leaving them with sinus infection, sneezing, coughing, lung swelling and in time death, as some fungus, algae or bacteria attacks these American innocents.
Yes Iowa has a scorched earth without the firestorm, the ethnic cleansing without cattle cars, and yes the final solution without Jews being incinerated in less than 6 million numbers. Yes Iowa, has become the scented terrorist of the 21st century, engulfing neighboring states with it's plague of nasalania.

Where is the Sierra Club, the PETA the those environmental terrorists who support Obama. Why is it a Conservative Chic must stand up for America's other 49 states before there is no more wiffs of fresh air, but only the snail anus smelliness of Iowa.

Is it not enough that Iowa has hijacked America in it's liberalism Neoprogness in pretending to be right wing farm folk and are nothing but filthy lucre lusting liberals. Now they have declared war on America!!!!!!!

Yes B. Hussein tried to keep America from being dusty at EPA regulations, but who knew with all that sinister burning clean natural gas in huge power plants, depleting America's Alaskan supply, that Iowa was working a much more communally organized mephitis. Who knew that Iowa fetor unleashed was invading other states in the land of the foreign Obama and home of Marxists.
Who knew that deep down it was not the sulfur smell coming from the hell of Iowa in judgment, but that Iowa was generating a sinus swelling, head aching and stomach wrenching ghetto green vomit type of humanicide, which was the color of bleached out brown poop, but smelling more like something fermented to decomposition.

This blog calls upon the other 49 states to demand that Iowa stop this stink bomb attack, as is it not fleecing and preying upon innocent poor drivers from other states enough?
Yes I even noticed that after this blog exposed Iowa for it's nefarious SS operation in being highway bandits in uniforms with guns, that they went into hiding........but in my scentmometer detecting, I noticed those wonderful State Troopers from Kansas, not even bordering Iowa were preying on innocents too........just because the upward draft of Iowa stench had placed in Kansas that snail anus smell on the border too.

Make no mistake my children, this is a reality, as one can follow literally the buzzard trail into Missouri as those poor mistaken vultures smelling thee anus of Iowa on the lofty hills of Missouri, think there is carrion galore there, and all they are doing in flapping themselves to starvation looking for that dead pile of rotting meat, and in is only Iowa 200 miles away.

Please let us save the vultures at least from Iowa, as perhaps Obama environmentalists would prefer dead Americans in a 100 mile zone around smelly Iowa in a type or Raid for Obama destroying the GOP GULF or the Missouri River drainage landowners in the past 2 years.

For the good of the heartland of nowhere America, please make a call for all to end the nefarious plans of Iowa upon the 49 other or 56 other American states, considering Mr. Obama likes 57 states.

Surely as Lady Bird Johnson mandated all interstates and highways not to have junk or billboards close to the roadways, that all environmentalists can petition Mr. Obama in this national emergency to declare a state of emergency on Iowa, calling out federal troops to secure the borders by keeping the stink of Iowa within her cesspool haunts.

Iowa, while America slumbered, took the first blow in attacking other states at the ballot box and the sinus cavity. There must be federal troops involved, BATF as this scent of Iowa must surely be explosive, EPA must be ordered in with hazmat suits to do testing, and yes there must be Congressional hearings and presidential debates in the two border busters Mano Romney and Barry Chin, telling America what it will do concerning this....I mean what they will do concerning Iowa's maldor aroma.

Let America's nostrils flare
From sea to scentless sea
Let Americans breathe fresh air
Let Americans olefactories be set free

Yes Imagine, yes, imagine, Muchelle Obama's armpits, unshaved, with Barry's jockstrap ball sweat with Uncl Frank's urine soaks pee, week old dead fish, all the rotting dead Muslims Obama has murderer, all the piles of poop the Obama's have flushed, coupled with thee worst smells you ever smelled, and combined, they are still not together worse than what Iowa smells like in this toxic shock scentdrome she has wafted upon America.

Make , yes make no mistake in this, like poultry guts, this Iowa stench does not wash off, and I scented Iowa 75 miles upwind from her.

Iowa is a Nostril Holocaust!!!!!!!
