Friday, July 20, 2012

Vice President Jeb Bush 2012

This blog now sees the merits of Jeb Bush being Vice President to border buster Mexicano Mitt Romney, as that is what Jeb Bush has been positioning hisself for since 2009 in being Obama's twin or Barry Chin's Twin.

For those who forget, this blog does not. In thee worst of Obama Bolshevism of that era when he seized power, Newsbusters of the Buckley clan, who voted for Obama in Buckley's boy was stating that Americans who disagreed with Obama were suffering from OBAMA DERANGEMENT SYNDROME.

Yes just like Bobby and Jack Kennedy were trying to throw Conservatives into nut houses in 1961 for being Conservative, the Rhinerds were busy smearing Americans as nuts for not desiring to plunge into the Obama Abyss which this blog warned of.

Into this was Jeb Bush's :LISTENING TOUR. You remember that when Jebby said that Ronald Reagan was dead and it was time to move on. Yes Jeb Bush called Ronald Reagan ROAD KILL.

So you see when you have Mormon Romney the apostate father of Obamacare and running for office to the left of Teddy Kennedy, what could be better in Karl Rove's manipulations in destroying Conservatives like George Allen and Trent Lott and installing Al Franken and Barack Obama, that Jebby Bush would be the perfect anti Reagan candidate for the White House.

Old man George H. W. was the one with Jim Baker and crew who spent all of his first term months literally trashing Reagan in the press deliberately to try and build himself up.

Gee even Ronald Reagan was shot by a shot not from John Hinkley, but from the hotel behind as Judy Woodruff reported that day of this assassination in hearing the shot from there.

So what would be more appropriate than the Afro Boys in Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, being on the ticket to replace Barack Obama, as Obama was busy dismantling what was left of Ronald Reagan policy for freedom around the world.

Maybe with this duo, they would dig up Reagan and dump him in the ocean along side bin Laden's corpse............

Say note to this, did you notice how Obama after murdering Sheik bin Laden's corpse in bin Laden being a fascist that Obama like in Egypt, Yemen, Libya and in Syria replaced the nationalist fascist with a communist fascist in Dr. Zawahiri, and now Obama is no longer hunting his communist doc?

I digress......

All of this though reality is a GOP reality in now America can get rid of Obama and Biden and actually get a duo who hate Ronald Reagan worse than Obama and Biden does......and loves Obama policy more than Obama and Biden do.

What could be better than that really in the GOP controlling Congress, and the White House, and there in the Supreme Court are the 5 communist taitors led by John Roberts.......the guy who coordinated with Governor Jeb Bush in 2000 to keep Al Gore from stealing the election. That is how Roberts got the job at the Supreme Court and his payback was keeping Obamacare in place for the Carnivore Capitalists getting money from all this in Mitt Romney's Wall Street pirates.

So I see this as a perfect plan in all three branches of government will be in thee Rockefeller Marxist control, instead of the Soros Marxist control, and with Jeb Bush as VP, everything Obama will be cemented into place and the world will be an Obama legacy.........with two points.

Point 1: The cartel will probably have to make Obama room temperature to cover up all their crimes.

Point 2: The cartel will probably have to make Romney room temperature as Jeb will have to be president to make more crimes to further the feudal world along.

What could be better than that really in all those funerals and Jeb Bush as President in waiting, and all that free pastry and wine at the wakes will make his fat jowls sag to his tit zone for a really appealing President Jeb.

So behind that Romney afro and shades, there lurks thee only choice for Vice President in Jeb Bush. Thee only man in the GOP who hates Ronald Reagan like Romney more than Barack Obama and Ron Reagan jr.

Vote Romney Bush 2012, anyone but Obama!!!!!!!!!

Note to Mittens and Jebby: You think what this blog in God's Grace did in Inspiration to Barry Chin was only something which could be done to him.......... You have not seen what this blog can accomplish when motivated. You should have paid me off which was the mistake the Obama regime made in not figuring out the power dispersed here in driving the national and international conversation.

You and Mum Bush, set up Sarah Palin, led that tart out to Vegas and made a whore out of her before dumping her in the desert. Not going to forget that gang rape you pulled with Obama, and by God's Grace, He will reach in to your inner sanctums and make your ivory towers shake for your paris balls.

You piss in my tent and I will deluge yours as I have a whale sized cock.

Lame Cherry

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Boogie fever,
got to boogie down Boogie fever
I think it's going aroun'